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blacklight v3.0 (Mar09) released!

After a ‘short delay’, V3.0 of the Blacklight controls are here! Thank very much for you patience with this release.

The showcase will be updated very shortly for you to see all of the controls in action!

Get the latest release here!

As always, here are the highlights for this release…



We have focused on providing controls that allow designers to start adding rich data and content to their application, without the need for code. This release sees 3 such controls: LiveSearchListBox, SyndicationFeedListBox and DeepZoomViewer!


Live Search List Box

imageimageThe Live Search List Box provides Live Search functionality. The XAML below shows how to incorporate this control – no C# required!


The Live Search List Box links to the search text box, and buttons by passing in their names. Simple! Get an application ID from right now to get going!

Syndication Feed List Box


The Syndication Feed List Box makes it very simple to include RSS feeds into your application.


Deep Zoom Viewer

The Deep Zoom Viewer provides a drag and drop control that displays deep zoom images and give you all the interactivity required to navigate around, including mouse wheel support!




Animated Expander


The Animated Expander is a control provides the ability to expand and collapse UI elements with an animation.

Updated Showcase Navigation

As more controls became available, we have reshuffled the showcase navigation to make it easier to find the control you are after…




The project has had a BIG structural overhaul, and some namespace changes. This could result in some breaking changes in you application. Please use the codeplex discussion boards for further assistance.

The overhaul has been necessary to allow WPF and Silverlight to share controls, meaning plenty more controls for WPF too. The list below shows what is available for WPF now..


Thanks again for you patience.

Get the latest stuff from the code plex site here.

See the showcase here.

