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Service Factory now available for download!

I wanted to congratulate the Patterns & Practices Team, for releasing the first version of the Web Service Software Factory yesterday. As Don mentions in his blog, they are already working a WCF version of the factory, so stay tuned.

Don Smith:                

Before I get ahead of myself, which comes pretty easy for me , here’s the link to learn more about and download the Service Factory.


Wow, I’ve been waiting 8 months to write this blog entry. After months of planning, arguing, development, sleep deprivation, testing, writing, and making sure all of that wasn’t in vain, the Service Factory has actually made it onto MSDN. Since this is MY blog, I feel like I can be more personal than the other announcements I’ve written recently. This release actually means quite a lot to me. Not only is it the first p&p deliverable I’ve been involved in from the VERY beginning, but I truly believe it will revolutionize the way organizations build services. I believe it can have this impact because the deliverable has see a huge amount of customer and community involvement and it has a very solid future. We’ve been building the next version, which will include WCF guidance, has been under development since we started this [ASMX] release. AND we already have a good idea what the v3 will look like.


If you’re building services today and don’t know what I’m talking about, I would STRONGLY encourage you to spend some time evaluating Service Factory. Not only will it give you confidence that you are building services the right way today, but you’ll have all of the guidance you need to ensure you’re on the right track to build or migrate to WCF services in the future. I’m tellin’ ya, this is bigtime!


I’m working on some hands-on labs right now that I hope to have done within a week. This will really help you get up to speed quickly. I’ll post another entry once I’ve posted them on the community workspace. For now the webcast and the arcast should be good enough to get you started. Let me know if you have any questions.