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Using the CRM SDK offline

I've been meaning to write something about using the CRM SDK in an offline state, and I've been meaning to write it for a few years now. I guess I never had the right prodding, but recent newsgroup posts show that there are people interested in this, and that they're stuck.


So, I started doing a little playing around to see what might happen. First thing I noticed is that, as expected, if the client isn't in an offline state you can't work with the local web server. There's code deep in the platform security layer that flat out stops the calls. Ok, that's easy enough to do - let's put the client in an offline state for a while and see what breaks next.


I needed an "application" to test with and I just happened to have my RSS feed generator bits handy and hot off the press. They're really simple and use a very narrow set of CRM SWS (what we call the web service) methods. In fact, it only uses Fetch() to do all of its magic (oh yeah, and it uses a ton of metadata, but that's another posting). Well, as many of you have noticed, you can't get reasonable WSDL from the offline SWS because the module that generates our WSDL (which happens dynamically if you're wondering) isn't on the client. There's just no need for it there.


I pulled WSDL from the server endpoint and hand-tweaked it so it had just the API set that I needed. This isn't strictly necessary, but given the size of the generated code and number of classes there's a significant hit to start-up performance as the CLR reflects over all those types. Anyway, all I needed was Fetch() so I removed everything else and compiled up the resulting CS file into a client proxy assembly.


After installing everything I thought I'd need to run my application offline I noticed that there was a problem hitting the SWS in Cassini, particularly around executing queries. In this case the thing to remember is that queries are old V1.x functionality and that they're implemented in native C++. That means the SWS needs its own proxy to get at those C++ bits. That's where the COM proxy comes in (warning: the COM proxy has already been removed from the next release's build environment, so don't assume you can use this in any supported way for anything).


You might have noticed that the COM proxy isn't on the client machine anywhere (although there is another client-specific COM proxy, but that's not the one we want for this exercise). Go to your install CD or grovel the COM proxy from somewhere off your server and copy it to the res/web/bin directory on the client. Then, and this is important, GAC it so it's accessible from the Cassini process.


That's all I needed to do to get arbitrary query support on the client in a custom application offline. I haven't expanded to arbitrary reads through other messages, but I'm assuming that they should all work. I also haven't done anything with create / update / delete yet because those requests must end up in the playback queue. The COM proxy doesn't do this work. If I remember correctly, this happens somewhere in the RC proxy or in Cassini itself (it would make the most sense for this to work as an HTTP handler inside of Cassini since we want to capture SOAP requests for later playback).


Anyway, I hope that unblocks a few creative people and gets them moving in a direction that helps. I'd love to start seeing some add-on code running in an offline state. Granted, things like callouts and workflow won't work offline, so don't even both trying to make them work.


If anyone comes up with a cool offline add-on I'd like to hear about it.