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Monad Technology Blog

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Date: 04/25/2006

Windows PowerShell (Monad) Has Arrived

I just got out of Bob Muglia's keynote speech where he formally announced Windows PowerShell...

Date: 04/25/2006

Exposing the Power of .NET in a Admin-friendly way

One of our primary goals for Monad was to: "Expose the power of .NET in an Admin-friendly way". The...

Date: 04/24/2006

Comparative Examples in MSH and KSH

Most shells (such as Windows CMD.EXE and the UNIX shells SH, KSH, CSH, and BASH) operate by...

Date: 04/21/2006

Why did you do that? $VAR/ {} / Weak Intellisense

I strongly encourage people to let us know where we could be doing better and to let us know if we...

Date: 04/16/2006

Sunday morning drive with my hair on fire: Types/Community/Synthetic types/Democracy/Cool XML tricks

Exploring types is a pain! Monad provides Get-Member which makes it pretty nice to explore an OBJECT...

Date: 04/16/2006

How does Match-String with with Pipelines of objects?

In our newsgroup (Microsoft.Public.Windows.Server.Scripting) , Vasu asked about how match-string...

Date: 04/15/2006

Is it safe to use ALIASES in scripts?

In our newsgroup (Microsoft.Public.Windows.Server.Scripting) , Mark Ayers asked the question:>...

Date: 04/15/2006

Verb-Noun vs Noun-Verb

Kurt asked the question "why not Noun-Verb vs Verb-Noun" in his post:...

Date: 04/12/2006

Monitor the Event Log

Administrators often want to monitor the event logs and look for specific error conditions. The most...

Date: 04/10/2006

Base64 Encode/Decode a string

Today I came across . This sight is focused on Monad and MSH and is...

Date: 03/27/2006

Finding out what determines which properties are displayed

MoW, a Monad newsgroup regular, asked why only the Caption, Name and PeakUsage properties were...

Date: 03/22/2006

Dynamically loading assemblies in mshsnapins.

In Monad, mshsnapins can be installed in a different directory from the Monad executables. At...

Date: 03/15/2006

Working with Sort-Object Cmdlet

In this blog I will try to explain different features of sort-object(Sort) cmdlet. For the purpose...

Date: 03/14/2006

Exclude, Include, Filter Parameters - How to make sense of these

So how come we have three ways to filter a path in most of the core cmdlets such as in the get-item...

Date: 03/08/2006

How to Access or Modify StartUp Items in the Window Registry

Some applications launch themselves whenever you start your computer and load Windows. In most...

Date: 03/08/2006

The worlds easiest way to create/install MshSnapins

Hopefully you've read the previous entries on how to create MshSnapins to include your own...

Date: 02/22/2006

Monad breaking change announcement: Approved verb names enforcement.

In order to prevent a mass usability nightmare with developers picking their own improvised cmdlet...

Date: 02/16/2006


Tony has a very cool series of Monad-oriented blog entries at: . I...

Date: 02/11/2006

.NET types

In response to the recent Days till Xmas post, applepwc asked the question > where can I find...

Date: 02/08/2006

Monad cmdlet cleanup update

As Jeffrey mentioned in an earlier Blog “Finding which parameters are used the most” The Monad team...

Date: 02/06/2006

Days till Xmas

My daughter loves christmas. She often asks me, "how long is it till christmas?" The problem with...

Date: 02/06/2006

Finding which parameters are used the most

We are in the process of cleaning up our Cmdlets and ensuring that they are consistent. One of the...

Date: 02/05/2006

Invoking Scriptblocks from C#

Last time somebody asked for an example of a C# method that took a scriptblock. First of all,...

Date: 02/01/2006

Minding Path Inputs in a Cmdlet

When I was a Monad neophyte, I was asked to write a Cmdlet taking a file path as a parameter. A big...

Date: 01/30/2006

Adding help for cmdlets in a MshSnapIn

Now that you know how to create an MshSnapIn, you might want to add help content for all those...

Date: 01/16/2006

Single Shell vs Custom Shell

With Monad Beta 3 release, we've introduced the concept of the "single shell". What is a single...

Date: 01/12/2006

Ensuring Script Portability with #requires

With the MshSnapIn model in Beta 3, there is no gaurantee that a certain Cmdlet or Provider, apart...

Date: 01/11/2006

Mshsnapin (part 2): developing a mshsnapin.

To develop a mshsnapin, you can use following three simple steps, Create a class derived from...

Date: 01/10/2006

Mshsnapin (part 1): usage of mshsnapin commands.

Latest beta3 release of monad added the capability of adding/removing cmdlets and providers in...

Date: 01/10/2006

Using Monad for logon scripts

In case you were wondering, yes, you can use Monad for your logon scripts. You can't just assign a...

Date: 01/05/2006

Managing non-terminating errors

Most errors which occur in your working scripts are likely to be "non-terminating". This means that...

Date: 12/29/2005

Getting MSDN help urls for .NET BCL types and Members

Often when playing with .Net objects in Monad, I need to use MSDN class library reference to learn...

Date: 12/28/2005

Check Spelling Script

After reading Marcel's introductory piece on ScriptBlock, I decided to rewrite an old script of mine...

Date: 12/19/2005

A bit about Scriptblocks

When scripting with MSH one of the most useful things to know about are scriptblocks (lambda...

Date: 12/15/2005

Monad portal in Script Center.

Most scripters are familar with Microsoft script center. Script center now has a portal for...

Date: 12/13/2005

PINVOKE or accessing WIN32 APIs

In the very early days of Monad, we focused on a world where everyone would publish Cmdlets and...

Date: 12/04/2005

Using-Culture -Culture culture -Script {scriptblock}

One of the traditional challenges with scripting is dealing with different CULTURES. Imagine the...

Date: 11/30/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 7 (Final): How Traps Work

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/15/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 6: Trace-Expression, Breakpoint Script

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/14/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 5: Preferences and Commandline Options

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/11/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 4: set-mshdebug

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/09/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 3: Write-Host

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/08/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 2: $error

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/07/2005

Debugging Monad Scripts, Part 1: Teminating vs. Non-Terminating, ErrorRecord

Did your command or script fail and/or report an error? We hope to have a proper script debugger in...

Date: 11/04/2005

Image Conversion

I needed to convert some images from bmp to gif for a web site I've been working on. I figured that...

Date: 10/20/2005

Duplicate Files 2

A long time ago I posted a filter (AddNote) for adding notes to objects. Some time later I posted a...

Date: 10/13/2005

Monad PDC talk rated #3 overall

PDC results are in and the Monad talk came in #3 based upon Presenter Effectiveness. Anders...

Date: 09/20/2005

Monad Beta 2 Available

We've just uploaded the new release to Download Center and the bits are now live!x86:...

Date: 09/13/2005
