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Building Both VS 2008 and VS 2010 on the Same TFS 2008 Server Using 2 MSBuild Build Agents

My team recently upgraded some of our Visual Studio solutions to be 2010 based in order to take advantage some of the new features in the IDE.  However, we quickly found out that the upgrade broke our build system.  In order to build both vs2010 projects and vs2008 projects on one machine, you want to have a side by side build system.  Here are some brief instructions that I used to get the whole thing working.


1. On your TFS 2008 build agent/controller/server, the one running tfsbuildservices.exe as the service "Visual Studio Team Foundation Build", install Visual Studio 2010 and the latest .NET 4.0.

2. Inside C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies, created a copy of tfsbuildservice.exe and the config file.

3. Inside the new config file, changed the ports to 9193 and 9194 and added msbuild to point to msbuild 4.0 binary under windows\\framework\v4xxx\:

<add key="MSBuildPath" value="c:\windows\\Framework\v4.0.21006\" />

4. We need to reserve the port to be used by the user that will run our new service, in most cases, that is going to be Network Service:

wcfhttpconfig.exe reserve "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" 9193

5. Run the following to create the service

sc create "Visual Studio Team Foundation Build VS2010" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\tfsbuildservce2.exe"

6. Change the startup to automatic and logon account to NETWORK SERVICE

7. Manually start service the first time around.

8. In windows(or whatever custom app) firewall, create a rule that allows tfsbuildservice2.exe and port 9193

9. Create a new build agent that points to the build server but using port 9193 instead of the default 9191.

10. Now try to build a vs2010 solution using the new build agent.


If you get any error during the build, try some of the following.

Back up and make these changes to C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\TeamBuild\*target file:

1. Not getting the reason property -> deleted the reason node in xml

2. Rolled back the WorkspaceName to the TFS Build 2008 version:

After VS 2010 installation:


TFS Build 2008:
