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WebDesign 2008 - Going from Wireframe Zero to UX Hero


July 21st Seattle - I'll be speaking at the WebDesign 2008 conference here in Seattle on " Going from Wireframe Zero to UX Hero ".

The session is basically going to cover the "How" I guess on what's next after you've made the leap of deciding to adopt our technology (Silverlight or WPF). I'll be showcasing a project that I and co-team member David Pugmire , been working on the past 2 weeks called RCIA.

The description I gave (I always hate doing these as how do you fit 45mins of ideas into a paragraph! hehe) is the following:

The blank canvas can be a daunting and scary thing at times, even more so when you’ve just taken the leap to learn Microsoft technology. Don’t stress, as Scott will show you some tips, tricks and insights into how to go from Wireframe Zero, to UX Hero using the latest versions of both Silverlight and Expression Studio.

If folks like the presentation, I'll look into how to re-do it over the web post the conference for those whom aren't able to attend.

That's all.