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MU Catalog Beta Preview is Live!

I'm happy to announce that we have released the Microsoft Update Catalog "Beta Preview / Alpha". What is the MU Catalog? Official description...

"It's a service from Microsoft that provides a listing of updates that can be distributed over a corporate network. You can use it as a one-stop location for finding Microsoft software updates, drivers, and hotfixes."

The MU Catalog represents a replacement to the existing WU Catalog, and what we hope will be a big step forward for both usability and functionality. In addition to being able to search for updates and download them to your file system, we are also providing integration with Windows Server Update Services 3.0 and Microsoft System Center Essentials. Both of these products provide links that will enable importing updates directly into WSUS 3.0 or System Center Essentials from the MU Catalog. This is especially useful for important content not typically synched down by either of these products (e.g. drivers). Check out the WSUS blog for additional details.

We have a beta newsgroup currently up and running (you need to be part of our beta to gain access… you can request an invite by sending us an email at include the email where you would like the invite sent), and we hope to have a public newsgroup set up in the next month or so.

Quick disclaimer… this is an Beta site. There is still work to do… and getting your feedback is essential to ensuring we have the best possible experience. You can provide this by joining our beta and/or by posting a comment on this blog. Also, we hope to have a refresh to the MU Catalog Beta site in the next month or so. I will post an announcement at that time.

Thanks much, and enjoy!


Program Manger

Microsoft Update

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