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Migrate to SharePoint Online (O365–SPO) from On-Premise SharePoint or fileshare using new PowerShell migration APIs


  • **Updated to include SharePoint On-Prem to Office 365 SharePoint Online Scenario

  • Important

    • This documentation covers features that are currently in preview and not yet finalized for use in production code.
    • Replace <TENANT> with actual tenant prefix, <SPOSite> with SPO Site prefix and <On-PremSPSite> with SP On-Prem Site Prefix in all PowerShell cmdlets.
    • Triple-click in code box to copy Code / PowerShell cmdlets if they don’t fit on screen!
  • Prerequisites

    • Valid Office 365 subscription

    • Valid Microsoft Azure subscription

    • Install SharePoint Online management shell version 16.0.4017.1200 or above from here. More details at

    • Run SharePoint Online management shell as Administrator and connect SPO service using the below cmdlet

      Connect-SPOService -Url https://<TENANT> 
  •  To keep things simple, lets divide the entire process in few steps:   

  • Step 1 - Create SPO Migration Package

  • Step 1a – Create SPO Migration Package from SharePoint On-Prem Content

    • RDP to a WFE for On Premise SharePoint Server

    • Open SharePoint Management Shell as administrator

    • Export the Web / Site Collection using the below cmdlet

      Export-SPWeb -Identity "https://<On-PremSPSite>" -ItemUrl "/OnPremDocLib" -Path "C:\SPOnPremExport" -NoFileCompression -IncludeVersions 4

    • Note:
    • Copy Data: Copy the Contents of this folder to the location on machine which has SharePoint Online Management Shell installed. i.e. I copied contents from C:\SPOnPremExport from my SharePoint On-Prem Server to C:\MigrationPackages\SPOTemp on my laptop.


  • OR

  • Step 1b – Create SPO Migration Package from a file share

  • Note:

    • OutputPackagePath folder hierarchy will be created if it doesn’t exist

  • Step 2 - Prepare Final SPO Migration Package

    • Prepare data / files to be migrated using below cmdlet

    • For Step 1a

      ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -SourceFilesPath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOTEMP" -SourcePackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOTEMP" -OutputPackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOMigrationPackage" -TargetWebUrl "https://<SPOSite>" -TargetDocumentLibraryPath "SPOMigration"


    • For Step1b

      ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -SourceFilesPath "\\nishant-lptp\SPOTEMP" -SourcePackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOTEMP" -OutputPackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOMigrationPackage" -TargetWebUrl "https://<SPOSite>" -TargetDocumentLibraryPath "SPOMigration"
    • There are six required parameters to enter (others are optional)

      1. TargetwebURL: points to the destination Web
      2. SourceFilesPath: points to the you want to migrate
      3. SourcePackagePath: points to your Temporary package folder
      4. OutputPackagePath: points to your final package folder
      5. TargetDocumentLibraryPath: the path to your destination library
      6. Credentials: SPO credential that has admin rights to the destination site
    • More Info: ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -


  • Step 3 - Upload SPO Migration Package to Azure Blob Containers

    • Follow the below steps to get Storage Account Name and two container names inside it. If you already have a storage account, you could use the same

      • Login to Azure Portal via
      • Browse to Storage > Create a new storage account e.g. nO365mig
      • In newly created storage account create two containers e.g. migration-files, migration-package
    • Prepare to upload the prepared data / files to Azure Blob Containers using below cmdlet

    • For Step 1a

      $azurelocations = Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource -SourceFilesPath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOTEMP" -SourcePackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOMigrationPackage" -FileContainerName migration-files -PackageContainerName migration-package -AccountName nO365mig -AccountKey "REAPLCE_WITH_YOUR_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY"
    • For Step1b

      $azurelocations = Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource -SourceFilesPath "\\nishant-lptp\SPOTEMP" -SourcePackagePath "C:\MigrationPackages\SPOMigrationPackage" -FileContainerName migration-files -PackageContainerName migration-package -AccountName nO365mig -AccountKey "REAPLCE_WITH_YOUR_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY"
    • More Info: Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource -


  • Step 4 - Submit Migration Job

    • Submit Migration Job to transfer data from Source <to> Azure Blob Containers <to> SPO Site Collection using below cmdlet

      Submit-SPOMigrationJob -TargetWebUrl "https://<SPOSite>" -MigrationPackageAzureLocations $azurelocations
    • Above cmdlet is generic and applies to both Step1a and Step1b

    • More Info: Submit-SPOMigrationJob -


  • Step 5 (Optional) - Check Migration Job Status

    • Check migration job (to transfer data from Azure Blob Containers to SPO Site Collection) status using below cmdlet

      Get-SPOMigrationJobStatus -TargetWebUrl https://<SPOSite>


  • Step 1a

  • Step 1b


  • Step 6 (Optional) - Remove Migration Job

    • In case if the migration job is stuck or if it needs to be removed for any reason you could use the below cmdlet (Note: This will work only if the job is not already completed)

      Remove-SPOMigrationJob -JobId e79c5022-3aa1-446c-a8e6-2431063706fa -TargetWebUrl https://<SPOSite>
    • More Info: Remove-SPOMigrationJob -