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The Healthcare IT Blog

Healthcare I.T. happens, whether you like it or not

iSoftStone Signs Agreement With Microsoft to Develop Citizen Health Solutions in China Using HealthVault

Just today we announced the expansion of HealthVault in China, specifically in the Jiangsu province...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/29/2010

Microsoft Acquires Sentillion

Well, this is at least a partial excuse for my absence from this blog :-) Today we announce the...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 12/10/2009

Join us for the Connected Health Conference

The HealthVault Solution Conference that we did last year has evolved into a broader event that...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 04/30/2009

Gartner Group’s Take on Health Intelligence and Amalga UIS

Recently we worked with Gartner Group on a webcast outlining the issues that healthcare provider...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 04/16/2009

HIMSS 2009 – WOW!

Ok, I have been to a few HIMSS with Microsoft now, but I must say that this one, by all means...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 04/10/2009

Microsoft at HIMSS 2009 – It Starts…

We just issued a press release outlining some of the cool things that you’ll see at HIMSS 2009 from...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 04/03/2009

Virtua Health Joins the Growing Amalga Family

Today we announced Virtua Health as our 12th Amalga, the Unified Intelligence System (UIS) customer....

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 03/17/2009

Peter Neupert on Modernizing Healthcare Through IT

Peter Neupert, Corporate Vice President of the Microsoft Health Solutions Group and my...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 01/26/2009

WSJ Health Blog : How Microsoft Plans to Make Money in Health Care

There is a recent post on the WSJ Health Blog with Steve, my grand-boss (my boss’ boss, can I say...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 12/19/2008

Allscripts to roll out EHR, PM solutions for affiliated St. Joseph physicians

This is an example of how we’re using Amalga at SJHS to bridge outpatient and inpatient. In this...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 12/18/2008

Two New Customers Announced for Amalga

Today we are announcing two new great additions to the growing Amalga customer base: University of...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/30/2008

El Camino Hospital Announced as a New Amalga Customer

Today we announced a new customer added to the growing list of organization that are adopting Amalga...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/16/2008

New Version of the MSCUI Posted

The team in the UK is doing a great job with the Microsoft Common User Interface (MSCUI). Head over...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/15/2008

Microsoft Amalga Family Announced Today

Today we are announcing Microsoft Amalga, the new family of Health Enterprise Systems. You can read...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 02/13/2008

IHE XDS.b Reference Implementation Gold Now Live

As promised the GOLD version of the IHE XDS.b Reference Implementation is now posted on CodePlex...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 02/07/2008

Microsoft IHE XDS.b Reference Implementation Passes the Connectathon!

It is official, after a week of testing in Chicago at the IHE Connectathon, the Microsoft IHE XDS.b...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 02/01/2008

Designing HealthVault’s Data Model

It’s been about a month now since we released HealthVault and we heard a lot of great...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 11/04/2007

Windows Server 2003 SP2 and The BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 v2.0

I have seen some posts about the BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 v2.0 not supporting Windows Server 2003...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 11/04/2007

How Could I Miss This? HLS Industry Council

If you're in Farmington, CT on November 5th, I strongly suggest you attend the (first?): Microsoft...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/31/2007

Getting Started with HL7 Version 3 and BizTalk Server 2006 (R2)

After a long gestation period we have finally published the HL7 v3 and BizTalk whitepaper: Getting...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/31/2007

Microsoft and Global Care Solutions

Last night we made another announcement that further demonstrates Microsoft's commitment to the...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/29/2007

Using Office Open XML in Health

We have just published a whitepaper on the use of Office Open XML in Health at the address below:...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/23/2007

New Job

Starting today I am joining Microsoft's Health Solution Group as a Senior Product Manager for...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/15/2007

HealthVault Blogs

The HealthVault Team has added a couple of great resources for partners and developers: HealthVault...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/05/2007

HealthVault - Microsoft's Consumer Health Platform Launches Today

This is a great day for Microsoft and consumers, the long awaited HealthVault platform launches...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/04/2007

Ordered Message Delivery in BizTalk 2006 R2

During the past MS-HUG TechForum Stuart hinted to an upcoming whitepaper on ordered delivery...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 10/03/2007

With the announcement of the new version of Windows Live Search, we are also launching the...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/27/2007

HL7 Version 3 Tutorial Handout

Sorry to use this blog for a public service announcement :-) For the folks that attended my tutorial...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/25/2007

MS-HUG TechForum 2008 - Call for Proposals

We just close the curtain on the summer TechForum and it's already time to start planning for the...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/14/2007

Official Launch of the Microsoft Health Common User Interface

This week we officially launched and broadly announced the Microsoft Health Common User Interface...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/14/2007

Health Connection Engine Whitepapers Now LIVE!

We just published two (2) Health Connection Engine whitepapers: Introduction to The Microsoft Health...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 09/04/2007

Microsoft Health IT Blogs [Update]

I have consolidated a list of blogs about Microsoft technologies in Health IT and shared as a...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/31/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - Recap

I like the TechForum. It's a good opportunity for me to catch up with friends like John Koisch, Tom...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/24/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - Azyxxi

The closing keynote for MS-HUG was delivered by Davide Viganò, General Manager in the Health...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/24/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - Day 2

Here is a quick summary of the sessions I attended today. Clinical Messaging in a Services Oriented...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/22/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 [Update 1]

Straight from the horse's mouth, Stuart Landrum, Program Manager for the BizTalk Accelerators gave...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/22/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - Microsoft Health Common User Interface (MSCUI)

Andrew Kirby presented on the Microsoft Health Common User Interface (MSCUI), a project born out of...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/21/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - IHE XDS.b Reference Implementation

We had a fairly well attended session and the objective of providing an overview of the Health...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/21/2007

MS-HUG TechForum - Lessons Learned in Forming a RHIO

The industry position on RHIOs is that "they are so yesterday" and "HIE is the new RHIO", but it's...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/21/2007

Kicking off MS-HUG TechForum

I'm here at the MS-HUG TechForum this week and right now sitting in the Kodiak Room in the Microsoft...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/21/2007

HL7 Accelerator v3?

We have not even shipped Version 2.0 of the HL7 Accelerator for BizTalk that Tom is already thinking...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 08/04/2007

Health Connection Engine 2.1.1 Released to CodePlex

We have released version 2.1.1 of the Health Connection Engine to CodePlex. The release addresses a...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 06/14/2007

Summary Report for NHIN Prototypes

If you pay any attention to what's happening in the U.S. around the National Health Information...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 06/08/2007

HL7 v2 Developer Guide

We just published a new whitepaper that provides some specific guidance on HL7 Version 2 development...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 06/08/2007

HLS DevCon Slides Posted

For those of you interested in looking at the slides for the first Health and Life Sciences...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 06/07/2007

Windows Vista Healthcare Demo

While sorting some older action item I discovered that the Windows Vista Healthcare Demo that you...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 06/06/2007

Connected Health Framework Webcast Recording Fixed

I had several reports of people not being able to access the recording of the Connected Health...

Author: Roberto_Ruggeri Date: 05/31/2007
