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How to install Clustered SQL Server 2008 on Windows 2008 Cluster using Hyper-V (Guest Clustering) Part – 2

Thanks for overwhelming response of part 1 of the series. As a part of this series, we have created a Domain Controller (Win2k8MyDC). Let’s go ahead and follow the steps below to add two more machines into my domain ( For this you need two more VHDs extracted. Here is the folder structure I have followed:

F Drive

I have kept two more VHDs Win2k8MyNode1.vhd and Win2k8MyNode2.vhd in F:\Win2k8MyNode1 and  F:\Win2k8MyNode2 folders respectively. We are going to build two machines on Hyper-V now. I would show you steps for Win2k8MyNode1 and same should be followed for the second node. Let’s Open Hyper-V manager, Right Click on Server Name and Choose New > Virtual Machine

New Virtual Mahine 01 

Below are few self-explanatory screen shots so I am not going to spend time in explaining what they are.

New Virtual Mahine 02

Put Name of the machine.

New Virtual Mahine 03


We have configured Physical Memory for this machine to be 1 GB.

New Virtual Mahine 04 

Choose Private VM Network

New Virtual Mahine 05 

Here, we have to give the file which we have extracted earlier.

New Virtual Mahine 06 

Finish the Wizard and Machine 2 is ready to use.

New Virtual Mahine 07

Once machine is started, it may ask you to restart. Once you are logged in, Below is the first screen you would get

First LogOn_00

As you can see, machine is has a randomly assigned name, it is in a workgroup with no IP Address and is not activated etc.. I am going to make some changes below. I would not spend much time in demonstrating “how to change computer name”, “how to change IP”, “How to join a machine to domain” etc. You can bing them and find steps easily. Finally below is the screenshot for Win2k8MyNode2

First LogOn_01

Okay. So all three machines are ready. Quick Summary

Machine Name Role IP Address
Win2k8MyDC Domain Controller
Win2k8MyNode1 Member Server
Win2k8MyNode1 Member Server

Just to be on safer side, make sure that you are able to Ping them from each other.

Now, Next step is to add new drive to the Domain controller and use iSCSI to connect them from Node1 and Node2.

But wait… before you do that, you may need to transfer some data from the “host” to the “guest”. I would spend some time in explaining how to do that.

Do you remember that we have created two network in Hyper V (Refer Part 1, Step 1). Lets go ahead and add second network to DC, Node1 and Node2. To avoid confusion, rename the current network adaptors on “guests” to “Domain Network” as shown below

Domain Network 

Lets stop All three machines using Hyper V manager and add “Internal” network for all machines. Open Hyper V manager, Right Click on machine name, choose settings. On “Add Hardware” tab, choose “Network Adapter”

Add Hardware_Network Adapter

Click on Add and choose “Internal” as shown below.

Network Adapter_Internal

Click on Apply on the previous screen. Follow the same steps for the rest of the machines as well. Go ahead and start the machines. Once you login, you would see the new network coming up. Rename that to Internal and give IP addresses as (DC),, Now one host machine would have two networks. Please provide the IP address as Here is the quick screenshot of all the Summary screens (notice IP Addresses)


Now, you should be able to ping Guest machine(s) from the host machine and we are all set to copy files from host to guest. You may wonder that its so simple. But believe me, with my limited knowledge of networking <blushing smiley>, it took me a day to figure this out.

To Configure shared drive you have to use iSCSI initiator and iSCSI Target. Initiator would be available on your VMs but you need to get the Target (its not free). There are few free iSCSI target software such as Starwind that can also be used for this setup. I am using internal version of Microsoft iSCSI Target.

Since I am going to add a disk to Win2k8MyDC which would be exposed to the rest of the nodes, I have created a disk using below steps


Click Next on Welcome Screen


Choose Fixed Size


I have created folder “F:\Shared disks” and  would place file there.


Size.. umm… 80 GB


Complete the wizard


This completes creation of a big disk (80 GB) which would be used to make smaller drive later. Attach the disk to storage server. I'm using my Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller for my storage server as well, this saves me one VM.

  • Turn off Win2k8MyDC.
  • Right Click on Server and choose Setting and follow below


  • Choose Add Hardware, Select SCSI Controller and “Add”


  • Click on Add again


  • Choose the hard drive created earlier.


  • Click on Apply / OK

Let’s go ahead and start the VM (Win2k8MyDC). Once you login to server, go to start > Run and type DiskMgmt.msc and hit OK. You would see 80 GB Hard Disk and all you need is “Right Click” and “online”



if there is no drive letter, the go ahead and assign a drive letter, say S: in this case. Now you should be able to see the drive in My Computer (Of course, Your Computer) :)


I guess there are too many images on this blog, so I am going to write next post to demonstrate the configuration of shared disk inside a “guest” using iSCSI target.

Stay Tuned and Happy Clustering !!!

Balmukund Lakhani
Senior SE, Microsoft SQL Server

Reviewed by

Amit Banerjee & Nickson Dicson
TL, Microsoft SQL Server