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Howdy, howdy!

Gosh, it seems like I'm the last person to take a stab at this blogging thing!


Hello! The blog name and title refers to the difference between most airplanes you see today with the steering wheel in front (tricycle gear) and the ones that dominated in years gone by (conventional gear, aka 'taildraggers'). I'm a pilot and I happen to work on the Flight Simulator team. I did all of my primary flight training in tailwheel aircraft and am admittedly a bit snobbish on the subject of wheel placement.


Knowing that there are lots of people out there that use the product and even develop add-ons to it I thought it would be fun, cool, useful, whatever to start a blob to discuss some of the things I see and work on as part of the FS team. I don't know it this will be interesting or what I'll decide to cover--only time will tell. (And maybe if this gets picked up and commented on I'll get a few ideas to explore.)


Cheers, all!