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DHCP Server Events Tool

This tool can be used by DHCP Administrators to view all the events generated by DHCP Server directly in MMC. This tool can also be very handy in managing the MAC Based Filtering where you can see the list of people entering your network and you will be able to remotely add them to Allow/Deny list without affecting the Service.

You can also see the scope change/Activity Logs and System Events in this MMC.

This tool is a MMC Snap-In and can be used to view the events from a Remote Server similar to the Remote Management Tools of DHCP Server. Multiple DHCP Servers can also be managed from a same console.

MACFilters Logs:

Windows 2008-R2 DHCP Server creates event logs for all the users which are denied IP Address. This tool will extract this information from Event Logs and present them in a readable fashion removing duplicate entries in the Event Log. This feature will be really helpful in deploying the MACFIltering feature as Administrators can monitor what’s going on the network and can control the MACFilte configuration directly from this tool.

Filter Profile: Filter Profile column represents the current status of the machine. A machine can have following filter profiles.

§ Allow: Machine is in Allow list. Generally the machine will have this profile if machine is added recently or the logs are not removed after adding it to the Allow List.

§ Deny: Machine is in the Deny List

§ None: Machine is neither in Deny nor in Allow List

§ Deny (Wildcard): Machine is denied IP Address by a wild card entry in Deny List. Machines with this profile can’t be added to allow list.

§ Server Not Available: DHCP Server is not installed or dhcp service is not running on the server.

Actions Supported

§ Add To Allow List: Adds the user’s MAC address to Allow List.

§ Add To Deny List: Adds the user’s MAC address to Deny List.

Activity Logs/Scope Change Logs:

This node will list out all the configuration changes done on the DHCP Server. Windows 2008-R2 DHCP Server creates event logs for all the configuration changes done on DHCP Server. This tool will extract that information and list it in a readable fashion.

Scope: This column represents the name of the scope on which the configuration change has happened. If the configuration change has happened on at the server level the scope name will be “Server”.

Administrator: This column will represent the name of the administrator who has done the change.

System Logs

This node will list out all the System Events generated by DHCP server. This will extract all the DHCP Server related events from the System Node and present them in a readable fashion.


Common Actions

§ Copy: Copy the selected rows to clipboard.

§ Filter: Filter out the events based on the text input.

§ Clear Filter: Will clear the filters.

Supported OS

§ Window7/Windows Server 2008 R2.

Installation Steps

1. Install .NET 3.5 on your PC. For Windows7/Windows Server 2008-R2 .NET 3.5 is an optional component. This Snap-In can only work with .NET 3.5.

2. UnZip the tool and copy the contents to %ProgramFiles%\DHCPServerExtras

3. Open a command shell with Administrator privileges

4. CD to %ProgramFiles%\DHCPServerExtras

5. Run setup.cmd

6. Verify the message on command shell that MMC Snap-In is successfully installed.

7. Open mmc.exe

8. Add “DHCP Server Extras” from File>Add/Remove Snap-In

9. In MMC Add the DHCP Server you want to manage. If you are running this tool on DHCP Server, the local machine will be added automatically.

10. For remote management make sure you are the member of Administrators or Event Log Readers group on the target server. Also make sure that Firewall Rule "Remote Event Log Management(RPC)" is enabled. 

If you are a DHCP Administrator you can also add “DHCP” Snap-In to the same console which can be used to manage DHCP Server. Save the console to a local folder or desktop.

Trouble Shooting

§ Make sure .NET 3.5 is installed.

§ If “DHCP Server Extras” does not show up in MMC please look into log file > %ProgramFiles%\DHCPServerExtras\InstallUtil.InstallLog.

§ On expanding the node if you are getting error Message please verify that server name provided is correct. Please verify that you have proper permissions on the DHCP Server to view event logs remotely. If you are remotely managing the server you should be a member of Administrators or Event Log Readers.



Nimish Aggarwal