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Happy Birthday Drinking Buddies!

It's my brother's birthday today! Happy birthday Ian. Which, conveniently, reminds me of a handy Outlook tip.

If you enter a contact's birthday date in the 'Birthday' field under the Detail tab, Outlook will automatically add a recurring calendar all day appointment for you whenever it's their birthday. So now you've no excuse for forgetting someone's big day!

And while you're in that Contact form take a look at the myriad of other fields you can fill in for each of your contacts. Their anniversary date, their boss's name, their profession…, they're all there! Now take a peak in that mysterious 'All Fields' tab and check out the weird and wonderful All Contact fields types. Amazing! You can store their spouse and children's names in there, their nickname, hobbies, mileage (possibly so you can state how far you'd be prepared to travel to see them) and, lest you forget, their gender. Heck, I'm feeling a strange urge to categorise some of my drinking buddies as gender 'oversexed' and mileage 'to the other side of the bar'. If only Outlook would only let me do that! How would you like to be categorised?