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Use local-npm for offline NPM package installation

npm is a Node.js package manager. Users can fetch and install Node.js packages easily using npm. It makes it easier to resolve package dependencies.

The official repository of npm is


Why do we need offline NPM package installation?

There are scenarios where not every user has access to the official npm repository. For example:

  • You may deliver an on-site workshop. The trainees need to run npm install for their lab in the restricted environment.
  • You may need to install packages on a flight.


Why do I choose local-npm?

Addy Osmani has a nice post comparing local-npm to other options. I just follow this post.


local-npm Installation

Environment: I am using a Windows 2008 R2 Server with .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed.


1. Install Node.js

Download and install the current version of Node.js from

NoteBecause local-npm depends on node-gyp, you need to install Python 2.7 (v3.x.x is not supported) and Visual C++ Build Environment. (Refer to the document of node-gyp) Otherwise you will receive the following error when you run the command npm install -g local-npm directly. localnpmerror

2. Install Visual C++ Build Environment

  • Option 1: Install Visual C++ Build Tools using the Default Install option.
  • Option 2: Install Visual Studio 2015 (or modify an existing installation) and select Common Tools for Visual C++ during setup.

3. Install Python 2.7

Download and install Python 2.7 from (I installed it in the default folder c:\python27)

NoteYou may meet the following error during Python 2.7 installation:

"There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor" pythoninstallerror

I applied the solution in this Stack Overflow post.

  • De-select pip from the install options. Then install.
  • After the installation completes, re-run the setup.
  • Choose "change python" and then install pip.

4. Launch command prompt, run the command npm config set python C:\Python27\python.exe

5. Run the command npm config set msvs_version 2015

6. Simply run the command npm install -g local-npm

Basic Usage of local-npm

NoteBefore you run the command local-npm to start local-npm, you'd better create a folder (e.g. c:\local-npm) and change the current directory to this folder. The reason to create a specific folder is because local-npm will replicate the skimdb from the official repository and store the data in local folder. The default folder to store the data is the folder where you run local-npm. (You can specific the folder by the command line option -d, --directory)

Run the command local-npm

Then the users can set npm to get registry through the local server:

npm set registry

If you want to switch back to the official repository, run this:

npm set registry

Now the users can run npm install to get the package through the local-npm server.

Offline mode

After you start local-npm, it will begin to replicate skimdb from remote official registry.


There's no need to wait for the complete skimdb download (which can take a few hours). You can test it with the following steps:

  1. Make sure the network is up.
  2. Run an npm install to grab a module. (e.g. npm install jquery)
  3. local-npm will cache it.
  4. delete jquery from node_modules directory.
  5. Turn off the network.
  6. Run that npm install again. (e.g. npm install jquery)
  7. You will notice the following behaviors
    • If the complete skimdb has been replicated (100%), you will get the cached package immediately from local-npm.
    • If the replication is still in process, local-npm will try to connect to the official registry three times. After about 1 minutes, you will still get the cached package from local-npm.