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Topology Level Metrics from Storm clusters.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types microsoft.hdinsight/clusters
Categories Azure Resources
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation No
Sample Queries -


Column Type Description
Acked real The number of Tuple "trees" successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.
AssignedCPUPercent real Percent of CPU cores assigned to the topology.
AssignedMemOffHeapMB real MB of off heap memory assigned to the topology.
AssignedMemOnHeapMB real MB of on heap memory assigned to the topology.
AssignedTotalMemMB real MB of total memory assigned to the topology.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
BoltId string The ID of the bolt.
Capacity real If this is around 1.0, the corresponding Bolt is running as fast as it can, so you may want to increase the Bolt's parallelism. This is (number executed * average execute latency) / measurement time.
ClusterName string The name of the cluster.
ClusterType string The type of the cluster.
CompleteLatencyMs real The average time (millisecond) a Tuple "tree" takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.
CorrelationId string The ID for correlated events. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables.
Debug bool Boolean representing whether debug tracing is activated.
Emitted real The number of Tuples emitted.
EncodedBoltId string The encoded ID of the bolt.
EncodedId string The enocded ID of the topology.
EncodedSpoutId string The encoded ID of the Spout.
ErrorHost string Host where the error occurred.
ErrorPort string Port associated with the error.
ErrorWorkerLogLink string Link to the log of the worker where an error occurred.
Executed real The number of incoming Tuples processed.
ExecuteLatencyMs real The average time (millisecond) a Tuple spends in the execute method. The execute method may complete without sending an Ack for the tuple.
Executors int The number of threads being used to execute a task.
ExecutorsTotal int The total amount of executors currently used and already used to execute a task.
Failed real The number of Tuple "trees" that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.
HostName string Hostname of the host the record came from.
Id string The name of the component the record is from (could be spout, bolt, or name of topology).
InstanceName string Type of record shape (there are bolt, spout, topology, and topology_stats record shapes).
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
LastError string Last error to occur in the component.
MsgTimeout real The number of seconds until a message times out.
OperationName string The operation associated with log record.
Owner string Name of the user that owns the topology.
ProcessLatencyMs real The average time (millisecond) it takes to Ack a Tuple after it is first received. Bolts that join, aggregate or batch may not Ack a tuple until a number of other Tuples have been received(.
ReplicationCount int The amount of replicas kept by the topology.
RequestedCpuPercent real The percent of CPU requested by the topology.
RequestMemOffHeapMB real MB of off heap memory requested by the topology.
RequestMemOnHeapMB real MB of on heap memory requested by the topology.
_ResourceId string A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with
SamplingPct real Percentage of messages sampled to calculate metrics.
SchedulerDisplayResource bool Boolean describing the scheduler display setting.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
SpoutId string The ID of the spout.
Status string The status of the topology.
_SubscriptionId string A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with
Tasks int The number of tasks running.
TasksTotal int The total amount of tasks run.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime The timestamp (UTC) of when the log was generated.
TopologyId string The ID of the topology.
TopologyName string Name of the topology.
Transferred real The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.
Type string The name of the table
Uptime string The length of time an Executor (thread) has been alive.
UptimeSeconds real The amount of time the topology has been running in seconds.
Window real The time window for the metrics in the record in seconds.
WindowHint string The time window for the metrics in the record in hours, minutes, seconds format.
WindowPretty string String description of the time window for the metrics in the record.
Workers string JSON with worker specific metrics.
WorkersTotal int The total amount of workers.