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FIN Response Types

FIN Response Reconciliation (FRR) reconciles responses to any Category 0 to 9 SWIFT FIN message. In response to one of these FIN messages, the SWIFT FIN application always sends at least one, and possibly more than one, acknowledgment (ACK) or negative acknowledgment (NAK). The following table shows the message types of the outbound and inbound (response) messages processed by FRR.


Message type Message status
Outbound All Category 0 to 9 SWIFT FIN message types N/A
Inbound MQ Series PAN/NAN (MQ Series transport-level ACK/NAK) MQSeries transport acknowledgment
MT010 (Non-Delivery Warning) SWIFT successfully sent the original message to the partner, but has no indication that the partner received the message. If A4SWIFT receives multiple Non-Delivery Warning (NDW) messages, it loops and waits for the next expected message.
MT011 (Delivery Notification) SWIFT successfully sent the original message to the partner, and received an indication that the partner received the message.
MT012 (Sender Notification) SWIFT successfully received the original message from A4SWIFT.
MT015 (DNK, or Delayed NAK) SWIFT has not successfully sent the original message to the partner.
MT019 (Abort Notification) Message transmission aborted at SWIFT.
MTS21_FIN_ACKNAK (Acknowledgment or negative acknowledgment of a FIN message sent by an LT (ACK/NAK)) SWIFT successfully or unsuccessfully received the message from A4SWIFT. This message covers both of these cases. Whether it is an ACK or a NAK is determined by the value in the 451 field of the message ("0" for ACK and "1" for NAK). This will be the first response delivered back to A4SWIFT.

Deployment of Schemas for FRR

A4SWIFT setup deploys schemas in FrrSchemas.dll for all system-level messages (as shown in the table above). The FRR orchestration requires these schemas to be deployed. Because A4SWIFT setup deploys these schemas in FrrSchemas.dll, you do not have to, and must not, deploy these schemas in another project. Doing so will generate an error.

FRRSchemas.dll includes the following schemas:

  • TransportAck

  • MT010

  • MT011

  • MT012

  • MT015

  • MT019