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Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting

Setup is unable to deploy the RuntimeSchemas assembly


The A4SWIFT Setup program was unable to deploy RuntimeSchemas.dll. If the assembly is not deployed manually after setup, the A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard fails.

Possible Cause

One of the following conditions exists:

  • The Runtime Schemas assembly was already deployed when you tried to perform an initial installation of A4SWIFT.

  • Microsoft SQL Server was not started on the computer on which you tried to install A4SWIFT.

  • The Runtime Schemas assembly was already deployed when you tried to upgrade A4SWIFT, and was referenced by another assembly. This prevented undeployment of the Runtime Schemas assembly by the A4SWIFT upgrade program.


Proceed as follows, depending upon the nature of the problem:

  • If the Runtime Schemas assembly was already deployed when you attempted to run an initial installation of A4SWIFT, open BizTalk Explorer in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, right-click the assembly Microsoft .Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.RuntimeSchemas, and then click Undeploy. Use the BizTalk Deployment Wizard to deploy the latest version of RuntimeSchemas.dll from %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Assemblies.

  • If SQL Server was not started, start SQL Server in the SQL Server Service Manager. Use the BizTalk Deployment Wizard to deploy the latest version of RuntimeSchemas.dll from %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Assemblies.

  • If the Runtime Schemas assembly was already deployed when you tried to upgrade A4SWIFT, and was referenced by another assembly, undeploy the referencing assembly in BizTalk Explorer, and undeploy RuntimeSchemas.dll in BizTalk Explorer. Use the BizTalk Deployment Wizard to deploy the latest version of RuntimeSchemas.dll from %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Assemblies.

After the Web Components feature is removed, Message Repair and Reconciliation is incorrectly shown as uninstalled


After you remove the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission feature of A4SWIFT, you cannot uninstall, install, or configure the Message Repair and Reconciliation feature (or A4SWIFT Components). If Message Repair and Reconciliation is installed, A4SWIFT does not recognize that the feature is installed. If you attempt to install, modify, or remove Message Repair and Reconciliation from within Add/Remove Programs (displayed from Control Panel), Add/Remove Programs will indicate that the feature is not installed.

Possible Cause

You were removed from the BizTalk Server Administrators group after you had installed the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission feature and the Message Repair and Reconciliation feature. If you then remove the Web Components feature (which you can do without being a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group), the A4SWIFT setup program will remove files that the Message Repair and Reconciliation feature has a dependency on. These files include ConfigFramework.exe.


If you encounter this problem, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Computer Management window, add yourself back into the BizTalk Server Administrator group, log off the computer, and then log back on.

  2. Re-install the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission feature.


    Step 2 adds ConfigFramework.exe back into the A4SWIFT installation.

  3. Re-install the MRSR feature.

  4. If you still do not want the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission feature, remove it.

Repairing A4SWIFT to add the Service folder can result in improper access permissions for that folder


If you delete the folder %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Service from a properly configured A4SWIFT installation, and then run the Repair feature of A4SWIFT setup to add the Server folder back in the A4SWIFT installation, the access permissions for the Service folder will not be correct. The correct permissions are Full Control for A4SWIFT Administrators and Read & Execute for A4SWIFT Users.

This also occurs if you run the Repair feature of A4SWIFT setup when the Service folder exists. The access permissions, as set by the A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard, will be overwritten with incorrect values.

Possible Cause

Installing the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission feature adds the Service folder. If you delete the folder and then run the Repair option of A4SWIFT setup to add the Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission, A4SWIFT setup does not run the configuration wizard (ConfigFramework.exe) to set the permissions for the folder. Because the configuration wizard has already been run, it is very difficult to run the wizard again to reset the configuration. As a result, the Repair option will re-create all deleted files and folders, but it will not set access permissions correctly.

The repair process also overwrites permissions for the Service folder if the folder exists when repair is run. As with the case of deleting the Service folder before running repair, it will be very difficult to run the configuration program to set the permissions. In this instance, as well, the permissions will be incorrect and you will have to manually set them.


If you encounter this problem, manually set the following access permissions for the Service folder:

Group or User Name Permission
A4SWIFT Administrators Full Control
A4SWIFT Users Read & Execute

To set these permissions, proceed as follows:

In Windows Explorer, move to %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Service.

  1. Right-click the Service folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab.

  2. In the Group or user names pane of the Service Properties dialog box, click Add, enter <server name>\A4SWIFT Administrators, and then click OK.


    If the A4SWIFT Administrators group is a domain group, enter <domain name>\A4SWIFT Administrators.

  3. Repeat step 2 for <server name>\A4SWIFT Users, or <domain name>\A4SWIFT Users if the A4SWIFT Users group is a domain group.

  4. In the Group or user names pane, select A4SWIFT Administrators. In the Permissions pane, select Allow for Full Control.

  5. In the Group or user names pane, select A4SWIFT Users. In the Permissions pane, click Allow for Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read.

  6. Click OK.

Upgrade results in a side-by-side installation of two versions of A4SWIFT


When you attempt to upgrade to A4SWIFT, previous versions of A4SWIFT may not be fully removed. If you run Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel, the list of Currently Installed Programs might show the current and the previous versions.

Possible Cause

Any of the following conditions can cause the above to occur:

  • The user attempting to upgrade is not a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.

  • The SQL Server service (MSSQLSERVER) is stopped.

  • You performed a silent upgrade using the setup.exe /addlocal command.


To prevent a side-by-side installation of A4SWIFT 2.1 and A4SWIFT 3.0 occurring during upgrade, ensure that you (the logged-on user) are a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group, and that the SQL Server service (MSSQLSERVER) is started.

If you end up with a side-by-side installation of A4SWIFT 2.1 or A4SWIFT 2.3 and A4SWIFT 3.0, proceed as follows:

  1. Back up the data in the SWIFT Messages folder.

  2. Log on to the BizTalk Server as a member of the BTS Administrators group, and ensure that the MSSQLSERVER service is running.

  3. Remove the previous version of A4SWIFT.

  4. Upgrade to the latest version of A4SWIFT again. This time the upgrade will work, and no side-by-side installation will be created.

  5. Using the BizTalk Deployment Utility, manually undeploy Microsoft .Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.RuntimeSchemas.dll, and then redeploy it from the Assemblies folder of your A4SWIFT installation location. For more information about this tool, see BRE Deployment Utility.

The uninstall or upgrade process may not complete correctly if you do not restart when prompted


Uninstall or upgrade processes do not complete correctly.

Possible Cause

If you have not undeployed a project that references an existing deployed assembly, you may receive a prompt indicating that you must restart your system for A4SWIFT configuration changes to take effect. If you do not click Yes to restart immediately, some assemblies that were assigned for removal in the global assembly cache may not be removed, causing additional uninstall or upgrade processes to not complete correctly.


Undeploy any project that references an existing deployed assembly, and then run the uninstall or upgrade process again.

If the IIS Admin Service is stopped during setup, you must reconfigure the WebService feature


The A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard does not configure the WebService feature correctly. You receive the following error:

"Unable to create MRSR artifacts: Unable to connect to the remote server."

Possible Cause

The IIS Admin Service was stopped when you ran the A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard.


To complete the configuration process successfully, proceed as follows:

  1. Close the A4SWIFT Configuration console.

  2. Restart the IIS Admin Service.

  3. Execute %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\Configuration.exe.

  4. In the A4SWIFT Configuration console, select Unconfigure Features and then select WebService.

  5. Ensure that the status of the WebService feature in the Configuration console is shown as unconfigured.

  6. Select Apply Configuration.


    The A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard will now configure the WebService feature correctly.

A4SWIFT configuration will fail if the BizTalkServerApplication host was not created in BizTalk Server configuration


The A4SWIFT Configuration Wizard does not configure the WebService feature correctly. You receive the following error:

"Unable to create MRSR artifacts: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Possible Cause

An In-Process Host and a Host Instance were not created during BizTalk Server Runtime configuration.


To repair the A4SWIFT configuration, proceed as follows:

  • Create a host in BizTalk Server Administration. There is no need to have a running instance now.

  • Run the RepairBAS tool in the %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools folder of the A4SWIFT installation.

    To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Start BizTalk Server Administration console.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, expand BizTalk Server Administration, then expand BizTalk Group, and then expand Platform Settings.

  3. Right-click Hosts, point to New, and then select Host.

  4. In the Host Properties screen, in the General pane, enter the following:

    • Host name: BizTalkServerApplication

    • Type: In-Process

    • Windows group: <domain>\BizTalk Application Users (or the account that you set up during BizTalk Server configuration for running BizTalk In-Process applications)

    • In the Options section, select both Allow Host Tracking and Make this the default host in the group.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Start and then click Run. Type cmd and then click OK.

  7. At the command prompt, navigate to %programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools.

  8. Type RepairBAS.exe and then press Enter.

You must change the BRE Deployment configuration file when running the BRE Deployment Utility on a 64-bit computer


The BRE Deployment Utility does not work correctly when you run it on a 64-bit computer or in a non-default directory (other than C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT) on a 32-bit computer.

Possible Cause

The BRE Deployment Utility will not work correctly until you change the paths in the BREDeployment.exe.config file located in the <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools folder.


Update the utility's configuration by opening BREDeployment.exe.config in Notepad, and changing the folders for the base policies, schemas, and vocabulary directories.

See Also

Troubleshooting: Issues and Resolutions