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DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math Namespace




This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:acc.


Accent Character.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:chr.


Accent Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:accPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:aln.


Align Scripts.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:alnScr.


Argument Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:argPr.


Argument Size.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:argSz.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:bar.


Bar Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:barPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:e.


Equation Array Base Justification.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:baseJc.


Delimiter Beginning Character.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:begChr.


Border-Box Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:borderBox.


Border Box Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:borderBoxPr.


Box Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:box.


Box Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:boxPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:brk.


Break on Binary Operators.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:brkBin.


Break on Binary Subtraction.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:brkBinSub.


Defines the CharType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Matrix Column Gap.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:cGp.


Matrix Column Gap Rule.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:cGpRule.


Matrix Column Spacing.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:cSp.


Control Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:ctrlPr.


Default Justification.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:defJc.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:deg.


Delimiter Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:d.


Delimiter Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:dPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:den.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:diff.


Use Display Math Defaults.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:dispDef.


Delimiter Ending Character.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:endChr.


Equation-Array Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:eqArr.


Equation Array Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:eqArrPr.


Fraction Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:f.


Fraction Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:fPr.


Fraction type.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:type.


Function Name.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:fName.


Function Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:funcPr.


Group-Character Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:groupChr.


Group-Character Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:groupChrPr.


Delimiter Grow.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:grow.


Hide Bottom Edge.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:hideBot.


Hide Degree.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:degHide.


Hide Left Edge.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:hideLeft.


Hide Placeholders (Matrix).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:plcHide.


Hide Right Edge.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:hideRight.


Hide Subscript (n-ary).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:subHide.


Hide Superscript (n-ary).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:supHide.


Hide Top Edge.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:hideTop.


Integral Limit Locations.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:intLim.


Inter-Equation Spacing.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:interSp.


Intra-Equation Spacing.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:intraSp.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:jc.


Left Margin.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:lMargin.


Limit (Lower).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:lim.


n-ary Limit Location.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:limLoc.


Defines the LimitLocationType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Lower-Limit Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:limLow.


Lower Limit Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:limLowPr.


Upper-Limit Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:limUpp.


Upper Limit Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:limUppPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:lit.


Math Font.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mathFont.


Function Apply Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:func.


Math Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mathPr.


Matrix Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:m.


Matrix Column.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mc.


Matrix Column Count.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:count.


Matrix Column Justification.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mcJc.


Matrix Column Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mcPr.


Matrix Columns.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mcs.


Matrix Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mPr.


Matrix Row.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:mr.


Maximum Distribution.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:maxDist.


n-ary Operator Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:nary.


n-ary Limit Location.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:naryLim.


n-ary Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:naryPr.


No Break.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:noBreak.


Normal Text.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:nor.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:num.


Object Distribution.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:objDist.


Defines the OfficeMath Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:oMath.


Defines the OfficeMathArgumentType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Defines the OfficeMathJustificationType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Defines the OnOffType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Operator Emulator.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:opEmu.


Defines the Paragraph Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:oMathPara.


Office Math Paragraph Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:oMathParaPr.


Phantom Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:phant.


Phantom Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:phantPr.


Position (Bar).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:pos.


Post-Equation Spacing.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:postSp.


Pre-Equation Spacing.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:preSp.


Pre-Sub-Superscript Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sPre.


Pre-Sub-Superscript Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sPrePr.


Radical Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:rad.


Radical Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:radPr.


Right Margin.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:rMargin.


Row Spacing (Equation Array).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:rSp.


Row Spacing Rule.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:rSpRule.


Defines the Run Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:r.


Run Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:rPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:scr.


Delimiter Separator Character.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sepChr.


Shape (Delimiters).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:shp.


Phantom Show.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:show.


Small Fraction.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:smallFrac.


Defines the SpacingRuleType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Border Box Strikethrough Bottom-Left to Top-Right.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:strikeBLTR.


Border Box Strikethrough Horizontal.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:strikeH.


Border Box Strikethrough Top-Left to Bottom-Right.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:strikeTLBR.


Border Box Strikethrough Vertical.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:strikeV.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sty.


Lower limit (n-ary) .

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sub.


Subscript Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSub.


Subscript Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSubPr.


Sub-Superscript Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSubSup.


Sub-Superscript Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSubSupPr.


Upper limit (n-ary).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sup.


Superscript Function.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSup.


Superscript Properties.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:sSupPr.



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:t.


Defines the TopBottomType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Transparent (Phantom).

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:transp.


Defines the TwipsMeasureType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Defines the UnsignedShortType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Vertical Justification.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:vertJc.


Wrap Indent.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:wrapIndent.


Wrap Right.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:wrapRight.


Phantom Zero Ascent.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:zeroAsc.


Phantom Zero Descent.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:zeroDesc.


Phantom Zero Width.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is m:zeroWid.



Defines the BooleanValues enumeration.


Defines the BreakBinaryOperatorValues enumeration.


Defines the BreakBinarySubtractionValues enumeration.


Defines the FractionTypeValues enumeration.


Defines the HorizontalAlignmentValues enumeration.


Defines the JustificationValues enumeration.


Defines the LimitLocationValues enumeration.


Defines the ScriptValues enumeration.


Defines the ShapeDelimiterValues enumeration.


Defines the StyleValues enumeration.


Defines the VerticalAlignmentValues enumeration.


Defines the VerticalJustificationValues enumeration.