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DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2013.Drawing.Chart Namespace



Defines the AreaChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the AutoGeneneratedCategories Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:autoCat.


Defines the AxisDataSourceType Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:cat.


Defines the BarChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the BooleanType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Defines the Bubble3D Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:bubble3D.


Defines the BubbleChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the CategoryFilterException Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:categoryFilterException.


Defines the CategoryFilterExceptions Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:categoryFilterExceptions.


Defines the ChartText Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:tx.


Defines the DataLabel Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:dLbl.


Defines the DataLabelFieldTable Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:dlblFieldTable.


Defines the DataLabelFieldTableCache Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:dlblFieldTableCache.


Defines the DataLabelFieldTableEntry Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:dlblFTEntry.


Defines the DataLabelsRange Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:datalabelsRange.


Defines the DataLabelsRangeChache Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:dlblRangeCache.


Defines the ExceptionForSave Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:xForSave.


Defines the Explosion Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:explosion.


Defines the FilteredAreaSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredAreaSeries.


Defines the FilteredBarSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredBarSeries.


Defines the FilteredBubbleSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredBubbleSeries.


Defines the FilteredCategoryTitle Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredCategoryTitle.


Defines the FilteredLineSeriesExtension Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredLineSeries.


Defines the FilteredPieSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredPieSeries.


Defines the FilteredRadarSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredRadarSeries.


Defines the FilteredScatterSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredScatterSeries.


Defines the FilteredSeriesTitle Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredSeriesTitle.


Defines the FilteredSurfaceSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:filteredSurfaceSeries.


Defines the Formula Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:f.


Defines the FormulaReference Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:formulaRef.


Defines the FullReference Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:fullRef.


Defines the InvertIfNegativeBoolean Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:invertIfNegative.


Defines the Layout Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:layout.


Defines the LeaderLines Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:leaderLines.


Defines the LevelReference Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:levelRef.


Defines the LineChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the Marker Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:marker.


Defines the NumberingFormat Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:numFmt.


Defines the PieChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the PivotSource Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:pivotSource.


Defines the RadarChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the ScatterChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the SequenceOfReferences Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:sqref.


Defines the ShapeProperties Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:spPr.


Defines the ShowDataLabelsRange Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:showDataLabelsRange.


Defines the ShowLeaderLines Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:showLeaderLines.


Defines the StringDataType Class.

This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is :.


Defines the SurfaceChartSeries Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:ser.


Defines the TextFieldGuid Class.

This class is available in Office 2013 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c15:txfldGUID.