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ProductTagResourceContractProperties Class


Product profile.

public class ProductTagResourceContractProperties : Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.Models.ProductEntityBaseParameters
type ProductTagResourceContractProperties = class
    inherit ProductEntityBaseParameters
Public Class ProductTagResourceContractProperties
Inherits ProductEntityBaseParameters



Initializes a new instance of the ProductTagResourceContractProperties class.

ProductTagResourceContractProperties(String, String, String, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<ProductState>, String)

Initializes a new instance of the ProductTagResourceContractProperties class.



Gets or sets whether subscription approval is required. If false, new subscriptions will be approved automatically enabling developers to call the product’s APIs immediately after subscribing. If true, administrators must manually approve the subscription before the developer can any of the product’s APIs. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false.

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)

Gets or sets product description. May include HTML formatting tags.

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)

Gets or sets identifier of the product in the form of /products/{productId}


Gets or sets product name.


Gets or sets whether product is published or not. Published products are discoverable by users of developer portal. Non published products are visible only to administrators. Default state of Product is notPublished. Possible values include: 'notPublished', 'published'

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)

Gets or sets whether a product subscription is required for accessing APIs included in this product. If true, the product is referred to as "protected" and a valid subscription key is required for a request to an API included in the product to succeed. If false, the product is referred to as "open" and requests to an API included in the product can be made without a subscription key. If property is omitted when creating a new product it's value is assumed to be true.

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)

Gets or sets whether the number of subscriptions a user can have to this product at the same time. Set to null or omit to allow unlimited per user subscriptions. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false.

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)

Gets or sets product terms of use. Developers trying to subscribe to the product will be presented and required to accept these terms before they can complete the subscription process.

(Inherited from ProductEntityBaseParameters)



Validate the object.

Applies to