All Enum
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
public enum All
type All =
- Inheritance
Name | Value | Description |
False | 0 | |
NoError | 0 | |
Points | 0 | |
Zero | 0 | |
AppleCopyTextureLevels | 1 | |
AppleFramebufferMultisample | 1 | |
AppleTexture2DLimitedNpot | 1 | |
AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 | 1 | |
AppleTextureMaxLevel | 1 | |
ExtBlendMinmax | 1 | |
ExtDebugLabel | 1 | |
ExtDebugMarker | 1 | |
ExtDiscardFramebuffer | 1 | |
ExtMapBufferRange | 1 | |
ExtReadFormatBgra | 1 | |
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic | 1 | |
ExtTextureLodBias | 1 | |
ExtTextureStorage | 1 | |
ImgReadFormat | 1 | |
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc | 1 | |
ImgTextureFormatBgra8888 | 1 | |
Lines | 1 | |
MapReadBitExt | 1 | |
OesBlendEquationSeparate | 1 | |
OesBlendFuncSeparate | 1 | |
OesBlendSubtract | 1 | |
OesByteCoordinates | 1 | |
OesCompressedPalettedTexture | 1 | |
OesDepth24 | 1 | |
OesDrawTexture | 1 | |
OesElementIndexUint | 1 | |
OesFboRenderMipmap | 1 | |
OesFixedPoint | 1 | |
OesFramebufferObject | 1 | |
OesMapbuffer | 1 | |
OesMatrixGet | 1 | |
OesMatrixPalette | 1 | |
OesPackedDepthStencil | 1 | |
OesPointSizeArray | 1 | |
OesPointSprite | 1 | |
OesReadFormat | 1 | |
OesRgb8Rgba8 | 1 | |
OesSinglePrecision | 1 | |
OesStencil8 | 1 | |
OesStencilWrap | 1 | |
OesTextureMirroredRepeat | 1 | |
OesVersion10 | 1 | |
OesVersion11 | 1 | |
OesVertexArrayObject | 1 | |
One | 1 | |
True | 1 | |
VersionEsCl10 | 1 | |
VersionEsCl11 | 1 | |
VersionEsCm10 | 1 | |
VersionEsCm11 | 1 | |
LineLoop | 2 | |
MapWriteBitExt | 2 | |
LineStrip | 3 | |
MapInvalidateRangeBitExt | 4 | |
Triangles | 4 | |
TriangleStrip | 5 | |
TriangleFan | 6 | |
MapInvalidateBufferBitExt | 8 | |
MapFlushExplicitBitExt | 16 | |
MapUnsynchronizedBitExt | 32 | |
DepthBufferBit | 256 | |
Add | 260 | |
Never | 512 | |
Less | 513 | |
Equal | 514 | |
Lequal | 515 | |
Greater | 516 | |
Notequal | 517 | |
Gequal | 518 | |
Always | 519 | |
SrcColor | 768 | |
OneMinusSrcColor | 769 | |
SrcAlpha | 770 | |
OneMinusSrcAlpha | 771 | |
DstAlpha | 772 | |
OneMinusDstAlpha | 773 | |
DstColor | 774 | |
OneMinusDstColor | 775 | |
SrcAlphaSaturate | 776 | |
StencilBufferBit | 1024 | |
Front | 1028 | |
Back | 1029 | |
FrontAndBack | 1032 | |
InvalidEnum | 1280 | |
InvalidValue | 1281 | |
InvalidOperation | 1282 | |
StackOverflow | 1283 | |
StackUnderflow | 1284 | |
OutOfMemory | 1285 | |
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes | 1286 | |
Exp | 2048 | |
Exp2 | 2049 | |
Cw | 2304 | |
Ccw | 2305 | |
CurrentColor | 2816 | |
CurrentNormal | 2818 | |
CurrentTextureCoords | 2819 | |
PointSmooth | 2832 | |
PointSize | 2833 | |
SmoothPointSizeRange | 2834 | |
LineSmooth | 2848 | |
LineWidth | 2849 | |
SmoothLineWidthRange | 2850 | |
CullFace | 2884 | |
CullFaceMode | 2885 | |
FrontFace | 2886 | |
Lighting | 2896 | |
LightModelTwoSide | 2898 | |
LightModelAmbient | 2899 | |
ShadeModel | 2900 | |
ColorMaterial | 2903 | |
Fog | 2912 | |
FogDensity | 2914 | |
FogStart | 2915 | |
FogEnd | 2916 | |
FogMode | 2917 | |
FogColor | 2918 | |
DepthRange | 2928 | |
DepthTest | 2929 | |
DepthWritemask | 2930 | |
DepthClearValue | 2931 | |
DepthFunc | 2932 | |
StencilTest | 2960 | |
StencilClearValue | 2961 | |
StencilFunc | 2962 | |
StencilValueMask | 2963 | |
StencilFail | 2964 | |
StencilPassDepthFail | 2965 | |
StencilPassDepthPass | 2966 | |
StencilRef | 2967 | |
StencilWritemask | 2968 | |
MatrixMode | 2976 | |
Normalize | 2977 | |
Viewport | 2978 | |
ModelviewStackDepth | 2979 | |
ProjectionStackDepth | 2980 | |
TextureStackDepth | 2981 | |
ModelviewMatrix | 2982 | |
ProjectionMatrix | 2983 | |
TextureMatrix | 2984 | |
AlphaTest | 3008 | |
AlphaTestFunc | 3009 | |
AlphaTestRef | 3010 | |
Dither | 3024 | |
BlendDst | 3040 | |
BlendSrc | 3041 | |
Blend | 3042 | |
LogicOpMode | 3056 | |
ColorLogicOp | 3058 | |
ScissorBox | 3088 | |
ScissorTest | 3089 | |
ColorClearValue | 3106 | |
ColorWritemask | 3107 | |
PerspectiveCorrectionHint | 3152 | |
PointSmoothHint | 3153 | |
LineSmoothHint | 3154 | |
FogHint | 3156 | |
UnpackAlignment | 3317 | |
PackAlignment | 3333 | |
AlphaScale | 3356 | |
MaxLights | 3377 | |
MaxClipPlanes | 3378 | |
MaxTextureSize | 3379 | |
MaxModelviewStackDepth | 3382 | |
MaxProjectionStackDepth | 3384 | |
MaxTextureStackDepth | 3385 | |
MaxViewportDims | 3386 | |
SubpixelBits | 3408 | |
RedBits | 3410 | |
GreenBits | 3411 | |
BlueBits | 3412 | |
AlphaBits | 3413 | |
DepthBits | 3414 | |
StencilBits | 3415 | |
Texture2D | 3553 | |
DontCare | 4352 | |
Fastest | 4353 | |
Nicest | 4354 | |
Ambient | 4608 | |
Diffuse | 4609 | |
Specular | 4610 | |
Position | 4611 | |
SpotDirection | 4612 | |
SpotExponent | 4613 | |
SpotCutoff | 4614 | |
ConstantAttenuation | 4615 | |
LinearAttenuation | 4616 | |
QuadraticAttenuation | 4617 | |
Byte | 5120 | |
UnsignedByte | 5121 | |
Short | 5122 | |
UnsignedShort | 5123 | |
UnsignedIntOes | 5125 | |
Float | 5126 | |
Fixed | 5132 | |
Clear | 5376 | |
And | 5377 | |
AndReverse | 5378 | |
Copy | 5379 | |
AndInverted | 5380 | |
Noop | 5381 | |
Xor | 5382 | |
Or | 5383 | |
Nor | 5384 | |
Equiv | 5385 | |
Invert | 5386 | |
OrReverse | 5387 | |
CopyInverted | 5388 | |
OrInverted | 5389 | |
Nand | 5390 | |
Set | 5391 | |
Emission | 5632 | |
Shininess | 5633 | |
AmbientAndDiffuse | 5634 | |
Modelview | 5888 | |
Projection | 5889 | |
Texture | 5890 | |
ColorExt | 6144 | |
DepthExt | 6145 | |
StencilExt | 6146 | |
Alpha | 6406 | |
Rgb | 6407 | |
Rgba | 6408 | |
Luminance | 6409 | |
LuminanceAlpha | 6410 | |
Flat | 7424 | |
Smooth | 7425 | |
Keep | 7680 | |
Replace | 7681 | |
Incr | 7682 | |
Decr | 7683 | |
Vendor | 7936 | |
Renderer | 7937 | |
Version | 7938 | |
Extensions | 7939 | |
Modulate | 8448 | |
Decal | 8449 | |
TextureEnvMode | 8704 | |
TextureEnvColor | 8705 | |
TextureEnv | 8960 | |
Nearest | 9728 | |
Linear | 9729 | |
NearestMipmapNearest | 9984 | |
LinearMipmapNearest | 9985 | |
NearestMipmapLinear | 9986 | |
LinearMipmapLinear | 9987 | |
TextureMagFilter | 10240 | |
TextureMinFilter | 10241 | |
TextureWrapS | 10242 | |
TextureWrapT | 10243 | |
Repeat | 10497 | |
PolygonOffsetUnits | 10752 | |
ClipPlane0 | 12288 | |
ClipPlane1 | 12289 | |
ClipPlane2 | 12290 | |
ClipPlane3 | 12291 | |
ClipPlane4 | 12292 | |
ClipPlane5 | 12293 | |
ColorBufferBit | 16384 | |
Light0 | 16384 | |
Light1 | 16385 | |
Light2 | 16386 | |
Light3 | 16387 | |
Light4 | 16388 | |
Light5 | 16389 | |
Light6 | 16390 | |
Light7 | 16391 | |
FuncAddOes | 32774 | |
MinExt | 32775 | |
MaxExt | 32776 | |
BlendEquationOes | 32777 | |
BlendEquationRgbOes | 32777 | |
FuncSubtractOes | 32778 | |
FuncReverseSubtractOes | 32779 | |
UnsignedShort4444 | 32819 | |
UnsignedShort5551 | 32820 | |
PolygonOffsetFill | 32823 | |
PolygonOffsetFactor | 32824 | |
RescaleNormal | 32826 | |
Alpha8Ext | 32828 | |
Luminance8Ext | 32832 | |
Luminance8Alpha8Ext | 32837 | |
Rgb8Oes | 32849 | |
Rgba4Oes | 32854 | |
Rgb5A1Oes | 32855 | |
Rgba8Oes | 32856 | |
TextureBinding2D | 32873 | |
VertexArray | 32884 | |
NormalArray | 32885 | |
ColorArray | 32886 | |
TextureCoordArray | 32888 | |
VertexArraySize | 32890 | |
VertexArrayType | 32891 | |
VertexArrayStride | 32892 | |
NormalArrayType | 32894 | |
NormalArrayStride | 32895 | |
ColorArraySize | 32897 | |
ColorArrayType | 32898 | |
ColorArrayStride | 32899 | |
TextureCoordArraySize | 32904 | |
TextureCoordArrayType | 32905 | |
TextureCoordArrayStride | 32906 | |
VertexArrayPointer | 32910 | |
NormalArrayPointer | 32911 | |
ColorArrayPointer | 32912 | |
TextureCoordArrayPointer | 32914 | |
Multisample | 32925 | |
SampleAlphaToCoverage | 32926 | |
SampleAlphaToOne | 32927 | |
SampleCoverage | 32928 | |
SampleBuffers | 32936 | |
Samples | 32937 | |
SampleCoverageValue | 32938 | |
SampleCoverageInvert | 32939 | |
BlendDstRgbOes | 32968 | |
BlendSrcRgbOes | 32969 | |
BlendDstAlphaOes | 32970 | |
BlendSrcAlphaOes | 32971 | |
Bgra | 32993 | |
BgraExt | 32993 | |
BgraImg | 32993 | |
PointSizeMin | 33062 | |
PointSizeMax | 33063 | |
PointFadeThresholdSize | 33064 | |
PointDistanceAttenuation | 33065 | |
ClampToEdge | 33071 | |
TextureMaxLevelApple | 33085 | |
GenerateMipmap | 33169 | |
GenerateMipmapHint | 33170 | |
DepthComponent16Oes | 33189 | |
DepthComponent24Oes | 33190 | |
UnsignedShort565 | 33635 | |
UnsignedShort4444Rev | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort4444RevExt | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort4444RevImg | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort1555Rev | 33638 | |
UnsignedShort1555RevExt | 33638 | |
MirroredRepeatOes | 33648 | |
AliasedPointSizeRange | 33901 | |
AliasedLineWidthRange | 33902 | |
Texture0 | 33984 | |
Texture1 | 33985 | |
Texture2 | 33986 | |
Texture3 | 33987 | |
Texture4 | 33988 | |
Texture5 | 33989 | |
Texture6 | 33990 | |
Texture7 | 33991 | |
Texture8 | 33992 | |
Texture9 | 33993 | |
Texture10 | 33994 | |
Texture11 | 33995 | |
Texture12 | 33996 | |
Texture13 | 33997 | |
Texture14 | 33998 | |
Texture15 | 33999 | |
Texture16 | 34000 | |
Texture17 | 34001 | |
Texture18 | 34002 | |
Texture19 | 34003 | |
Texture20 | 34004 | |
Texture21 | 34005 | |
Texture22 | 34006 | |
Texture23 | 34007 | |
Texture24 | 34008 | |
Texture25 | 34009 | |
Texture26 | 34010 | |
Texture27 | 34011 | |
Texture28 | 34012 | |
Texture29 | 34013 | |
Texture30 | 34014 | |
Texture31 | 34015 | |
ActiveTexture | 34016 | |
ClientActiveTexture | 34017 | |
MaxTextureUnits | 34018 | |
Subtract | 34023 | |
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes | 34024 | |
DepthStencilOes | 34041 | |
UnsignedInt248Oes | 34042 | |
MaxTextureLodBiasExt | 34045 | |
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt | 34046 | |
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt | 34047 | |
TextureFilterControlExt | 34048 | |
TextureLodBiasExt | 34049 | |
IncrWrapOes | 34055 | |
DecrWrapOes | 34056 | |
Combine | 34160 | |
CombineRgb | 34161 | |
CombineAlpha | 34162 | |
RgbScale | 34163 | |
AddSigned | 34164 | |
Interpolate | 34165 | |
Constant | 34166 | |
PrimaryColor | 34167 | |
Previous | 34168 | |
Src0Rgb | 34176 | |
Src1Rgb | 34177 | |
Src2Rgb | 34178 | |
Src0Alpha | 34184 | |
Src1Alpha | 34185 | |
Src2Alpha | 34186 | |
Operand0Rgb | 34192 | |
Operand1Rgb | 34193 | |
Operand2Rgb | 34194 | |
Operand0Alpha | 34200 | |
Operand1Alpha | 34201 | |
Operand2Alpha | 34202 | |
VertexArrayBindingOes | 34229 | |
NumCompressedTextureFormats | 34466 | |
CompressedTextureFormats | 34467 | |
MaxVertexUnitsOes | 34468 | |
WeightArrayTypeOes | 34473 | |
WeightArrayStrideOes | 34474 | |
WeightArraySizeOes | 34475 | |
WeightArrayPointerOes | 34476 | |
WeightArrayOes | 34477 | |
Dot3Rgb | 34478 | |
Dot3Rgba | 34479 | |
BufferSize | 34660 | |
BufferUsage | 34661 | |
BlendEquationAlphaOes | 34877 | |
MatrixPaletteOes | 34880 | |
MaxPaletteMatricesOes | 34882 | |
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes | 34883 | |
MatrixIndexArrayOes | 34884 | |
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes | 34886 | |
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes | 34887 | |
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes | 34888 | |
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes | 34889 | |
PointSpriteOes | 34913 | |
CoordReplaceOes | 34914 | |
ArrayBuffer | 34962 | |
ElementArrayBuffer | 34963 | |
ArrayBufferBinding | 34964 | |
ElementArrayBufferBinding | 34965 | |
VertexArrayBufferBinding | 34966 | |
NormalArrayBufferBinding | 34967 | |
ColorArrayBufferBinding | 34968 | |
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding | 34970 | |
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes | 34974 | |
WriteOnlyOes | 35001 | |
BufferAccessOes | 35003 | |
BufferMappedOes | 35004 | |
BufferMapPointerOes | 35005 | |
StaticDraw | 35044 | |
DynamicDraw | 35048 | |
Depth24Stencil8Oes | 35056 | |
PointSizeArrayTypeOes | 35210 | |
PointSizeArrayStrideOes | 35211 | |
PointSizeArrayPointerOes | 35212 | |
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes | 35213 | |
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes | 35214 | |
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes | 35215 | |
Palette4Rgb8Oes | 35728 | |
Palette4Rgba8Oes | 35729 | |
Palette4R5G6B5Oes | 35730 | |
Palette4Rgba4Oes | 35731 | |
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes | 35732 | |
Palette8Rgb8Oes | 35733 | |
Palette8Rgba8Oes | 35734 | |
Palette8R5G6B5Oes | 35735 | |
Palette8Rgba4Oes | 35736 | |
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes | 35737 | |
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes | 35738 | |
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes | 35739 | |
PointSizeArrayOes | 35740 | |
TextureCropRectOes | 35741 | |
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes | 35742 | |
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes | 35743 | |
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img | 35840 | |
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img | 35841 | |
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img | 35842 | |
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img | 35843 | |
DrawFramebufferBindingApple | 36006 | |
FramebufferBindingOes | 36006 | |
RenderbufferBindingOes | 36007 | |
ReadFramebufferApple | 36008 | |
DrawFramebufferApple | 36009 | |
ReadFramebufferBindingApple | 36010 | |
RenderbufferSamplesApple | 36011 | |
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes | 36048 | |
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes | 36049 | |
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes | 36050 | |
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes | 36051 | |
FramebufferCompleteOes | 36053 | |
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes | 36054 | |
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes | 36055 | |
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes | 36057 | |
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes | 36058 | |
FramebufferUnsupportedOes | 36061 | |
ColorAttachment0Oes | 36064 | |
DepthAttachmentOes | 36096 | |
StencilAttachmentOes | 36128 | |
FramebufferOes | 36160 | |
RenderbufferOes | 36161 | |
RenderbufferWidthOes | 36162 | |
RenderbufferHeightOes | 36163 | |
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes | 36164 | |
StencilIndex8Oes | 36168 | |
RenderbufferRedSizeOes | 36176 | |
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes | 36177 | |
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes | 36178 | |
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes | 36179 | |
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes | 36180 | |
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes | 36181 | |
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple | 36182 | |
MaxSamplesApple | 36183 | |
Rgb565Oes | 36194 | |
TextureImmutableFormatExt | 37167 | |
BufferObjectExt | 37201 | |
VertexArrayObjectExt | 37204 | |
Bgra8Ext | 37793 |