All Enum
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
public enum All
type All =
- Inheritance
Name | Value | Description |
AllShaderBitsExt | -1 | |
InvalidIndex | -1 | |
TimeoutIgnored | -1 | |
False | 0 | |
NoError | 0 | |
None | 0 | |
Points | 0 | |
Zero | 0 | |
AppleCopyTextureLevels | 1 | |
AppleRgb422 | 1 | |
AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 | 1 | |
EsVersion20 | 1 | |
EsVersion30 | 1 | |
ExtColorBufferHalfFloat | 1 | |
ExtDebugLabel | 1 | |
ExtDebugMarker | 1 | |
ExtPvrtcSrgb | 1 | |
ExtReadFormatBgra | 1 | |
ExtSeparateShaderObjects | 1 | |
ExtShaderFramebufferFetch | 1 | |
ExtShaderTextureLod | 1 | |
ExtShadowSamplers | 1 | |
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic | 1 | |
ImgReadFormat | 1 | |
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc | 1 | |
ImgTextureFormatBgra8888 | 1 | |
Lines | 1 | |
MapReadBit | 1 | |
OesStandardDerivatives | 1 | |
One | 1 | |
SyncFlushCommandsBit | 1 | |
True | 1 | |
VertexShaderBitExt | 1 | |
FragmentShaderBitExt | 2 | |
LineLoop | 2 | |
MapWriteBit | 2 | |
LineStrip | 3 | |
MapInvalidateRangeBit | 4 | |
Triangles | 4 | |
TriangleStrip | 5 | |
TriangleFan | 6 | |
MapInvalidateBufferBit | 8 | |
MapFlushExplicitBit | 16 | |
MapUnsynchronizedBit | 32 | |
DepthBufferBit | 256 | |
Never | 512 | |
Less | 513 | |
Equal | 514 | |
Lequal | 515 | |
Greater | 516 | |
Notequal | 517 | |
Gequal | 518 | |
Always | 519 | |
SrcColor | 768 | |
OneMinusSrcColor | 769 | |
SrcAlpha | 770 | |
OneMinusSrcAlpha | 771 | |
DstAlpha | 772 | |
OneMinusDstAlpha | 773 | |
DstColor | 774 | |
OneMinusDstColor | 775 | |
SrcAlphaSaturate | 776 | |
StencilBufferBit | 1024 | |
Front | 1028 | |
Back | 1029 | |
FrontAndBack | 1032 | |
InvalidEnum | 1280 | |
InvalidValue | 1281 | |
InvalidOperation | 1282 | |
OutOfMemory | 1285 | |
InvalidFramebufferOperation | 1286 | |
Cw | 2304 | |
Ccw | 2305 | |
LineWidth | 2849 | |
CullFace | 2884 | |
CullFaceMode | 2885 | |
FrontFace | 2886 | |
DepthRange | 2928 | |
DepthTest | 2929 | |
DepthWritemask | 2930 | |
DepthClearValue | 2931 | |
DepthFunc | 2932 | |
StencilTest | 2960 | |
StencilClearValue | 2961 | |
StencilFunc | 2962 | |
StencilValueMask | 2963 | |
StencilFail | 2964 | |
StencilPassDepthFail | 2965 | |
StencilPassDepthPass | 2966 | |
StencilRef | 2967 | |
StencilWritemask | 2968 | |
Viewport | 2978 | |
Dither | 3024 | |
Blend | 3042 | |
ReadBuffer | 3074 | |
ScissorBox | 3088 | |
ScissorTest | 3089 | |
ColorClearValue | 3106 | |
ColorWritemask | 3107 | |
UnpackRowLength | 3314 | |
UnpackSkipRows | 3315 | |
UnpackSkipPixels | 3316 | |
UnpackAlignment | 3317 | |
PackRowLength | 3330 | |
PackSkipRows | 3331 | |
PackSkipPixels | 3332 | |
PackAlignment | 3333 | |
MaxTextureSize | 3379 | |
MaxViewportDims | 3386 | |
SubpixelBits | 3408 | |
RedBits | 3410 | |
GreenBits | 3411 | |
BlueBits | 3412 | |
AlphaBits | 3413 | |
DepthBits | 3414 | |
StencilBits | 3415 | |
Texture2D | 3553 | |
DontCare | 4352 | |
Fastest | 4353 | |
Nicest | 4354 | |
Byte | 5120 | |
UnsignedByte | 5121 | |
Short | 5122 | |
UnsignedShort | 5123 | |
Int | 5124 | |
UnsignedInt | 5125 | |
Float | 5126 | |
HalfFloat | 5131 | |
Fixed | 5132 | |
Invert | 5386 | |
Texture | 5890 | |
Color | 6144 | |
Depth | 6145 | |
Stencil | 6146 | |
StencilIndex | 6401 | |
DepthComponent | 6402 | |
Red | 6403 | |
Green | 6404 | |
Blue | 6405 | |
Alpha | 6406 | |
Rgb | 6407 | |
Rgba | 6408 | |
Luminance | 6409 | |
LuminanceAlpha | 6410 | |
Keep | 7680 | |
Replace | 7681 | |
Incr | 7682 | |
Decr | 7683 | |
Vendor | 7936 | |
Renderer | 7937 | |
Version | 7938 | |
Extensions | 7939 | |
Nearest | 9728 | |
Linear | 9729 | |
NearestMipmapNearest | 9984 | |
LinearMipmapNearest | 9985 | |
NearestMipmapLinear | 9986 | |
LinearMipmapLinear | 9987 | |
TextureMagFilter | 10240 | |
TextureMinFilter | 10241 | |
TextureWrapS | 10242 | |
TextureWrapT | 10243 | |
Repeat | 10497 | |
PolygonOffsetUnits | 10752 | |
ColorBufferBit | 16384 | |
ConstantColor | 32769 | |
OneMinusConstantColor | 32770 | |
ConstantAlpha | 32771 | |
OneMinusConstantAlpha | 32772 | |
BlendColor | 32773 | |
FuncAdd | 32774 | |
Min | 32775 | |
Max | 32776 | |
BlendEquation | 32777 | |
BlendEquationRgb | 32777 | |
FuncSubtract | 32778 | |
FuncReverseSubtract | 32779 | |
UnsignedShort4444 | 32819 | |
UnsignedShort5551 | 32820 | |
PolygonOffsetFill | 32823 | |
PolygonOffsetFactor | 32824 | |
Rgb8 | 32849 | |
Rgba4 | 32854 | |
Rgb5A1 | 32855 | |
Rgba8 | 32856 | |
Rgb10A2 | 32857 | |
TextureBinding2D | 32873 | |
TextureBinding3D | 32874 | |
UnpackSkipImages | 32877 | |
UnpackImageHeight | 32878 | |
Texture3D | 32879 | |
TextureWrapR | 32882 | |
Max3DTextureSize | 32883 | |
SampleAlphaToCoverage | 32926 | |
SampleCoverage | 32928 | |
SampleBuffers | 32936 | |
Samples | 32937 | |
SampleCoverageValue | 32938 | |
SampleCoverageInvert | 32939 | |
BlendDstRgb | 32968 | |
BlendSrcRgb | 32969 | |
BlendDstAlpha | 32970 | |
BlendSrcAlpha | 32971 | |
Bgra | 32993 | |
BgraExt | 32993 | |
BgraImg | 32993 | |
MaxElementsVertices | 33000 | |
MaxElementsIndices | 33001 | |
ClampToEdge | 33071 | |
TextureMinLod | 33082 | |
TextureMaxLod | 33083 | |
TextureBaseLevel | 33084 | |
TextureMaxLevel | 33085 | |
GenerateMipmapHint | 33170 | |
DepthComponent16 | 33189 | |
DepthComponent24 | 33190 | |
FramebufferAttachmentColorEncoding | 33296 | |
FramebufferAttachmentComponentType | 33297 | |
FramebufferAttachmentComponentTypeExt | 33297 | |
FramebufferAttachmentRedSize | 33298 | |
FramebufferAttachmentGreenSize | 33299 | |
FramebufferAttachmentBlueSize | 33300 | |
FramebufferAttachmentAlphaSize | 33301 | |
FramebufferAttachmentDepthSize | 33302 | |
FramebufferAttachmentStencilSize | 33303 | |
FramebufferDefault | 33304 | |
FramebufferUndefined | 33305 | |
DepthStencilAttachment | 33306 | |
MajorVersion | 33307 | |
MinorVersion | 33308 | |
NumExtensions | 33309 | |
Rg | 33319 | |
RgInteger | 33320 | |
R8 | 33321 | |
Rg8 | 33323 | |
R16f | 33325 | |
R16fExt | 33325 | |
R32f | 33326 | |
Rg16f | 33327 | |
Rg16fExt | 33327 | |
Rg32f | 33328 | |
R8i | 33329 | |
R8ui | 33330 | |
R16i | 33331 | |
R16ui | 33332 | |
R32i | 33333 | |
R32ui | 33334 | |
Rg8i | 33335 | |
Rg8ui | 33336 | |
Rg16i | 33337 | |
Rg16ui | 33338 | |
Rg32i | 33339 | |
Rg32ui | 33340 | |
ProgramBinaryRetrievableHint | 33367 | |
ProgramSeparableExt | 33368 | |
ActiveProgramExt | 33369 | |
ProgramPipelineBindingExt | 33370 | |
TextureImmutableLevels | 33503 | |
Sampler | 33510 | |
UnsignedShort565 | 33635 | |
UnsignedShort4444Rev | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort4444RevExt | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort4444RevImg | 33637 | |
UnsignedShort1555Rev | 33638 | |
UnsignedShort1555RevExt | 33638 | |
UnsignedInt2101010Rev | 33640 | |
MirroredRepeat | 33648 | |
AliasedPointSizeRange | 33901 | |
AliasedLineWidthRange | 33902 | |
Texture0 | 33984 | |
Texture1 | 33985 | |
Texture2 | 33986 | |
Texture3 | 33987 | |
Texture4 | 33988 | |
Texture5 | 33989 | |
Texture6 | 33990 | |
Texture7 | 33991 | |
Texture8 | 33992 | |
Texture9 | 33993 | |
Texture10 | 33994 | |
Texture11 | 33995 | |
Texture12 | 33996 | |
Texture13 | 33997 | |
Texture14 | 33998 | |
Texture15 | 33999 | |
Texture16 | 34000 | |
Texture17 | 34001 | |
Texture18 | 34002 | |
Texture19 | 34003 | |
Texture20 | 34004 | |
Texture21 | 34005 | |
Texture22 | 34006 | |
Texture23 | 34007 | |
Texture24 | 34008 | |
Texture25 | 34009 | |
Texture26 | 34010 | |
Texture27 | 34011 | |
Texture28 | 34012 | |
Texture29 | 34013 | |
Texture30 | 34014 | |
Texture31 | 34015 | |
ActiveTexture | 34016 | |
MaxRenderbufferSize | 34024 | |
DepthStencil | 34041 | |
UnsignedInt248 | 34042 | |
MaxTextureLodBias | 34045 | |
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt | 34046 | |
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt | 34047 | |
IncrWrap | 34055 | |
DecrWrap | 34056 | |
TextureCubeMap | 34067 | |
TextureBindingCubeMap | 34068 | |
TextureCubeMapPositiveX | 34069 | |
TextureCubeMapNegativeX | 34070 | |
TextureCubeMapPositiveY | 34071 | |
TextureCubeMapNegativeY | 34072 | |
TextureCubeMapPositiveZ | 34073 | |
TextureCubeMapNegativeZ | 34074 | |
MaxCubeMapTextureSize | 34076 | |
VertexArrayBinding | 34229 | |
UnsignedShort88Apple | 34234 | |
UnsignedShort88RevApple | 34235 | |
VertexAttribArrayEnabled | 34338 | |
VertexAttribArraySize | 34339 | |
VertexAttribArrayStride | 34340 | |
VertexAttribArrayType | 34341 | |
CurrentVertexAttrib | 34342 | |
VertexAttribArrayPointer | 34373 | |
NumCompressedTextureFormats | 34466 | |
CompressedTextureFormats | 34467 | |
ProgramBinaryLength | 34625 | |
BufferSize | 34660 | |
BufferUsage | 34661 | |
NumProgramBinaryFormats | 34814 | |
ProgramBinaryFormats | 34815 | |
StencilBackFunc | 34816 | |
StencilBackFail | 34817 | |
StencilBackPassDepthFail | 34818 | |
StencilBackPassDepthPass | 34819 | |
Rgba32f | 34836 | |
Rgb32f | 34837 | |
Rgba16f | 34842 | |
Rgba16fExt | 34842 | |
Rgb16f | 34843 | |
Rgb16fExt | 34843 | |
MaxDrawBuffers | 34852 | |
DrawBuffer0 | 34853 | |
DrawBuffer1 | 34854 | |
DrawBuffer2 | 34855 | |
DrawBuffer3 | 34856 | |
DrawBuffer4 | 34857 | |
DrawBuffer5 | 34858 | |
DrawBuffer6 | 34859 | |
DrawBuffer7 | 34860 | |
DrawBuffer8 | 34861 | |
DrawBuffer9 | 34862 | |
DrawBuffer10 | 34863 | |
DrawBuffer11 | 34864 | |
DrawBuffer12 | 34865 | |
DrawBuffer13 | 34866 | |
DrawBuffer14 | 34867 | |
DrawBuffer15 | 34868 | |
BlendEquationAlpha | 34877 | |
TextureCompareMode | 34892 | |
TextureCompareModeExt | 34892 | |
TextureCompareFunc | 34893 | |
TextureCompareFuncExt | 34893 | |
CompareRefToTexture | 34894 | |
CompareRefToTextureExt | 34894 | |
CurrentQuery | 34917 | |
QueryResult | 34918 | |
QueryResultAvailable | 34919 | |
MaxVertexAttribs | 34921 | |
VertexAttribArrayNormalized | 34922 | |
MaxTextureImageUnits | 34930 | |
ArrayBuffer | 34962 | |
ElementArrayBuffer | 34963 | |
ArrayBufferBinding | 34964 | |
ElementArrayBufferBinding | 34965 | |
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding | 34975 | |
BufferMapped | 35004 | |
BufferMapPointer | 35005 | |
StreamDraw | 35040 | |
StreamRead | 35041 | |
StreamCopy | 35042 | |
StaticDraw | 35044 | |
StaticRead | 35045 | |
StaticCopy | 35046 | |
DynamicDraw | 35048 | |
DynamicRead | 35049 | |
DynamicCopy | 35050 | |
PixelPackBuffer | 35051 | |
PixelUnpackBuffer | 35052 | |
PixelPackBufferBinding | 35053 | |
PixelUnpackBufferBinding | 35055 | |
Depth24Stencil8 | 35056 | |
VertexAttribArrayInteger | 35069 | |
VertexAttribArrayDivisor | 35070 | |
MaxArrayTextureLayers | 35071 | |
MinProgramTexelOffset | 35076 | |
MaxProgramTexelOffset | 35077 | |
SamplerBinding | 35097 | |
UniformBuffer | 35345 | |
Rgb422Apple | 35359 | |
UniformBufferBinding | 35368 | |
UniformBufferStart | 35369 | |
UniformBufferSize | 35370 | |
MaxVertexUniformBlocks | 35371 | |
MaxFragmentUniformBlocks | 35373 | |
MaxCombinedUniformBlocks | 35374 | |
MaxUniformBufferBindings | 35375 | |
MaxUniformBlockSize | 35376 | |
MaxCombinedVertexUniformComponents | 35377 | |
MaxCombinedFragmentUniformComponents | 35379 | |
UniformBufferOffsetAlignment | 35380 | |
ActiveUniformBlockMaxNameLength | 35381 | |
ActiveUniformBlocks | 35382 | |
UniformType | 35383 | |
UniformSize | 35384 | |
UniformNameLength | 35385 | |
UniformBlockIndex | 35386 | |
UniformOffset | 35387 | |
UniformArrayStride | 35388 | |
UniformMatrixStride | 35389 | |
UniformIsRowMajor | 35390 | |
UniformBlockBinding | 35391 | |
UniformBlockDataSize | 35392 | |
UniformBlockNameLength | 35393 | |
UniformBlockActiveUniforms | 35394 | |
UniformBlockActiveUniformIndices | 35395 | |
UniformBlockReferencedByVertexShader | 35396 | |
UniformBlockReferencedByFragmentShader | 35398 | |
ProgramPipelineObjectExt | 35407 | |
RgbRaw422Apple | 35409 | |
FragmentShaderDiscardsSamplesExt | 35410 | |
SyncObjectApple | 35411 | |
CompressedSrgbPvrtc2Bppv1Ext | 35412 | |
CompressedSrgbPvrtc4Bppv1Ext | 35413 | |
CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc2Bppv1Ext | 35414 | |
CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc4Bppv1Ext | 35415 | |
FragmentShader | 35632 | |
VertexShader | 35633 | |
ProgramObjectExt | 35648 | |
ShaderObjectExt | 35656 | |
MaxFragmentUniformComponents | 35657 | |
MaxVertexUniformComponents | 35658 | |
MaxVaryingComponents | 35659 | |
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits | 35660 | |
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits | 35661 | |
ShaderType | 35663 | |
FloatVec2 | 35664 | |
FloatVec3 | 35665 | |
FloatVec4 | 35666 | |
IntVec2 | 35667 | |
IntVec3 | 35668 | |
IntVec4 | 35669 | |
Bool | 35670 | |
BoolVec2 | 35671 | |
BoolVec3 | 35672 | |
BoolVec4 | 35673 | |
FloatMat2 | 35674 | |
FloatMat3 | 35675 | |
FloatMat4 | 35676 | |
Sampler2D | 35678 | |
Sampler3D | 35679 | |
SamplerCube | 35680 | |
Sampler2DShadow | 35682 | |
Sampler2DShadowExt | 35682 | |
FloatMat2x3 | 35685 | |
FloatMat2x4 | 35686 | |
FloatMat3x2 | 35687 | |
FloatMat3x4 | 35688 | |
FloatMat4x2 | 35689 | |
FloatMat4x3 | 35690 | |
DeleteStatus | 35712 | |
CompileStatus | 35713 | |
LinkStatus | 35714 | |
ValidateStatus | 35715 | |
InfoLogLength | 35716 | |
AttachedShaders | 35717 | |
ActiveUniforms | 35718 | |
ActiveUniformMaxLength | 35719 | |
ShaderSourceLength | 35720 | |
ActiveAttributes | 35721 | |
ActiveAttributeMaxLength | 35722 | |
FragmentShaderDerivativeHint | 35723 | |
FragmentShaderDerivativeHintOes | 35723 | |
ShadingLanguageVersion | 35724 | |
CurrentProgram | 35725 | |
ImplementationColorReadType | 35738 | |
ImplementationColorReadFormat | 35739 | |
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img | 35840 | |
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img | 35841 | |
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img | 35842 | |
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img | 35843 | |
UnsignedNormalized | 35863 | |
UnsignedNormalizedExt | 35863 | |
Texture2DArray | 35866 | |
TextureBinding2DArray | 35869 | |
AnySamplesPassed | 35887 | |
R11fG11fB10f | 35898 | |
UnsignedInt10F11F11FRev | 35899 | |
Rgb9E5 | 35901 | |
UnsignedInt5999Rev | 35902 | |
Srgb | 35904 | |
Srgb8 | 35905 | |
Srgb8Alpha8 | 35907 | |
TransformFeedbackVaryingMaxLength | 35958 | |
TransformFeedbackBufferMode | 35967 | |
MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateComponents | 35968 | |
TransformFeedbackVaryings | 35971 | |
TransformFeedbackBufferStart | 35972 | |
TransformFeedbackBufferSize | 35973 | |
TransformFeedbackPrimitivesWritten | 35976 | |
RasterizerDiscard | 35977 | |
MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents | 35978 | |
MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateAttribs | 35979 | |
InterleavedAttribs | 35980 | |
SeparateAttribs | 35981 | |
TransformFeedbackBuffer | 35982 | |
TransformFeedbackBufferBinding | 35983 | |
StencilBackRef | 36003 | |
StencilBackValueMask | 36004 | |
StencilBackWritemask | 36005 | |
DrawFramebufferBinding | 36006 | |
FramebufferBinding | 36006 | |
RenderbufferBinding | 36007 | |
ReadFramebuffer | 36008 | |
DrawFramebuffer | 36009 | |
ReadFramebufferBinding | 36010 | |
RenderbufferSamples | 36011 | |
DepthComponent32f | 36012 | |
DepthComponent32F | 36012 | |
Depth32fStencil8 | 36013 | |
Depth32FStencil8 | 36013 | |
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType | 36048 | |
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName | 36049 | |
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel | 36050 | |
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace | 36051 | |
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLayer | 36052 | |
FramebufferComplete | 36053 | |
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment | 36054 | |
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment | 36055 | |
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions | 36057 | |
FramebufferUnsupported | 36061 | |
MaxColorAttachments | 36063 | |
ColorAttachment0 | 36064 | |
ColorAttachment1 | 36065 | |
ColorAttachment2 | 36066 | |
ColorAttachment3 | 36067 | |
ColorAttachment4 | 36068 | |
ColorAttachment5 | 36069 | |
ColorAttachment6 | 36070 | |
ColorAttachment7 | 36071 | |
ColorAttachment8 | 36072 | |
ColorAttachment9 | 36073 | |
ColorAttachment10 | 36074 | |
ColorAttachment11 | 36075 | |
ColorAttachment12 | 36076 | |
ColorAttachment13 | 36077 | |
ColorAttachment14 | 36078 | |
ColorAttachment15 | 36079 | |
DepthAttachment | 36096 | |
StencilAttachment | 36128 | |
Framebuffer | 36160 | |
Renderbuffer | 36161 | |
RenderbufferWidth | 36162 | |
RenderbufferHeight | 36163 | |
RenderbufferInternalFormat | 36164 | |
StencilIndex8 | 36168 | |
RenderbufferRedSize | 36176 | |
RenderbufferGreenSize | 36177 | |
RenderbufferBlueSize | 36178 | |
RenderbufferAlphaSize | 36179 | |
RenderbufferDepthSize | 36180 | |
RenderbufferStencilSize | 36181 | |
FramebufferIncompleteMultisample | 36182 | |
MaxSamples | 36183 | |
Rgb565 | 36194 | |
PrimitiveRestartFixedIndex | 36201 | |
AnySamplesPassedConservative | 36202 | |
MaxElementIndex | 36203 | |
Rgba32ui | 36208 | |
Rgb32ui | 36209 | |
Rgba16ui | 36214 | |
Rgb16ui | 36215 | |
Rgba8ui | 36220 | |
Rgb8ui | 36221 | |
Rgba32i | 36226 | |
Rgb32i | 36227 | |
Rgba16i | 36232 | |
Rgb16i | 36233 | |
Rgba8i | 36238 | |
Rgb8i | 36239 | |
RedInteger | 36244 | |
RgbInteger | 36248 | |
RgbaInteger | 36249 | |
Int2101010Rev | 36255 | |
Float32UnsignedInt248Rev | 36269 | |
Sampler2DArray | 36289 | |
Sampler2DArrayShadow | 36292 | |
SamplerCubeShadow | 36293 | |
UnsignedIntVec2 | 36294 | |
UnsignedIntVec3 | 36295 | |
UnsignedIntVec4 | 36296 | |
IntSampler2D | 36298 | |
IntSampler3D | 36299 | |
IntSamplerCube | 36300 | |
IntSampler2DArray | 36303 | |
UnsignedIntSampler2D | 36306 | |
UnsignedIntSampler3D | 36307 | |
UnsignedIntSamplerCube | 36308 | |
UnsignedIntSampler2DArray | 36311 | |
LowFloat | 36336 | |
MediumFloat | 36337 | |
HighFloat | 36338 | |
LowInt | 36339 | |
MediumInt | 36340 | |
HighInt | 36341 | |
ShaderBinaryFormats | 36344 | |
NumShaderBinaryFormats | 36345 | |
ShaderCompiler | 36346 | |
MaxVertexUniformVectors | 36347 | |
MaxVaryingVectors | 36348 | |
MaxFragmentUniformVectors | 36349 | |
TransformFeedback | 36386 | |
TransformFeedbackPaused | 36387 | |
TransformFeedbackActive | 36388 | |
TransformFeedbackBinding | 36389 | |
TextureSwizzleR | 36418 | |
TextureSwizzleG | 36419 | |
TextureSwizzleB | 36420 | |
TextureSwizzleA | 36421 | |
CopyReadBuffer | 36662 | |
CopyReadBufferBinding | 36662 | |
CopyWriteBuffer | 36663 | |
CopyWriteBufferBinding | 36663 | |
R8Snorm | 36756 | |
Rg8Snorm | 36757 | |
Rgb8Snorm | 36758 | |
Rgba8Snorm | 36759 | |
SignedNormalized | 36764 | |
Rgb10A2ui | 36975 | |
MaxServerWaitTimeout | 37137 | |
ObjectType | 37138 | |
SyncCondition | 37139 | |
SyncStatus | 37140 | |
SyncFlags | 37141 | |
SyncFence | 37142 | |
SyncGpuCommandsComplete | 37143 | |
Unsignaled | 37144 | |
Signaled | 37145 | |
AlreadySignaled | 37146 | |
TimeoutExpired | 37147 | |
ConditionSatisfied | 37148 | |
WaitFailed | 37149 | |
BufferAccessFlags | 37151 | |
BufferMapLength | 37152 | |
BufferMapOffset | 37153 | |
MaxVertexOutputComponents | 37154 | |
MaxFragmentInputComponents | 37157 | |
TextureImmutableFormat | 37167 | |
BufferObjectExt | 37201 | |
QueryObjectExt | 37203 | |
VertexArrayObjectExt | 37204 | |
CompressedR11Eac | 37488 | |
CompressedSignedR11Eac | 37489 | |
CompressedRg11Eac | 37490 | |
CompressedSignedRg11Eac | 37491 | |
CompressedRgb8Etc2 | 37492 | |
CompressedSrgb8Etc2 | 37493 | |
CompressedRgb8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 | 37494 | |
CompressedSrgb8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 | 37495 | |
CompressedRgba8Etc2Eac | 37496 | |
CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Etc2Eac | 37497 | |
NumSampleCounts | 37760 | |
Bgra8Ext | 37793 |