Aracılığıyla paylaş

GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(Int32, Int32) Yöntem


Koşullar tam çöp toplamayı tercih ettiğinde ve toplama tamamlandığında bir çöp toplama bildiriminin tetiklenmesi gerektiğini belirtir.

 static void RegisterForFullGCNotification(int maxGenerationThreshold, int largeObjectHeapThreshold);
public static void RegisterForFullGCNotification (int maxGenerationThreshold, int largeObjectHeapThreshold);
public static void RegisterForFullGCNotification (int maxGenerationThreshold, int largeObjectHeapThreshold);
static member RegisterForFullGCNotification : int * int -> unit
static member RegisterForFullGCNotification : int * int -> unit
Public Shared Sub RegisterForFullGCNotification (maxGenerationThreshold As Integer, largeObjectHeapThreshold As Integer)



1 ile 99 arasında, 2. nesilde ayrılan nesnelere göre bildirimin ne zaman yükseltilmesi gerektiğini belirten bir sayı.


Büyük nesne yığınında ayrılan nesnelere göre bildirimin ne zaman yükseltilmesi gerektiğini belirten 1 ile 99 arasında bir sayı.


Özel durumlar

maxGenerationThreshold veya largeObjectHeapThreshold 1 ile 99 arasında değildir.

Eş zamanlı çöp toplama etkinleştirildiğinde bu üye kullanılamaz. Eşzamanlı çöp toplamayı <devre dışı bırakma hakkında bilgi için gcConcurrent> çalışma zamanı ayarına bakın.


Aşağıdaki örnekte çöp toplama bildiriminin nasıl kaydedilip çöp toplama bildiriminin durumunu izlemek için bir iş parçacığının nasıl başlatılacağını gösterilmektedir. Bu kod örneği, Çöp Toplama Bildirimleri konusu için sağlanan daha büyük bir örneğin parçasıdır.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Threading;

namespace GCNotify
    ref class Program
        // Variable for continual checking in the
        // While loop in the WaitForFullGCProc method.
        static bool checkForNotify = false;

        // Variable for suspending work
        // (such servicing allocated server requests)
        // after a notification is received and then
        // resuming allocation after inducing a garbage collection.
        static bool bAllocate = false;

        // Variable for ending the example.
        static bool finalExit = false;

        // Collection for objects that
        // simulate the server request workload.
        static List<array<Byte>^>^ load = gcnew List<array<Byte>^>();

        static void Main()
                // Register for a notification.
                GC::RegisterForFullGCNotification(10, 10);
                Console::WriteLine("Registered for GC notification.");

                checkForNotify = true;
                bAllocate = true;

                // Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc.
                Thread^ thWaitForFullGC = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(&WaitForFullGCProc));

                // While the thread is checking for notifications in
                // WaitForFullGCProc, create objects to simulate a server workload.
                    int lastCollCount = 0;
                    int newCollCount = 0;

                    while (true)
                        if (bAllocate)
                            load->Add(gcnew array<Byte>(1000));
                            newCollCount = GC::CollectionCount(2);
                            if (newCollCount != lastCollCount)
                                // Show collection count when it increases:
                                Console::WriteLine("Gen 2 collection count: {0}", GC::CollectionCount(2).ToString());
                                lastCollCount = newCollCount;

                            // For ending the example (arbitrary).
                            if (newCollCount == 500)
                                finalExit = true;
                                checkForNotify = false;

                catch (OutOfMemoryException^)
                    Console::WriteLine("Out of memory.");

                finalExit = true;
                checkForNotify = false;

            catch (InvalidOperationException^ invalidOp)

                Console::WriteLine("GC Notifications are not supported while concurrent GC is enabled.\n"
                    + invalidOp->Message);

        static void OnFullGCApproachNotify()
            Console::WriteLine("Redirecting requests.");

            // Method that tells the request queuing
            // server to not direct requests to this server.

            // Method that provides time to
            // finish processing pending requests.

            // This is a good time to induce a GC collection
            // because the runtime will induce a full GC soon.
            // To be very careful, you can check precede with a
            // check of the GC.GCCollectionCount to make sure
            // a full GC did not already occur since last notified.
            Console::WriteLine("Induced a collection.");


        static void OnFullGCCompleteEndNotify()
            // Method that informs the request queuing server
            // that this server is ready to accept requests again.
            Console::WriteLine("Accepting requests again.");

        static void WaitForFullGCProc()
            while (true)
                // CheckForNotify is set to true and false in Main.
                while (checkForNotify)
                    // Check for a notification of an approaching collection.
                    GCNotificationStatus s = GC::WaitForFullGCApproach();
                    if (s == GCNotificationStatus::Succeeded)
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notifiction raised.");
                    else if (s == GCNotificationStatus::Canceled)
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.");
                        // This can occur if a timeout period
                        // is specified for WaitForFullGCApproach(Timeout)
                        // or WaitForFullGCComplete(Timeout)
                        // and the time out period has elapsed.
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.");

                    // Check for a notification of a completed collection.
                    s = GC::WaitForFullGCComplete();
                    if (s == GCNotificationStatus::Succeeded)
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notification raised.");
                    else if (s == GCNotificationStatus::Canceled)
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.");
                        // Could be a time out.
                        Console::WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.");

                // FinalExit is set to true right before
                // the main thread cancelled notification.
                if (finalExit)

        static void RedirectRequests()
            // Code that sends requests
            // to other servers.

            // Suspend work.
            bAllocate = false;


        static void FinishExistingRequests()
            // Code that waits a period of time
            // for pending requests to finish.

            // Clear the simulated workload.


        static void AcceptRequests()
            // Code that resumes processing
            // requests on this server.

            // Resume work.
            bAllocate = true;

int main()
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace GCNotify
    class Program
        // Variable for continual checking in the
        // While loop in the WaitForFullGCProc method.
        static bool checkForNotify = false;

        // Variable for suspending work
        // (such servicing allocated server requests)
        // after a notification is received and then
        // resuming allocation after inducing a garbage collection.
        static bool bAllocate = false;

        // Variable for ending the example.
        static bool finalExit = false;

        // Collection for objects that
        // simulate the server request workload.
        static List<byte[]> load = new List<byte[]>();

        public static void Main(string[] args)
                // Register for a notification.
                GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(10, 10);
                Console.WriteLine("Registered for GC notification.");

                checkForNotify = true;
                bAllocate = true;

                // Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc.
                Thread thWaitForFullGC = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForFullGCProc));

                // While the thread is checking for notifications in
                // WaitForFullGCProc, create objects to simulate a server workload.

                    int lastCollCount = 0;
                    int newCollCount = 0;

                    while (true)
                        if (bAllocate)
                            load.Add(new byte[1000]);
                            newCollCount = GC.CollectionCount(2);
                            if (newCollCount != lastCollCount)
                                // Show collection count when it increases:
                                Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 collection count: {0}", GC.CollectionCount(2).ToString());
                                lastCollCount = newCollCount;

                            // For ending the example (arbitrary).
                            if (newCollCount == 500)
                                finalExit = true;
                                checkForNotify = false;
                catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Out of memory.");

                finalExit = true;
                checkForNotify = false;
            catch (InvalidOperationException invalidOp)

                Console.WriteLine("GC Notifications are not supported while concurrent GC is enabled.\n"
                    + invalidOp.Message);

        public static void OnFullGCApproachNotify()

            Console.WriteLine("Redirecting requests.");

            // Method that tells the request queuing
            // server to not direct requests to this server.

            // Method that provides time to
            // finish processing pending requests.

            // This is a good time to induce a GC collection
            // because the runtime will induce a full GC soon.
            // To be very careful, you can check precede with a
            // check of the GC.GCCollectionCount to make sure
            // a full GC did not already occur since last notified.
            Console.WriteLine("Induced a collection.");

        public static void OnFullGCCompleteEndNotify()
            // Method that informs the request queuing server
            // that this server is ready to accept requests again.
            Console.WriteLine("Accepting requests again.");

        public static void WaitForFullGCProc()
            while (true)
                // CheckForNotify is set to true and false in Main.
                while (checkForNotify)
                    // Check for a notification of an approaching collection.
                    GCNotificationStatus s = GC.WaitForFullGCApproach();
                    if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded)
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification raised.");
                    else if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Canceled)
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.");
                        // This can occur if a timeout period
                        // is specified for WaitForFullGCApproach(Timeout)
                        // or WaitForFullGCComplete(Timeout)
                        // and the time out period has elapsed.
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.");

                    // Check for a notification of a completed collection.
                    GCNotificationStatus status = GC.WaitForFullGCComplete();
                    if (status == GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded)
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification raised.");
                    else if (status == GCNotificationStatus.Canceled)
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.");
                        // Could be a time out.
                        Console.WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.");

                // FinalExit is set to true right before
                // the main thread cancelled notification.
                if (finalExit)

        private static void RedirectRequests()
            // Code that sends requests
            // to other servers.

            // Suspend work.
            bAllocate = false;

        private static void FinishExistingRequests()
            // Code that waits a period of time
            // for pending requests to finish.

            // Clear the simulated workload.

        private static void AcceptRequests()
            // Code that resumes processing
            // requests on this server.

            // Resume work.
            bAllocate = true;
open System
open System.Threading

// Variable for continual checking in the
// While loop in the WaitForFullGCProc method.
let mutable checkForNotify = false

// Variable for suspending work
// (such servicing allocated server requests)
// after a notification is received and then
// resuming allocation after inducing a garbage collection.
let mutable bAllocate = false

// Variable for ending the example.
let mutable finalExit = false

// Collection for objects that simulate the server request workload.
let load = ResizeArray<byte []>()

let redirectRequests () =
    // Code that sends requests
    // to other servers.

    // Suspend work.
    bAllocate <- false

let finishExistingRequests () =
    // Code that waits a period of time
    // for pending requests to finish.

    // Clear the simulated workload.

let acceptRequests () =
    // Code that resumes processing
    // requests on this server.

    // Resume work.
    bAllocate <- true

let onFullGCApproachNotify () =
    printfn "Redirecting requests."

    // Method that tells the request queuing
    // server to not direct requests to this server.
    redirectRequests ()

    // Method that provides time to
    // finish processing pending requests.
    finishExistingRequests ()

    // This is a good time to induce a GC collection
    // because the runtime will induce a full GC soon.
    // To be very careful, you can check precede with a
    // check of the GC.GCCollectionCount to make sure
    // a full GC did not already occur since last notified.
    printfn "Induced a collection."

let onFullGCCompleteEndNotify () =
    // Method that informs the request queuing server
    // that this server is ready to accept requests again.
    acceptRequests ()
    printfn "Accepting requests again."

let waitForFullGCProc () =
    let mutable broken = false

    while not broken do
        let mutable broken = false
        // CheckForNotify is set to true and false in Main.
        while checkForNotify && not broken do
            // Check for a notification of an approaching collection.
            match GC.WaitForFullGCApproach() with
            | GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded ->
                printfn "GC Notification raised."
                onFullGCApproachNotify ()
                // Check for a notification of a completed collection.
                match GC.WaitForFullGCComplete() with
                | GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded ->
                    printfn "GC Notification raised."
                    onFullGCCompleteEndNotify ()
                | GCNotificationStatus.Canceled ->
                    printfn "GC Notification cancelled."
                    broken <- true
                | _ ->
                    // Could be a time out.
                    printfn "GC Notification not applicable."
                    broken <- true
            | GCNotificationStatus.Canceled ->
                printfn "GC Notification cancelled."
                broken <- true
            | _ ->
                // This can occur if a timeout period
                // is specified for WaitForFullGCApproach(Timeout)
                // or WaitForFullGCComplete(Timeout)
                // and the time out period has elapsed.
                printfn "GC Notification not applicable."
                broken <- true

        Thread.Sleep 500
        // FinalExit is set to true right before
        // the main thread cancelled notification.
        if finalExit then broken <- true

    // Register for a notification.
    GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(10, 10)
    printfn "Registered for GC notification."

    checkForNotify <- true
    bAllocate <- true

    // Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc.
    let thWaitForFullGC = Thread(ThreadStart waitForFullGCProc)

    // While the thread is checking for notifications in
    // WaitForFullGCProc, create objects to simulate a server workload.
        let mutable lastCollCount = 0
        let mutable newCollCount = 0

        let mutable broken = false

        while not broken do
            if bAllocate then
                load.Add(Array.zeroCreate<byte> 1000)
                newCollCount <- GC.CollectionCount 2

                if newCollCount <> lastCollCount then
                    // Show collection count when it increases:
                    printfn $"Gen 2 collection count: {GC.CollectionCount(2)}"
                    lastCollCount <- newCollCount
                // For ending the example (arbitrary).
                if newCollCount = 500 then
                    finalExit <- true
                    checkForNotify <- false
                    broken <- true
    with :? OutOfMemoryException -> printfn "Out of memory."

    finalExit <- true
    checkForNotify <- false
with :? InvalidOperationException as invalidOp ->
    printfn $"GC Notifications are not supported while concurrent GC is enabled.\n{invalidOp.Message}"
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading

Class Program
    ' Variables for continual checking in the
    ' While loop in the WaitForFullGcProc method.
    Private Shared checkForNotify As Boolean = False

    ' Variable for suspending work 
    ' (such as servicing allocated server requests)
    ' after a notification is received and then 
    ' resuming allocation after inducing a garbage collection.
    Private Shared bAllocate As Boolean = False

    ' Variable for ending the example.
    Private Shared finalExit As Boolean = False

    ' Collection for objects that  
    ' simulate the server request workload.
    Private Shared load As New List(Of Byte())

    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Register for a notification. 
            GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(10, 10)
            Console.WriteLine("Registered for GC notification.")

            bAllocate = True
            checkForNotify = True

            ' Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc.
            Dim thWaitForFullGC As Thread = _
                New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf WaitForFullGCProc))

            ' While the thread is checking for notifications in
            ' WaitForFullGCProc, create objects to simulate a server workload.
                Dim lastCollCount As Integer = 0
                Dim newCollCount As Integer = 0
                While (True)
                    If bAllocate = True Then

                        load.Add(New Byte(1000) {})
                        newCollCount = GC.CollectionCount(2)
                        If (newCollCount <> lastCollCount) Then
                            ' Show collection count when it increases:
                            Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 collection count: {0}", _
                            lastCollCount = newCollCount
                        End If

                        ' For ending the example (arbitrary).
                        If newCollCount = 500 Then
                            finalExit = True
                            checkForNotify = False
                            bAllocate = False
                            Exit While
                        End If

                    End If
                End While
            Catch outofMem As OutOfMemoryException
                Console.WriteLine("Out of memory.")
            End Try

            finalExit = True
            checkForNotify = False

        Catch invalidOp As InvalidOperationException
            Console.WriteLine("GC Notifications are not supported while concurrent GC is enabled." _
                              & vbLf & invalidOp.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub OnFullGCApproachNotify()
        Console.WriteLine("Redirecting requests.")

        ' Method that tells the request queuing  
        ' server to not direct requests to this server. 

        ' Method that provides time to 
        ' finish processing pending requests. 

        ' This is a good time to induce a GC collection
        ' because the runtime will induce a ful GC soon.
        ' To be very careful, you can check precede with a
        ' check of the GC.GCCollectionCount to make sure
        ' a full GC did not already occur since last notified.
        Console.WriteLine("Induced a collection.")
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub OnFullGCCompleteEndNotify()
        ' Method that informs the request queuing server
        ' that this server is ready to accept requests again.
        Console.WriteLine("Accepting requests again.")
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub WaitForFullGCProc()

        While True
            ' CheckForNotify is set to true and false in Main.

            While checkForNotify
                ' Check for a notification of an approaching collection.
                Dim s As GCNotificationStatus = GC.WaitForFullGCApproach
                If (s = GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notification raised.")
                ElseIf (s = GCNotificationStatus.Canceled) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.")
                    Exit While
                    ' This can occur if a timeout period
                    ' is specified for WaitForFullGCApproach(Timeout) 
                    ' or WaitForFullGCComplete(Timeout)  
                    ' and the time out period has elapsed. 
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.")
                    Exit While
                End If

                ' Check for a notification of a completed collection.
                s = GC.WaitForFullGCComplete
                If (s = GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notifiction raised.")
                ElseIf (s = GCNotificationStatus.Canceled) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notification cancelled.")
                    Exit While
                    ' Could be a time out.
                    Console.WriteLine("GC Notification not applicable.")
                    Exit While
                End If

            End While
            ' FinalExit is set to true right before  
            ' the main thread cancelled notification.
            If finalExit Then
                Exit While
            End If

        End While
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub RedirectRequests()
        ' Code that sends requests
        ' to other servers.

        ' Suspend work.
        bAllocate = False
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub FinishExistingRequests()
        ' Code that waits a period of time
        ' for pending requests to finish.

        ' Clear the simulated workload.

    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub AcceptRequests()
        ' Code that resumes processing
        ' requests on this server.

        ' Resume work.
        bAllocate = True
    End Sub
End Class


Atık toplayıcı, her nesil için bu nesildeki ayırmalar için bir eşik ayarlar. Ayırmaların boyutu bu eşiği aştığında, bu nesilde bir çöp toplama tetikler. Örneğin, 2. neslin eşiği 20 MB ise (yani 20 MB 1. nesil koleksiyonlardan sağ çıkıp nesil 2'ye yükseltilir) ve 20 MB'tan fazla 1. nesil hayatta kaldıysa ve nesil 2'ye istenirse, bir sonraki çöp toplama işlemi nesil 2 koleksiyonu olarak denenecektir. Benzer şekilde, büyük nesne yığınının (LOH) eşiği 20 MB ise ve uygulamanız 20 MB'tan fazla büyük nesne ayırmışsa, bir sonraki çöp toplama işlemi de nesil 2 toplama olarak denenecektir (LOH yalnızca 2. nesil çöp koleksiyonlarında toplandığı için).

ve largeObjectHeapThreshold eşikleri, maxGenerationThreshold tam çöp toplama işlemi gerçekleşmeden önce size ne kadar önceden bildirim alındığını denetler. Eşik ne kadar büyükse bildirim ile sonraki tam çöp toplama arasında o kadar fazla ayırma gerçekleşebilir.

Ortak dil çalışma zamanı tarafından tam çöp toplamanın uygulamanızın performansını olumsuz etkileyeceği durumlarınız varsa, çalışma zamanı tam çöp toplama yapmak üzereyken bildirim almak ve koşullar hala uygun olduğunda kendiniz bir koleksiyon oluşturarak (yöntemini kullanarak Collect ) bu koleksiyonu atlatmak isteyebilirsiniz. Çöp toplama zamanlamasını kendiniz değiştirmenin yanı sıra, aşağıdaki senaryolarda tam GC bildirimi yararlı olur:

  • Tam çöp toplama yaklaşımını izlersiniz ve birinin yaklaştığı bildirildiğinde canlı veri boyutunu azaltırsınız (örneğin, bazı önbellek girdilerini serbest bırakarak). Sonuç olarak, çöp toplama işlemi gerçekleştiğinde daha fazla bellek geri kazanabiliyor.

  • Bazı istatistikleri toplayabilmeniz için tam çöp toplama işleminin tamamlanmasını izlersiniz. Örneğin, canlı verilerin boyutunu bilmeniz için GC tamamlanma sırasında yığının boyutunu ölçmek isteyebilirsiniz. (Tam GC'den sonra, yığın en küçük boyutundadır.)

Tam çöp toplamayı temsil eden şey hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz . Çöp Toplama Bildirimleri.

Bir çöp toplama bildirimine kaydolduğunda, tam bir çöp toplama yaklaştığında ve tamamlandığında size bildirilebilir. Bu düzen, işletim sisteminin düşük bellek bildirimlerini izleme şekline benzer.

ve largeObjectHeapThreshold parametrelerini belirtmek maxGenerationThreshold için aşağıdaki yönergeleri kullanın:

  • Eşik değeri ne kadar büyük olursa bildirim ile tam çöp toplama arasında o kadar fazla ayırma gerçekleşir.

    Daha büyük bir eşik değeri, çalışma zamanının yaklaşan bir koleksiyonu denetlemesi için daha fazla fırsat sağlar. Bu, size bildirilme olasılığını artırır. Ancak, çalışma zamanı bir sonraki koleksiyona neden olmadan önce daha fazla ayırmayla sonuçlandığı için eşiği çok yüksek ayarlamamalısınız.

    Yüksek eşik değeri kullanarak bildirimde bulunarak bir koleksiyonu kendiniz başlattığınızda, çalışma zamanının bir sonraki koleksiyonu tarafından geri kazanıldığından daha az nesne geri kazanılır.

  • Eşik değeri ne kadar küçükse bildirim ile tam çöp toplama arasındaki ayırma sayısı da o kadar az olur.

Şunlara uygulanır

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