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DuplicateAddressDetectionState Sabit listesi


Bir IP adresinin geçerli durumunu belirtir.

public enum class DuplicateAddressDetectionState
public enum DuplicateAddressDetectionState
type DuplicateAddressDetectionState = 
Public Enum DuplicateAddressDetectionState


Deprecated 3

Adres geçerli, ancak kira ömrü yaklaşıyor ve uygulamalar tarafından kullanılmamalıdır.

Duplicate 2

Adres benzersiz değil. Bu adres ağ arabirimine atanmamalıdır.

Invalid 0

Adres geçerli değil. Geçersiz bir adresin süresi doldu ve artık bir arabirime atanmadı; uygulamalar buna veri paketleri göndermemelidir.

Preferred 4

Adres geçerli ve kullanımı kısıtlanmamış.

Tentative 1

Yinelenen adres algılama yordamının adresi değerlendirmesi başarıyla tamamlanmadı. Henüz geçerli olmadığından ve bu adrese gönderilen paketler atıldığından, uygulamalar adresi kullanmamalıdır.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, tek noktaya yayın adres bilgilerini belirler.

void DisplayUnicastAddresses()
   Console::WriteLine( "Unicast Addresses" );
   array<NetworkInterface^>^adapters = NetworkInterface::GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum17 = adapters->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum17->MoveNext() )
      NetworkInterface ^ adapter = safe_cast<NetworkInterface ^>(myEnum17->Current);
      IPInterfaceProperties ^ adapterProperties = adapter->GetIPProperties();
      UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection ^ uniCast = adapterProperties->UnicastAddresses;
      if ( uniCast->Count > 0 )
         Console::WriteLine( adapter->Description );
         String^ lifeTimeFormat = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy  hh:mm:ss tt";
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum18 = uniCast->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum18->MoveNext() )
            UnicastIPAddressInformation ^ uni = safe_cast<UnicastIPAddressInformation ^>(myEnum18->Current);
            DateTime when;
            Console::WriteLine( "  Unicast Address ......................... : {0}", 
               uni->Address );
            Console::WriteLine( "     Prefix Origin ........................ : {0}", 
               uni->PrefixOrigin );
            Console::WriteLine( "     Suffix Origin ........................ : {0}", 
               uni->SuffixOrigin );
            Console::WriteLine( "     Duplicate Address Detection .......... : {0}", 
               uni->DuplicateAddressDetectionState );
            // Format the lifetimes as Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:33:44 PM
            // if en-us is the current culture.
            // Calculate the date and time at the end of the lifetimes.    
            when = DateTime::UtcNow + TimeSpan::FromSeconds( (double)uni->AddressValidLifetime );
            when = when.ToLocalTime();
            Console::WriteLine( "     Valid Life Time ...................... : {0}", 
               when.ToString( lifeTimeFormat, System::Globalization::CultureInfo::CurrentCulture ) );
            when = DateTime::UtcNow + TimeSpan::FromSeconds( (double)uni->AddressPreferredLifetime );
            when = when.ToLocalTime();
            Console::WriteLine( "     Preferred life time .................. : {0}", 
               when.ToString( lifeTimeFormat, System::Globalization::CultureInfo::CurrentCulture ) );
            when = DateTime::UtcNow + TimeSpan::FromSeconds( (double)uni->DhcpLeaseLifetime );
            when = when.ToLocalTime();
            Console::WriteLine( "     DHCP Leased Life Time ................ : {0}", 
               when.ToString( lifeTimeFormat, System::Globalization::CultureInfo::CurrentCulture ) );
public static void DisplayUnicastAddresses()
    Console.WriteLine("Unicast Addresses");
    NetworkInterface[] adapters  = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters)
        IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties();
        UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection uniCast = adapterProperties.UnicastAddresses;
        if (uniCast.Count >0)
            string lifeTimeFormat = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy  hh:mm:ss tt";
            foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation uni in uniCast)
                DateTime when;

                Console.WriteLine("  Unicast Address ......................... : {0}", uni.Address);
                Console.WriteLine("     Prefix Origin ........................ : {0}", uni.PrefixOrigin);
                Console.WriteLine("     Suffix Origin ........................ : {0}", uni.SuffixOrigin);
                Console.WriteLine("     Duplicate Address Detection .......... : {0}",

                // Format the lifetimes as Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:33:44 PM
                // if en-us is the current culture.

                // Calculate the date and time at the end of the lifetimes.
                when = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.AddressValidLifetime);
                when = when.ToLocalTime();
                Console.WriteLine("     Valid Life Time ...................... : {0}",
                when = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.AddressPreferredLifetime);
                when = when.ToLocalTime();
                Console.WriteLine("     Preferred life time .................. : {0}",

                when = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.DhcpLeaseLifetime);
                when = when.ToLocalTime();
                Console.WriteLine("     DHCP Leased Life Time ................ : {0}",
Public Shared Sub DisplayUnicastAddresses() 

    Console.WriteLine("Unicast Addresses")
    Dim adapters As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
    Dim adapter As NetworkInterface
    For Each adapter In  adapters
        Dim adapterProperties As IPInterfaceProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties()
        Dim uniCast As UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection = adapterProperties.UnicastAddresses
        If uniCast.Count > 0 Then
            Dim lifeTimeFormat As String = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy  hh:mm:ss tt"
            Dim uni As UnicastIPAddressInformation
            For Each uni In  uniCast
                Dim [when] As DateTime
                Console.WriteLine("  Unicast Address ......................... : {0}", uni.Address)
                Console.WriteLine("     Prefix Origin ........................ : {0}", uni.PrefixOrigin)
                Console.WriteLine("     Suffix Origin ........................ : {0}", uni.SuffixOrigin)
                Console.WriteLine("     Duplicate Address Detection .......... : {0}", uni.DuplicateAddressDetectionState)
                ' Format the lifetimes as Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:33:44 PM
                ' if en-us is the current culture.
                ' Calculate the date and time at the end of the lifetimes.    
                [when] = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.AddressValidLifetime)
                [when] = [when].ToLocalTime()
                Console.WriteLine("     Valid Life Time ...................... : {0}", [when].ToString(lifeTimeFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                [when] = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.AddressPreferredLifetime)
                [when] = [when].ToLocalTime()
                Console.WriteLine("     Preferred life time .................. : {0}", [when].ToString(lifeTimeFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                [when] = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.DhcpLeaseLifetime)
                [when] = [when].ToLocalTime()
                Console.WriteLine("     DHCP Leased Life Time ................ : {0}", [when].ToString(lifeTimeFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
            Next uni
        End If
    Next adapter

End Sub


Bir ağdaki tüm arabirimlerin benzersiz bir adrese sahip olduğundan emin olmak için, arabirim ana bilgisayarı tek noktaya yayın adreslerinde "yinelenen adres algılama" algoritması çalıştırmakla sorumludur. Bu algoritmanın amacı, ağda benzersiz olmayan adresleri engellemeye çalışmaktır. Bu işlem IETF RFC 1971'de tanımlanır.

Bu numaralandırma ve MulticastIPAddressInformation sınıfları tarafından UnicastIPAddressInformation kullanılır. Bir nesne için tek noktaya yayın adres bilgilerini NetworkInterface aldığınızda bu sınıfın örnekleri döndürülür.

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