Aracılığıyla paylaş

LocalPrintServer.Commit Yöntem


Uygulamanızın özelliklerinde LocalPrintServer yaptığı değişiklikleri nesnenin temsil olduğu gerçek yazdırma sunucusuna yazar.

 override void Commit();
public override sealed void Commit ();
override this.Commit : unit -> unit
Public Overrides NotOverridable Sub Commit ()

Özel durumlar

Bazı özellikler işlenmez.

Bazı özellikler işlenemedi.


Nesne LocalPrintServer yeterli haklarla oluşturulmadı.


Aşağıdaki örnekte, özelliklerinde yalnızca konum, bağlantı noktası ve paylaşılan durumdaki mevcut bir yazıcıdan farklı ikinci bir yazıcı yükleyen kodda bu yöntemin nasıl kullanılacağı gösterilmektedir.

LocalPrintServer myLocalPrintServer = new LocalPrintServer(PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer);
PrintQueue sourcePrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue;
PrintPropertyDictionary myPrintProperties = sourcePrintQueue.PropertiesCollection;

// Share the new printer using Remove/Add methods
PrintBooleanProperty shared = new PrintBooleanProperty("IsShared", true);
myPrintProperties.Add("IsShared", shared);

// Give the new printer its share name using SetProperty method
PrintStringProperty theShareName = new PrintStringProperty("ShareName", "\"Son of " + sourcePrintQueue.Name +"\"");
myPrintProperties.SetProperty("ShareName", theShareName);

// Specify the physical location of the new printer using Remove/Add methods
PrintStringProperty theLocation = new PrintStringProperty("Location", "the supply room");
myPrintProperties.Add("Location", theLocation);

// Specify the port for the new printer
String[] port = new String[] { "COM1:" };

// Install the new printer on the local print server
PrintQueue clonedPrinter = myLocalPrintServer.InstallPrintQueue("My clone of " + sourcePrintQueue.Name, "Xerox WCP 35 PS", port, "WinPrint", myPrintProperties);

// Report outcome
Console.WriteLine("{0} in {1} has been installed and shared as {2}", clonedPrinter.Name, clonedPrinter.Location, clonedPrinter.ShareName);
Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue ...");
Dim myLocalPrintServer As New LocalPrintServer(PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer)
Dim sourcePrintQueue As PrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue
Dim myPrintProperties As PrintPropertyDictionary = sourcePrintQueue.PropertiesCollection

' Share the new printer using Remove/Add methods
Dim [shared] As New PrintBooleanProperty("IsShared", True)
myPrintProperties.Add("IsShared", [shared])

' Give the new printer its share name using SetProperty method
Dim theShareName As New PrintStringProperty("ShareName", """Son of " & sourcePrintQueue.Name & """")
myPrintProperties.SetProperty("ShareName", theShareName)

' Specify the physical location of the new printer using Remove/Add methods
Dim theLocation As New PrintStringProperty("Location", "the supply room")
myPrintProperties.Add("Location", theLocation)

' Specify the port for the new printer
Dim port() As String = { "COM1:" }

' Install the new printer on the local print server
Dim clonedPrinter As PrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.InstallPrintQueue("My clone of " & sourcePrintQueue.Name, "Xerox WCP 35 PS", port, "WinPrint", myPrintProperties)

' Report outcome
Console.WriteLine("{0} in {1} has been installed and shared as {2}", clonedPrinter.Name, clonedPrinter.Location, clonedPrinter.ShareName)
Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue ...")


yöntemi, nesnenin haklarla AdministrateServer oluşturulmasını LocalPrintServer gerektirir.

Şunlara uygulanır

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