Aracılığıyla paylaş

FieldInfo.Attributes Özellik


Bu alanla ilişkili öznitelikleri alır.

 abstract property System::Reflection::FieldAttributes Attributes { System::Reflection::FieldAttributes get(); };
public abstract System.Reflection.FieldAttributes Attributes { get; }
member this.Attributes : System.Reflection.FieldAttributes
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Attributes As FieldAttributes

Özellik Değeri

FieldAttributes Bu alanın değeri.



Aşağıdaki kod örneği üç alan oluşturur ve alan özniteliklerini görüntüler. Bir FieldAttributes değer, üçüncü alanda gösterildiği gibi hem hem Literalde Public gibi birden fazla öznitelik içerebilir.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

public ref class Demo
    // Make three fields:
    // The first field is private.
    String^ m_field;

    // The second field is public.
    String^ Field;

    // The third field is public and literal. 
    literal String^ FieldC = "String C";

    Demo() { m_field = "String A"; Field = "String B"; }

static void DisplayField(Object^ obj, FieldInfo^ f)
    // Display the field name, value, and attributes.
    Console::WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}", 
        f->Name, f->GetValue(obj), f->Attributes);

void main()
    Console::WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
    Demo^ d = gcnew Demo();

    // Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
    // the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
    // name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
    Type^ myType = Demo::typeid;

    FieldInfo^ fiPrivate = myType->GetField("m_field",
        BindingFlags::NonPublic | BindingFlags::Instance);
    DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);

    FieldInfo^ fiPublic = myType->GetField("Field",
        BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance);
    DisplayField(d, fiPublic);

    FieldInfo^ fiConstant = myType->GetField("FieldC",
        BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static);
    DisplayField(d, fiConstant);

/* This code example produces the following output:

m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Demo
    // Make three fields:
    // The first field is private.
    private string m_field = "String A";

    // The second field is public.
    public string Field = "String B";

    // The third field is public const (hence also literal and static),
    // with a default value.
    public const string FieldC = "String C";

public class Myfieldattributes
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
        Demo d = new Demo();

        // Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
        // the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
        // name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
        Type myType = typeof(Demo);
        FieldInfo fiPrivate = myType.GetField("m_field",
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);

        FieldInfo fiPublic = myType.GetField("Field",
            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        DisplayField(d, fiPublic);

        FieldInfo fiConstant = myType.GetField("FieldC",
            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        DisplayField(d, fiConstant);

    static void DisplayField(Object obj, FieldInfo f)
        // Display the field name, value, and attributes.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}",
            f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes);

/* This code example produces the following output:

m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Demo
    ' Declare three fields.
    ' The first field is private.
    Private m_field As String = "String A"

    'The second field is public.
    Public Field As String = "String B"

    ' The third field is public and const, hence also static
    ' and literal with a default value.
    Public Const FieldC As String = "String C"

End Class

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Create an instance of the Demo class.
        Dim d As New Demo()

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Reflection.FieldAttributes")

        ' Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
        ' the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
        ' name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
        Dim myType As Type = GetType(Demo)

        Dim fiPrivate As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("m_field", _
            BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        DisplayField(d, fiPrivate)

        Dim fiPublic As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("Field", _
            BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        DisplayField(d, fiPublic)

        Dim fiConstant As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("FieldC", _
            BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static)
        DisplayField(d, fiConstant)
    End Sub

    Sub DisplayField(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal f As FieldInfo)

        ' Display the field name, value, and attributes.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} = ""{1}""; attributes: {2}", _
            f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes)
    End Sub

End Module

' This code example produces the following output:
'm_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
'Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
'FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault


Tüm üyeler, belirli üye türüyle ilişkili olarak tanımlanan bir öznitelik kümesine sahiptir. FieldAttributes kullanıcıya bu alanın özel alan, statik alan vb. olup olmadığını bildirir.

özelliğini almak Attributes için önce sınıfını Typealın. içinden Typeöğesini alın FieldInfo. içinden FieldInfoöğesini alın Attributes.

Şunlara uygulanır

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