Aracılığıyla paylaş

PropertyConditionFlags Sabit listesi


bir özellik değerinin içinde nasıl test PropertyConditionedilir belirten değerler içerir.

Bu sabit listesi, üyeleri için bit düzeyinde karşılaştırmayı destekler.

public enum class PropertyConditionFlags
public enum PropertyConditionFlags
type PropertyConditionFlags = 
Public Enum PropertyConditionFlags


IgnoreCase 1

Dize özellik değeriyle karşılaştırmanın büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olmadığını belirtir.

None 0

Özellik değerinin varsayılan davranış kullanılarak test edildiğinden (dizeler için büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı karşılaştırma) belirtir.


Aşağıdaki örnekte, IgnoreCase içinde System.Windows.Automation.PropertyConditionayarlanmıştır.

/// <summary>
/// Find a UI Automation child element by ID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="controlName">Name of the control, such as "button1"</param>
/// <param name="parentElement">Parent element, such as an application window, or the 
/// AutomationElement.RootElement when searching for the application window.</param>
/// <returns>The UI Automation element.</returns>
private AutomationElement FindChildElement(String controlName, AutomationElement rootElement)
    if ((controlName == "") || (rootElement == null))
        throw new ArgumentException("Argument cannot be null or empty.");
    // Set a property condition that will be used to find the main form of the
    // target application. In the case of a WinForms control, the name of the control
    // is also the AutomationId of the element representing the control.
    Condition propCondition = new PropertyCondition(
        AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, controlName, PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase);

    // Find the element.
    return rootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Element | TreeScope.Children, propCondition);
''' <summary>
''' Find a UI Automation child element by ID.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="controlName">Name of the control, such as "button1"</param>
''' <param name="rootElement">Parent element, such as an application window, or the 
''' AutomationElement.RootElement when searching for the application window.</param>
''' <returns>The UI Automation element.</returns>
Private Function FindChildElement(ByVal controlName As String, ByVal rootElement As AutomationElement) _
    As AutomationElement
    If controlName = "" OrElse rootElement Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentException("Argument cannot be null or empty.")
    End If
    ' Set a property condition that will be used to find the main form of the
    ' target application. In the case of a WinForms control, the name of the control
    ' is also the AutomationId of the element representing the control.
    Dim propCondition As New PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, _
        controlName, PropertyConditionFlags.IgnoreCase)

    ' Find the element.
    Return rootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Element Or TreeScope.Children, propCondition)

End Function 'FindChildElement

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