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SoapTypeAttribute Class


Controls the schema generated by the XmlSerializer when a class instance is serialized as SOAP encoded XML.

public ref class SoapTypeAttribute : Attribute
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Enum | System.AttributeTargets.Interface | System.AttributeTargets.Struct)]
public class SoapTypeAttribute : Attribute
[<System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Enum | System.AttributeTargets.Interface | System.AttributeTargets.Struct)>]
type SoapTypeAttribute = class
    inherit Attribute
Public Class SoapTypeAttribute
Inherits Attribute


The following example serializes a class named Group. The SoapTypeAttribute is applied to the class, with the TypeName set to "SoapGroupType". The SoapTypeAttribute is also overridden, changing the TypeName to "Team". Both versions are serialized, resulting in two files: SoapType.xml and SoapType2.xml.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;

public ref class Employee
   String^ Name;

// The SoapType is overridden when the
// SerializeOverride  method is called.

public ref class Group
   String^ GroupName;

public ref class Run
   void SerializeOriginal( String^ filename )
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      // can be used for serializing as a SOAP message.
      XmlTypeMapping^ mapp = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter)->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ mySerializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( mapp );

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );

      // Create an XML text writer.
      XmlTextWriter^ xmlWriter = gcnew XmlTextWriter( writer );
      xmlWriter->Formatting = Formatting::Indented;
      xmlWriter->Indentation = 2;

      // Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;

      // Set the Object* properties.
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      Employee^ e1 = gcnew Employee;
      e1->Name = "Pat";
      myGroup->Employees = gcnew array<Employee^>(1);
      myGroup->Employees[ 0 ] = e1;

      // Write the root element.
      xmlWriter->WriteStartElement( "root" );

      // Serialize the class.
      mySerializer->Serialize( xmlWriter, myGroup );

      // Close the root tag.

      // Close the XmlWriter.

      // Close the TextWriter.

   void SerializeOverride( String^ filename )
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      // uses a SoapAttributeOverrides Object*.
      XmlSerializer^ mySerializer = CreateOverrideSerializer();

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );

      // Create an XML text writer.
      XmlTextWriter^ xmlWriter = gcnew XmlTextWriter( writer );
      xmlWriter->Formatting = Formatting::Indented;
      xmlWriter->Indentation = 2;

      // Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;

      // Set the Object* properties.
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      Employee^ e1 = gcnew Employee;
      e1->Name = "Pat";
      myGroup->Employees = gcnew array<Employee^>(1);
      myGroup->Employees[ 0 ] = e1;

      // Write the root element.
      xmlWriter->WriteStartElement( "root" );

      // Serialize the class.
      mySerializer->Serialize( xmlWriter, myGroup );

      // Close the root tag.

      // Close the XmlWriter.

      // Close the TextWriter.

   void DeserializeObject( String^ filename )
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class.
      XmlSerializer^ mySerializer = CreateOverrideSerializer();

      // Reading the file requires a TextReader.
      TextReader^ reader = gcnew StreamReader( filename );

      // Create an XML text reader.
      XmlTextReader^ xmlReader = gcnew XmlTextReader( reader );

      // Deserialize and cast the object.
      Group^ myGroup;
      myGroup = dynamic_cast<Group^>(mySerializer->Deserialize( xmlReader ));
      Console::WriteLine( "The GroupName is {0}", myGroup->GroupName );
      Console::WriteLine( "Look at the SoapType.xml and SoapType2.xml "
      "files for the generated XML." );

      // Close the readers.

   XmlSerializer^ CreateOverrideSerializer()
      // Create and return an XmlSerializer instance used to
      //  and create SOAP messages.
      SoapAttributeOverrides^ mySoapAttributeOverrides = gcnew SoapAttributeOverrides;
      SoapAttributes^ soapAtts = gcnew SoapAttributes;

      // Override the SoapTypeAttribute.
      SoapTypeAttribute^ soapType = gcnew SoapTypeAttribute;
      soapType->TypeName = "Team";
      soapType->IncludeInSchema = false;
      soapType->Namespace = "http://www.microsoft.com";
      soapAtts->SoapType = soapType;
      mySoapAttributeOverrides->Add( Group::typeid, soapAtts );

      // Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance 
      // of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer Object*.
      XmlTypeMapping^ myMapping = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter( mySoapAttributeOverrides ))->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ ser = gcnew XmlSerializer( myMapping );
      return ser;

int main()
   Run^ test = gcnew Run;
   test->SerializeOriginal( "SoapType.xml" );
   test->SerializeOverride( "SoapType2.xml" );
   test->DeserializeObject( "SoapType2.xml" );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

// The SoapType is overridden when the
// SerializeOverride  method is called.
[SoapType("SoapGroupType", "http://www.cohowinery.com")]
public class Group
   public string GroupName;
   public Employee[] Employees;

public class Employee
   public string Name;

public class Run
   public static void Main()
      Run test = new Run();

   public void SerializeOriginal(string filename)
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      // can be used for serializing as a SOAP message.
      XmlTypeMapping mapp =
         (new SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(mapp);

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an XML text writer.
      XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(writer);
      xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
      xmlWriter.Indentation = 2;

      // Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Group myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      Employee e1 = new Employee();
      e1.Name = "Pat";
      myGroup.Employees=new Employee[]{e1};

      // Write the root element.

      // Serialize the class.
      mySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, myGroup);

      // Close the root tag.

      // Close the XmlWriter.

      // Close the TextWriter.

   public void SerializeOverride(string filename)
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      // uses a SoapAttributeOverrides object.

      XmlSerializer mySerializer =  CreateOverrideSerializer();

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an XML text writer.
      XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(writer);
      xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
      xmlWriter.Indentation = 2;

      // Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Group myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      Employee e1 = new Employee();
      e1.Name = "Pat";
      myGroup.Employees=new Employee[]{e1};

      // Write the root element.

      // Serialize the class.
      mySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, myGroup);

      // Close the root tag.

      // Close the XmlWriter.

      // Close the TextWriter.

   private XmlSerializer CreateOverrideSerializer()
      // Create and return an XmlSerializer instance used to
      // override and create SOAP messages.
      SoapAttributeOverrides mySoapAttributeOverrides =
          new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      SoapAttributes soapAtts = new SoapAttributes();

      // Override the SoapTypeAttribute.
      SoapTypeAttribute soapType = new SoapTypeAttribute();
      soapType.TypeName = "Team";
      soapType.IncludeInSchema = false;
      soapType.Namespace = "http://www.microsoft.com";
      soapAtts.SoapType = soapType;


      // Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance
      // of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer object.
      XmlTypeMapping myMapping = (new SoapReflectionImporter(

      XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(myMapping);
      return ser;

   public void DeserializeObject(string filename)
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class.
      XmlSerializer mySerializer =  CreateOverrideSerializer();

      // Reading the file requires a TextReader.
      TextReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);

      // Create an XML text reader.
      XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(reader);

      // Deserialize and cast the object.
      Group myGroup = (Group) mySerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader);
      Console.WriteLine("The GroupName is " + myGroup.GroupName);
      Console.WriteLine("Look at the SoapType.xml and SoapType2.xml " +
        "files for the generated XML.");

      // Close the readers.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

' The SoapType is overridden when the
' SerializeOverride  method is called.
<SoapType("SoapGroupType", "http://www.cohowinery.com")> _
Public class Group
   Public GroupName As String
   Public Employees() As Employee
End Class

<SoapType("EmployeeType")> _
Public Class Employee
   Public Name As String
End Class
Public class Run
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim test As Run = New Run()
   End Sub

   Public Sub SerializeOriginal(filename As String )
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      ' can be used for serializing as a SOAP message.
     Dim mapp  As XmlTypeMapping = _
      (New SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(GetType(Group))
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  _
      New XmlSerializer(mapp)
      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)

      ' Create an XML text writer.
      Dim xmlWriter As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter(writer)
      xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      xmlWriter.Indentation = 2

      ' Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()

      ' Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      Dim e1 As Employee = New Employee()
      e1.Name = "Pat"
      myGroup.Employees=New Employee(){e1}

      ' Write the root element.

      ' Serialize the class.
      mySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, myGroup)

      ' Close the root tag.

      ' Close the XmlWriter.

      ' Close the TextWriter.
   End Sub

   Public Sub SerializeOverride(filename As string )
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class that
      ' uses a SoapAttributeOverrides object.
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  CreateOverrideSerializer()

      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)

      ' Create an XML text writer.
      Dim xmlWriter As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter(writer)
      xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      xmlWriter.Indentation = 2

      ' Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()

      ' Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      Dim e1 As Employee = New Employee()
      e1.Name = "Pat"
      myGroup.Employees = New Employee(){e1}

      ' Write the root element.

      ' Serialize the class.
      mySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, myGroup)

      ' Close the root tag.

      ' Close the XmlWriter.

      ' Close the TextWriter.
   End Sub

   Private Function CreateOverrideSerializer() As XmlSerializer 
      ' Create and return an XmlSerializer instance used to
      ' override and create SOAP messages.
      Dim mySoapAttributeOverrides As SoapAttributeOverrides = _
        New SoapAttributeOverrides()
      Dim soapAtts As SoapAttributes = New SoapAttributes()

      ' Override the SoapTypeAttribute.
      Dim soapType As SoapTypeAttribute = New SoapTypeAttribute()
      soapType.TypeName = "Team"
      soapType.IncludeInSchema = false
      soapType.Namespace = "http://www.microsoft.com"
      soapAtts.SoapType = soapType

      ' Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance 
      ' of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer object.
      Dim myMapping As XmlTypeMapping = (New SoapReflectionImporter( _
      Dim  ser As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(myMapping)
      return ser
   End Function

   Public Sub DeserializeObject(filename As String)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class.
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  CreateOverrideSerializer()

      ' Reading the file requires a TextReader.
      Dim reader As TextReader = New StreamReader(filename)

      ' Create an XML text reader.
      Dim xmlReader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(reader)

      ' Deserialize and cast the object.
      Dim myGroup As Group = CType(mySerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader), Group)
      Console.WriteLine("The GroupName is " + myGroup.GroupName)
      Console.WriteLine("Look at the SoapType.xml and SoapType2.xml " + _
        "files for the generated XML.")

      ' Close the readers.
   End Sub
End Class


The SoapTypeAttribute class belongs to a family of attributes that controls how the XmlSerializer serializes or deserializes an object as encoded SOAP XML. The resulting XML conforms to section 5 of the World Wide Web Consortium document, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1. For a complete list of similar attributes, see Attributes That Control Encoded SOAP Serialization.

To serialize an object as an encoded SOAP message, construct the XmlSerializer using an XmlTypeMapping created with the ImportTypeMapping method of the SoapReflectionImporter class.

The SoapTypeAttribute can only be applied to class declarations.

The IncludeInSchema property determines whether the resulting XML element type is included in the XML Schema document (.xsd) for the generated XML stream. To see the schema, compile the class into a DLL file. Pass the resulting file as an argument to the XML Schema Definition Tool (Xsd.exe). The tool generates the XML Schema for the XML stream generated when the class is serialized by an instance of the XmlSerializer class.

Setting a different namespace causes Xsd.exe to write a different schema (.xsd) file for the XML stream generated when the class is serialized.



Initializes a new instance of the SoapTypeAttribute class.

SoapTypeAttribute(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the SoapTypeAttribute class and specifies the name and XML namespace of the type.


Initializes a new instance of the SoapTypeAttribute class and specifies the name of the XML type.



Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include the type in SOAP-encoded XML Schema documents.


Gets or sets the namespace of the XML type.


When implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Gets or sets the name of the XML type.



Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Returns the hash code for this instance.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

When overridden in a derived class, indicates whether the value of this instance is the default value for the derived class.

(Inherited from Attribute)

When overridden in a derived class, returns a value that indicates whether this instance equals a specified object.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Explicit Interface Implementations

_Attribute.GetIDsOfNames(Guid, IntPtr, UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Maps a set of names to a corresponding set of dispatch identifiers.

(Inherited from Attribute)
_Attribute.GetTypeInfo(UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Retrieves the type information for an object, which can be used to get the type information for an interface.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Retrieves the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1).

(Inherited from Attribute)
_Attribute.Invoke(UInt32, Guid, UInt32, Int16, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)

Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.

(Inherited from Attribute)

Applies to