Aracılığıyla paylaş

XmlDataDocument.CloneNode(Boolean) Yöntem


Geçerli düğümün bir kopyasını oluşturur.

 override System::Xml::XmlNode ^ CloneNode(bool deep);
public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode (bool deep);
override this.CloneNode : bool -> System.Xml.XmlNode
Public Overrides Function CloneNode (deep As Boolean) As XmlNode



true alt ağacı belirtilen düğüm altında yinelemeli olarak kopyalamak için; false yalnızca düğümün kendisini kopyalamak için.



Kopyalanan düğüm.


Aşağıdaki örnek içine bir DataSet XmlDataDocument yükler ve ardından basit bir kopyasını XmlDataDocumentoluşturur.

Örnekte SQL Server 2000 Northwind veritabanı kullanılır.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Transactions.dll>
#using <System.EnterpriseServices.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Data.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Data::SqlClient;
int main()
   DataSet^ dsNorthwind = gcnew DataSet;
   //Create the connection string.           
   String^ sConnect;
   sConnect = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
   //Create a connection object to connect to the northwind db.
   SqlConnection^ nwconnect = gcnew SqlConnection( sConnect );
   //Create a command string to select all the customers in the WA region.
   String^ sCommand = "Select * from Customers where Region='WA'";
   //Create an adapter to load the DataSet.
   SqlDataAdapter^ myDataAdapter = gcnew SqlDataAdapter( sCommand,nwconnect );
   //Fill the DataSet with the selected records.
   myDataAdapter->Fill( dsNorthwind, "Customers" );
   //Load the document with the DataSet.
   XmlDataDocument^ doc = gcnew XmlDataDocument( dsNorthwind );
   //Create a shallow clone of the XmlDataDocument. Note that although
   //none of the child nodes were copied over, the cloned node does
   //have the schema information.
   XmlDataDocument^ clone = dynamic_cast<XmlDataDocument^>(doc->CloneNode( false ));
   Console::WriteLine( "Child count: {0}", clone->ChildNodes->Count );
   Console::WriteLine( clone->DataSet->GetXmlSchema() );

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class Sample
  public static void Main()
     DataSet dsNorthwind = new DataSet();

     //Create the connection string.
     String sConnect;
     sConnect="Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind";

     //Create a connection object to connect to the northwind db.
     SqlConnection nwconnect = new SqlConnection(sConnect);

     //Create a command string to select all the customers in the WA region.
     String sCommand = "Select * from Customers where Region='WA'";

     //Create an adapter to load the DataSet.
     SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sCommand, nwconnect);

     //Fill the DataSet with the selected records.

     //Load the document with the DataSet.
     XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument(dsNorthwind);

     //Create a shallow clone of the XmlDataDocument. Note that although
     //none of the child nodes were copied over, the cloned node does
     //have the schema information.
     XmlDataDocument clone = (XmlDataDocument) doc.CloneNode(false);
     Console.WriteLine("Child count: {0}", clone.ChildNodes.Count);

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

public class Sample
  public shared sub Main()
    Dim dsNorthwind as DataSet = new DataSet()
    'Create the connection string.
    Dim sConnect as String           
    sConnect="Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind"     
    'Create a connection object to connect to the northwind db.
    Dim nwconnect as SqlConnection
    nwconnect = new SqlConnection(sConnect)
    'Create a command string to select all the customers in the WA region.
    Dim sCommand as String = "Select * from Customers where Region='WA'"
    'Create an Adapter to load the DataSet.
    Dim myDataAdapter as SqlDataAdapter
    myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sCommand, nwconnect)
    'Fill the DataSet with the selected records.
    myDataAdapter.Fill(dsNorthwind, "Customers")
    'Load the document with the DataSet.
    Dim doc as XmlDataDocument = new XmlDataDocument(dsNorthwind)  
    'Create a shallow clone of the XmlDataDocument. Note that although
    'none of the child nodes were copied over, the cloned node does
    'have the schema information.
    Dim clone as XmlDataDocument
    clone = CType (doc.CloneNode(false), XmlDataDocument) 
    Console.WriteLine("Child count: {0}", clone.ChildNodes.Count)
  end sub
end class


kopyalanması XmlDataDocument da şemayı DataSet kopyalar.

olarak ayarlanırsa deep false, kopyalanan DataSet veriye sahip değildir; başka bir ifadeyle satır yoktur.

olarak ayarlanırsa deep true, kopyalanan DataSet şemayla ayarlanır ve ardından verilerle doldurulur.

Bu yöntemin farklı düğüm türlerinin XmlNode her biriyle nasıl davrandığını açıklayan bir tablo görmek için sınıfına bakınCloneNode.

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