Aracılığıyla paylaş

3B Modele Çizim Nasıl Uygulanır

Bu örnek, DrawingBrush'ın 3B modele uygulanan bir Material olarak nasıl kullanılacağını göstermektedir.

Aşağıdaki kod, DrawingGroupDrawingBrush'in içeriği olarak tanımlar. DiffuseMaterial'nin 3B düzleme uygulanan Brush özelliği, DrawingBrush olarak ayarlanır.


Genellikle aşağıdaki çizim gibi karmaşık nesneleri ve değerleri yeniden değiştirilebilir ve kodunuzu basitleştirebilecek kaynaklar olarak tanımlamak tercih edilir. Daha fazla bilgi için bkz. XAML Kaynakları.

<!-- The material specifies the material applied to the 3D object. In this sample a tiled drawing   
     covers the surface of the 3D object.-->
      <DrawingBrush Viewport="0,0,0.1,0.1" TileMode="Tile">
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0,0.1 L0.1,0 1,0.9, 0.9,1z"
                Brush="Gray" />
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.9,0 L1,0.1 0.1,1 0,0.9z"
                Brush="Gray" />
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.25 L0.5,0.125 0.75,0.25 0.5,0.5z"
                Brush="#FFFF00" />
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.75 L0.5,0.875 0.75,0.75 0.5,0.5z"
                Brush="Black" />
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.75 L0.125,0.5 0.25,0.25 0.5,0.5z"
                Brush="#FF0000" />
              <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.75,0.25 L0.875,0.5 0.75,0.75 0.5,0.5z"
                Brush="MediumBlue" />


Aşağıdaki kod, örneğin tamamını gösterir.

<Page xmlns=""
  xmlns:x="" >
      <Canvas Width="321" Height="201">

        <!-- The Viewport3D provides a rendering surface for 3-D visual content. -->
        <Viewport3D ClipToBounds="True" Width="150" Height="150" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="10">

          <!-- Defines the camera used to view the 3D object. -->
            <PerspectiveCamera Position="0,0,2" LookDirection="0,0,-1" FieldOfView="60" />

          <!-- The ModelVisual3D children contain the 3D models -->

            <!-- This ModelVisual3D defines the light cast in the scene. Without light, the 3D 
                 object cannot be seen. Also, the direction of the lights affect shadowing. If desired,
                 you can create multiple lights with different colors that shine from different directions. -->
                <DirectionalLight Color="#FFFFFF" Direction="-0.612372,-0.5,-0.612372" />

                  <!-- The geometry specifies the shape of the 3D plane. In this sample, a flat sheet is created. -->
                     TriangleIndices="0,1,2 3,4,5 "
                     Normals="0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 "
                     TextureCoordinates="0,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 0,1 0,0 "
                     Positions="-0.5,-0.5,0.5 0.5,-0.5,0.5 0.5,0.5,0.5 0.5,0.5,0.5 -0.5,0.5,0.5 -0.5,-0.5,0.5 " />
                  <!-- The material specifies the material applied to the 3D object. In this sample a tiled drawing   
                       covers the surface of the 3D object.-->
                        <DrawingBrush Viewport="0,0,0.1,0.1" TileMode="Tile">
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0,0.1 L0.1,0 1,0.9, 0.9,1z"
                                  Brush="Gray" />
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.9,0 L1,0.1 0.1,1 0,0.9z"
                                  Brush="Gray" />
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.25 L0.5,0.125 0.75,0.25 0.5,0.5z"
                                  Brush="#FFFF00" />
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.75 L0.5,0.875 0.75,0.75 0.5,0.5z"
                                  Brush="Black" />
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.25,0.75 L0.125,0.5 0.25,0.25 0.5,0.5z"
                                  Brush="#FF0000" />
                                <GeometryDrawing Geometry="M0.75,0.25 L0.875,0.5 0.75,0.75 0.5,0.5z"
                                  Brush="MediumBlue" />
                  <!-- Apply a transform to the object. In this sample, a rotation transform is applied, rendering the 
                       3D object rotated. -->
                        <AxisAngleRotation3D Axis="0,3,0" Angle="40" />

Ayrıca bkz.