Aracılığıyla paylaş

Nasıl yapılır: Veri Akışı Bloğunda Görev Zamanlayıcısı Belirtme

Bu belgede, uygulamanızda veri akışını kullanırken belirli bir görev zamanlayıcısını nasıl ilişkilendirdiğiniz gösterilmektedir. Örnek, bir Windows Forms uygulamasındaki sınıfını kullanarak System.Threading.Tasks.ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair okuyucu görevlerinin ne zaman etkin olduğunu ve bir yazıcı görevinin etkin olduğunu gösterir. Ayrıca bir veri akışı bloğunun TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext kullanıcı arabirimi iş parçacığında çalışmasını sağlamak için yöntemini kullanır.


TPL Veri Akışı Kitaplığı ( System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow ad alanı) .NET ile dağıtılmaz. Ad alanını System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow Visual Studio'ya yüklemek için projenizi açın, Proje menüsünden NuGet Paketlerini Yönet'i seçin ve çevrimiçi ortamda System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow paketi arayın. Alternatif olarak, .NET Core CLI kullanarak yüklemek için komutunu çalıştırındotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.

Windows Forms Uygulaması Oluşturmak için

  1. Visual C# veya Visual Basic Windows Forms Uygulaması projesi oluşturun. Aşağıdaki adımlarda projenin adı WriterReadersWinFormsverilmiştir.

  2. Ana formun form tasarımcısında Form1.cs (Visual Basic için Form1.vb), dört CheckBox denetim ekleyin. Text özelliğini için Okuyucu 1, için checkBox1Okuyucu 2, için checkBox2Okuyucu 3checkBox3ve için checkBox4Yazıcı olarak ayarlayın. Her denetimin Enabled özelliğini olarak Falseayarlayın.

  3. Forma bir Timer denetim ekleyin. Interval özelliğini 2500 olarak ayarlayın.

Veri Akışı İşlevselliği Ekleme

Bu bölümde, uygulamaya katılan veri akışı bloklarının nasıl oluşturulacağı ve her birinin bir görev zamanlayıcıyla nasıl ilişkilendirılacağı açıklanır.

Uygulamaya Veri Akışı İşlevselliği Eklemek için

  1. Projenizde, System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll bir başvuru ekleyin.

  2. Form1.cs (Visual Basic için Form1.vb) aşağıdaki using yönergeleri (Imports Visual Basic'te) içerdiğinden emin olun.

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
  3. Sınıfına Form1 bir BroadcastBlock<T> veri üyesi ekleyin.

    // Broadcasts values to an ActionBlock<int> object that is associated
    // with each check box.
    BroadcastBlock<int> broadcaster = new BroadcastBlock<int>(null);
    ' Broadcasts values to an ActionBlock<int> object that is associated
    ' with each check box.
    Private broadcaster As New BroadcastBlock(Of Integer)(Nothing)
  4. OluşturucudaForm1, çağrısından InitializeComponentsonra nesnelerin durumunu CheckBox değiştiren bir ActionBlock<TInput> nesne oluşturun.

    // Create an ActionBlock<CheckBox> object that toggles the state
    // of CheckBox objects.
    // Specifying the current synchronization context enables the
    // action to run on the user-interface thread.
    var toggleCheckBox = new ActionBlock<CheckBox>(checkBox =>
       checkBox.Checked = !checkBox.Checked;
    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
       TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
    ' Create an ActionBlock<CheckBox> object that toggles the state
    ' of CheckBox objects.
    ' Specifying the current synchronization context enables the 
    ' action to run on the user-interface thread.
    Dim toggleCheckBox = New ActionBlock(Of CheckBox)(Sub(checkBox) checkBox.Checked = Not checkBox.Checked, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()})
  5. Oluşturucuda Form1 bir nesne ve her CheckBox nesne için bir ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPairActionBlock<TInput> nesne olmak üzere dört ActionBlock<TInput> nesne oluşturun. Her ActionBlock<TInput> nesne için, özelliği okuyucular TaskScheduler için özelliğine ConcurrentScheduler ayarlanmış bir ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions nesne ve ExclusiveScheduler yazıcının özelliğini belirtin.

    // Create a ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair object.
    // Readers will run on the concurrent part of the scheduler pair.
    // The writer will run on the exclusive part of the scheduler pair.
    var taskSchedulerPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
    // Create an ActionBlock<int> object for each reader CheckBox object.
    // Each ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that can read
    // from a resource in parallel to other readers.
    // Specifying the concurrent part of the scheduler pair enables the
    // reader to run in parallel to other actions that are managed by
    // that scheduler.
    var readerActions =
       from checkBox in new CheckBox[] {checkBox1, checkBox2, checkBox3}
       select new ActionBlock<int>(milliseconds =>
          // Toggle the check box to the checked state.
          // Perform the read action. For demonstration, suspend the current
          // thread to simulate a lengthy read operation.
          // Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
       new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
          TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ConcurrentScheduler
    // Create an ActionBlock<int> object for the writer CheckBox object.
    // This ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that writes to
    // a resource, but cannot run in parallel to readers.
    // Specifying the exclusive part of the scheduler pair enables the
    // writer to run in exclusively with respect to other actions that are
    // managed by the scheduler pair.
    var writerAction = new ActionBlock<int>(milliseconds =>
       // Toggle the check box to the checked state.
       // Perform the write action. For demonstration, suspend the current
       // thread to simulate a lengthy write operation.
       // Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
       TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler
    // Link the broadcaster to each reader and writer block.
    // The BroadcastBlock<T> class propagates values that it
    // receives to all connected targets.
    foreach (var readerAction in readerActions)
    ' Create a ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair object.
    ' Readers will run on the concurrent part of the scheduler pair.
    ' The writer will run on the exclusive part of the scheduler pair.
    Dim taskSchedulerPair = New ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair()
    ' Create an ActionBlock<int> object for each reader CheckBox object.
    ' Each ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that can read 
    ' from a resource in parallel to other readers.
    ' Specifying the concurrent part of the scheduler pair enables the 
    ' reader to run in parallel to other actions that are managed by 
    ' that scheduler.
    Dim readerActions = From checkBox In New CheckBox() {checkBox1, checkBox2, checkBox3} _
                        Select New ActionBlock(Of Integer)(Sub(milliseconds)
                                               ' Toggle the check box to the checked state.
                                               ' Perform the read action. For demonstration, suspend the current
                                               ' thread to simulate a lengthy read operation.
                                               ' Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
                                                           End Sub, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ConcurrentScheduler})
    ' Create an ActionBlock<int> object for the writer CheckBox object.
    ' This ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that writes to 
    ' a resource, but cannot run in parallel to readers.
    ' Specifying the exclusive part of the scheduler pair enables the 
    ' writer to run in exclusively with respect to other actions that are 
    ' managed by the scheduler pair.
    Dim writerAction = New ActionBlock(Of Integer)(Sub(milliseconds)
                                                       ' Toggle the check box to the checked state.
                                                       ' Perform the write action. For demonstration, suspend the current
                                                       ' thread to simulate a lengthy write operation.
                                                       ' Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
                                                   End Sub, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler})
    ' Link the broadcaster to each reader and writer block.
    ' The BroadcastBlock<T> class propagates values that it 
    ' receives to all connected targets.
    For Each readerAction In readerActions
    Next readerAction
  6. Oluşturucuda Form1 nesnesini başlatın Timer .

    // Start the timer.
    ' Start the timer.
  7. Ana formun form tasarımcısında, zamanlayıcı için olay için Tick bir olay işleyicisi oluşturun.

  8. Tick Zamanlayıcı için olayı uygulayın.

    // Event handler for the timer.
    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // Post a value to the broadcaster. The broadcaster
       // sends this message to each target.
    ' Event handler for the timer.
    Private Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
        ' Post a value to the broadcaster. The broadcaster
        ' sends this message to each target. 
    End Sub

toggleCheckBox Veri akışı bloğu kullanıcı arabirimi üzerinde hareket ettiğinden, bu eylemin kullanıcı arabirimi iş parçacığında gerçekleşmesi önemlidir. Bunu başarmak için, oluşturma sırasında bu nesne özelliği olarak ayarlanmış TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContextbir ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions nesne TaskScheduler sağlar. yöntemi, FromCurrentSynchronizationContext geçerli eşitleme bağlamında çalışma gerçekleştiren bir TaskScheduler nesne oluşturur. Form1 Oluşturucu kullanıcı arabirimi iş parçacığından çağrıldığından, veri akışı bloğu eylemi toggleCheckBox kullanıcı arabirimi iş parçacığında da çalışır.

Bu örnek ayrıca bazı veri akışı bloklarının ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair eşzamanlı olarak davranmasını sağlamak için sınıfını ve aynı ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair nesne üzerinde çalışan diğer tüm veri akışı bloklarına göre özel işlem yapmak üzere başka bir veri akışı bloğunu kullanır. Bu teknik, birden çok veri akışı bloğu bir kaynağı paylaştığında ve bazıları bu kaynağa özel erişim gerektirdiğinde kullanışlıdır, çünkü bu kaynağa erişimi el ile eşitleme gereksinimi ortadan kalkar. El ile eşitlemenin ortadan kaldırılması kodu daha verimli hale getirir.


Aşağıdaki örnek, Form1.cs (Visual Basic için Form1.vb) kodunun tamamını gösterir.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WriterReadersWinForms
   public partial class Form1 : Form
      // Broadcasts values to an ActionBlock<int> object that is associated
      // with each check box.
      BroadcastBlock<int> broadcaster = new BroadcastBlock<int>(null);

      public Form1()

         // Create an ActionBlock<CheckBox> object that toggles the state
         // of CheckBox objects.
         // Specifying the current synchronization context enables the
         // action to run on the user-interface thread.
         var toggleCheckBox = new ActionBlock<CheckBox>(checkBox =>
            checkBox.Checked = !checkBox.Checked;
         new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
            TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()

         // Create a ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair object.
         // Readers will run on the concurrent part of the scheduler pair.
         // The writer will run on the exclusive part of the scheduler pair.
         var taskSchedulerPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();

         // Create an ActionBlock<int> object for each reader CheckBox object.
         // Each ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that can read
         // from a resource in parallel to other readers.
         // Specifying the concurrent part of the scheduler pair enables the
         // reader to run in parallel to other actions that are managed by
         // that scheduler.
         var readerActions =
            from checkBox in new CheckBox[] {checkBox1, checkBox2, checkBox3}
            select new ActionBlock<int>(milliseconds =>
               // Toggle the check box to the checked state.

               // Perform the read action. For demonstration, suspend the current
               // thread to simulate a lengthy read operation.

               // Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
            new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
               TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ConcurrentScheduler

         // Create an ActionBlock<int> object for the writer CheckBox object.
         // This ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that writes to
         // a resource, but cannot run in parallel to readers.
         // Specifying the exclusive part of the scheduler pair enables the
         // writer to run in exclusively with respect to other actions that are
         // managed by the scheduler pair.
         var writerAction = new ActionBlock<int>(milliseconds =>
            // Toggle the check box to the checked state.

            // Perform the write action. For demonstration, suspend the current
            // thread to simulate a lengthy write operation.

            // Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
         new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
            TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler

         // Link the broadcaster to each reader and writer block.
         // The BroadcastBlock<T> class propagates values that it
         // receives to all connected targets.
         foreach (var readerAction in readerActions)

         // Start the timer.

      // Event handler for the timer.
      private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // Post a value to the broadcaster. The broadcaster
         // sends this message to each target.
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow

Namespace WriterReadersWinForms
    Partial Public Class Form1
        Inherits Form
        ' Broadcasts values to an ActionBlock<int> object that is associated
        ' with each check box.
        Private broadcaster As New BroadcastBlock(Of Integer)(Nothing)

        Public Sub New()

            ' Create an ActionBlock<CheckBox> object that toggles the state
            ' of CheckBox objects.
            ' Specifying the current synchronization context enables the 
            ' action to run on the user-interface thread.
            Dim toggleCheckBox = New ActionBlock(Of CheckBox)(Sub(checkBox) checkBox.Checked = Not checkBox.Checked, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()})

            ' Create a ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair object.
            ' Readers will run on the concurrent part of the scheduler pair.
            ' The writer will run on the exclusive part of the scheduler pair.
            Dim taskSchedulerPair = New ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair()

            ' Create an ActionBlock<int> object for each reader CheckBox object.
            ' Each ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that can read 
            ' from a resource in parallel to other readers.
            ' Specifying the concurrent part of the scheduler pair enables the 
            ' reader to run in parallel to other actions that are managed by 
            ' that scheduler.
            Dim readerActions = From checkBox In New CheckBox() {checkBox1, checkBox2, checkBox3} _
                                Select New ActionBlock(Of Integer)(Sub(milliseconds)
                                                       ' Toggle the check box to the checked state.
                                                       ' Perform the read action. For demonstration, suspend the current
                                                       ' thread to simulate a lengthy read operation.
                                                       ' Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
                                                                   End Sub, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ConcurrentScheduler})

            ' Create an ActionBlock<int> object for the writer CheckBox object.
            ' This ActionBlock<int> object represents an action that writes to 
            ' a resource, but cannot run in parallel to readers.
            ' Specifying the exclusive part of the scheduler pair enables the 
            ' writer to run in exclusively with respect to other actions that are 
            ' managed by the scheduler pair.
            Dim writerAction = New ActionBlock(Of Integer)(Sub(milliseconds)
                                                               ' Toggle the check box to the checked state.
                                                               ' Perform the write action. For demonstration, suspend the current
                                                               ' thread to simulate a lengthy write operation.
                                                               ' Toggle the check box to the unchecked state.
                                                           End Sub, New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions With {.TaskScheduler = taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler})

            ' Link the broadcaster to each reader and writer block.
            ' The BroadcastBlock<T> class propagates values that it 
            ' receives to all connected targets.
            For Each readerAction In readerActions
            Next readerAction

            ' Start the timer.
        End Sub

        ' Event handler for the timer.
        Private Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
            ' Post a value to the broadcaster. The broadcaster
            ' sends this message to each target. 
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

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