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Mapping the tables and fields to synchronize

The basis of synchronizing data is mapping the tables and fields in Business Central with tables and columns in Dataverse, so they can exchange the data. Mapping happens through integration tables.

Mapping integration tables

An integration table is a table in the Business Central database that represents a table, such as an account, in Dataverse. Integration tables include fields that correspond to columns in the Dataverse table. For example, the Account integration table connects to the Accounts table in Dataverse. There must be an integration table mapping for each table in CDS that you want to synchronize with data in Business Central.

When you create the connection between the apps, Business Central sets up some default mappings. You can change the table mappings if you want. For more information, see Standard Table Mapping for Synchronization. If you changed the default mappings and want to revert your changes, on the Integration Table Mappings page, choose Use Default Synchronization Setup.


If you are using an on-premises version of Business Central, the integration table mappings are stored in table 5335 Integration Table Mappings, where you can view and edit the mappings. Complex mappings and synchronization rules are defined in codeunit 5341.


When a coupled record changes, Business Central automatically synchronizes the data with Dataverse. Automatic synchronization is great in most cases. However, frequent changes to large amounts of coupled records in a table can slow down data synchronization.

To avoid slow performance, on the Integration Table Mappings page, you can enable or disable event-based data synchronization for any table. By default, event-based synchronization is turned on so that existing integrations aren’t affected. Your administrator can turn it on or off for specific tables.

Add table and field mappings to existing integration tables

PREVIEW: This feature is in preview.

On the Integration Table Mappings page, you can use the New Table Mapping action to add new table mappings to integration tables. The action starts the Create new integration mappings assisted setup guide, which helps you set up new integration table and field mappings.

The guide lets you map the tables in Business Central with existing integration tables in Dataverse. You can also specify the Dataverse table's unique identifier in Integration Table Unique Identifier Field Name and the Integration Table Modified on Field Name, which are needed for data synchronization to work.


The lookup on the Table column shows all Business Central tables, including custom tables, that aren't yet mapped. It excludes those that already exist on your Integration Table Mappings page. The lookup on the Integration Table column shows only Dataverse tables (AL Proxy Tables) that are part of out-of-the-box integrations. To add additional or custom Dataverse tables, you'll need help from a developer to create and deploy them through an extension.

The Advanced action opens extra table mapping settings that you can set up. In the Advanced section, the Table Filter field lets you specify filters for Business Central. Use the Integration Table Filter field for Dataverse data to consider in data synchronization together with the configuration template codes in Table Config. Template Code and Int. Tbl. Config. Code to prefill missing data when new data comes from either application.

The guide also helps you specify the fields you want the new mapping to contain. You can match a Business Central field in the Field Name column with a Dataverse field name in the Integration Field Name column. You can also specify a Direction, whether the field always has the same value in the Constant column, and whether validations or transformations need to be applied during field mapping.


To reduce errors, the lookup for the Integration Table Field column filters to a list of available fields. To map fields that the filters don't include, you'll need help from a developer.

  • Fields must be enabled.
  • You can't use the guide to map FlowField and FlowFilter fields.
  • You can only map fields of the type BigInteger, Boolean, Code, Date, DateFormula, DateTime, Decimal, Duration, GUID, Integer, Option, and Text.


You can also add new field mappings to existing integration table mappings through the Integration Field Mappings list page, which you can access by choosing Fields on the Integration Table Mappings page.

Simply choose New Field Mapping to open the field mapping step of the Create new integration mappings assisted setup guide, and then proceed as described in this article.

New field mappings you add to an existing table mapping are in a Disabled state. You can choose Edit List to enable them later.

Synchronization rules

An integration table mapping also includes rules that control how integration synchronization jobs synchronize records in a Business Central table and a table in Dataverse. For examples of rules for an integration with Sales, go to Synchronization Rules.

Strategies for autoresolving conflicts

Data conflicts can easily occur when business applications exchange data on an ongoing basis. For example, someone might delete or change a row in one of the applications, or both. To reduce the number of conflicts to manually resolve, you can specify resolution strategies. Business Central automatically resolves conflicts according to the rules in the strategies.

Integration table mappings include rules that control how synchronization jobs synchronize records. On the Integration Table Mapping page, in the Resolve Deletion Conflicts and Resolve Update Conflicts columns, you can specify how Business Central resolves conflicts that occur because records were deleted in tables in one or the other business application, or updated in both.

In the Resolve Deletion Conflicts column, you can choose to have Business Central automatically restore deleted records, remove the coupling between the records, or do nothing. If you do nothing, you must manually resolve conflicts.

In the Resolve Update Conflicts column, you can choose to have Business Central automatically send a data update to the integration table when sending data to Dataverse, or to get a data update from the integration table when getting data from Dataverse, or do nothing. If you do nothing, you must manually resolve conflicts.

After you specify the strategy, on the Coupled Data Synchronization Errors page, you can choose the Retry All action to automatically resolve conflicts.

Mapping integration fields

Mapping tables is only the first step. You must also map the fields on the tables. Integration field mappings link fields in Business Central tables with corresponding columns in Dataverse, and determine whether to synchronize data in each table. The standard table mapping that Business Central provides includes field mappings, but you can change the mappings. For more information, see Viewing Table Mappings.


If you are using an on-premises version of Business Central, integration field mappings are defined in table 5336 Integration Field Mapping.

You can manually map the fields, or you can automate the process by mapping multiple fields at the same time based on criteria for matching their values. For more information, see To couple multiple records based on field value matching.

Handle differences in field values

Sometimes the values in the fields that you want to map are different. For example, in Dynamics 365 Sales the language code for the United States is "U.S.," but in Business Central it's "US." That means you must transform the value when you synchronize data. You can specify transformation rules for the fields on the Integration Table Mappings page by choosing Mapping, and then Fields. Predefined rules are provided, but you can also create your own. For more information, see Transformation Rules.

Handle missing option values

Dataverse contains option set columns that provide values that you can map to Business Central fields of the type Option for automatic synchronization. During synchronization, nonmapped options are ignored and the missing options are appended to the related Business Central table and added to the CDS Option Mapping system table to be handled manually later. For example, by adding the missing options in either product and then updating the mapping. For more information, see Handling Missing Option Values.

Couple records

Coupling links rows in Dataverse to records in Business Central. For example, accounts in Dataverse are typically coupled with customers in Business Central. Coupling records offers the following benefits:

  • It makes synchronization possible.
  • Users can open records or rows in one business app from the other.

Coupling requires that the apps are already integrated.

Couplings can be set up automatically by using the synchronization jobs, or manually by editing the record in Business Central. For more information, see Synchronizing Data in Business Central and Dataverse and Couple and Synchronize Records Manually.

Filter records and rows

If you don't want to synchronize all rows for a specific table in Dataverse or table in Business Central, you can set up filters to limit the data that is synchronized. You set up filters on the Integration Table Mappings page.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.
  2. To filter the Business Central records, set the Table Filter field.
  3. To filter the Dataverse rows, set the Integration Table Filter field.

Create new records

By default, only coupled records in Business Central and rows in Dataverse are synchronized by the integration synchronization jobs. You can set up table mappings to create new records or rows in the destination app for each row in the source app that isn't already coupled.

For example, the SALESPEOPLE - Dynamics 365 Sales synchronization job uses the table mapping SALESPEOPLE. The synchronization job copies data from users in Dataverse to salespersons in Business Central. If you set up the table mapping to create new records, for every user in Dataverse that isn't already coupled to a salesperson in Business Central, a new salesperson row is created in Business Central.

To create new records during synchronization

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the table mapping entry in the list, clear the Synch. Only Coupled Records field.

Use configuration templates on table mappings

You can specify one or more configuration templates to use for new Business Central records, and another template to use new Dataverse rows.

If you install the default synchronization setup, most of the time, two configuration templates are automatically created and used on the table mapping for Business Central customers and Dynamics 365 Sales accounts: CDSCUST and CDSACCOUNT.

  • CDSCUST creates and synchronizes new customers in Business Central based on accounts in Dynamics 365 Sales.

    To create this template, copy an existing configuration template for customers. The CDSCUST is created only if there's an existing configuration template and the Currency Code field in the template is blank. If a field in the configuration template contains a value, the value replaces the value in the mapped column for the Dataverse account. For example, if the Country/Region column in an account in Dataverse contains U.S. and the Country/Region field in the configuration template is GB, then GB is used as the Country/Region for the customer in Business Central.

  • CDSACCOUNT creates and synchronizes new accounts in Dataverse based on an account in Business Central.

You can add more templates, and use filters to define conditions under which Business Central applies them. The templates apply to data moving in either direction. For example, you might use a template for domestic customers in the United States, and another for foreign customers in the European Union, or vice versa. In that case, when the data synchronizes, Business Central uses the country/region code for the customer to apply the appropriate template.

To specify configuration templates on a table mapping

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Integration Table Mappings, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the table mapping entry in the list, in the Table Config Templates field, choose to the configuration template to use for new records in Business Central.

  3. If you have multiple templates, to define the conditions that determine when to use the template, enter criteria in the Integration Table Filter field, and then enter a number in the Priority field. The priority determines the order in which Business Central evaluates whether to use the templates.


    The Table Config Template Code and Int. Tbl. Config Template Code fields show different values depending on the number of templates that you configure for a specific integration table mapping:

    • If you configure a single configuration template, the name of the configuration template shows in order to stay compatible with current capabilities.
    • If you configure multiple configuration templates, the number of configured configuration templates shows.
  4. Set the Int. Tbl. Config Template Code field to the configuration template to use for new records in Dataverse.

See also

About Integrating Dynamics 365 Business Central with Dataverse
Synchronizing Business Central and Dataverse
Schedule a Synchronization

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