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Xmlport Data Type

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

XmlPorts are used to export or import data between an external source and a Microsoft Dynamics Business Central database.

Static methods

The following methods are available on the Xmlport data type.

Method name Description
Export(Integer, var OutStream [, var Record]) Creates an XML data stream (XML document) and sends it to a chosen destination.
Import(Integer, var InStream [, var Record]) Reads and parses an incoming XML data stream (XML document).
Run(Integer [, Boolean] [, Boolean] [, var Record]) Loads and executes the XmlPort that you specify.

Instance methods

The following methods are available on instances of the Xmlport data type.

Method name Description
Break() Exits from a loop or a trigger in a data item trigger of a report or XmlPort.
BreakUnbound() Exits from a loop on records in an XmlPort trigger.
CurrentPath() Returns the CurrentPath for a given node, used when exporting an XmlPort.
Export() Creates an XML data stream (XML document) and sends it to a chosen destination.
FieldDelimiter([Text]) Gets and sets the FiledDelimiter used when running, importing or exporting the XmlPort.
FieldSeparator([Text]) Gets and sets the FieldSeparator used when running, importing or exporting the XmlPort.
Filename([Text]) Gets the current value of the FileName Property of an XmlPort and sets this property to a new value.
Import() Reads and parses an incoming XML data stream (XML document).
ImportFile([Boolean]) Gets or sets the ImportFile property.
Quit() Aborts the processing of a report or XmlPort.
RecordSeparator([Text]) Gets and sets the RecordSeparator used when running, importing or exporting the XmlPort.
Run() Loads and executes the XmlPort that you specify.
SetDestination(var OutStream) Sets the destination OutStream of the XmlPort.
SetSource(var InStream) Sets the source InStream of the XmlPort.
SetTableView(var Record) Applies the table view on the current record as the table view for the page, report, or XmlPort.
Skip() Skips the current iteration of the current report or XmlPort.
TableSeparator([Text]) Gets and sets the TableSeparator used when running, importing or exporting the XmlPort.
TextEncoding([TextEncoding]) Gets and sets the TextEncoding used when running, importing or exporting the XmlPort.

See Also

Get Started with AL
Developing Extensions
XMLport Overview