
Aracılığıyla paylaş

Process existing payroll payments

This article describes tasks such as reprinting pay statements, and replacing paychecks that have been lost or damaged. It also explains how to complete similar tasks after pay statements have been generated or payments have been issued to workers.

To print or reprint pay statements for payments that were previously processed, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Pay statements report page. You can also print pay statements from the All Pay statements page.
  2. In the Pay cycle field, select the pay cycle for the pay statements to print.
  3. In the Pay period field, select the pay period for the pay statements, and then click OK. The list includes only the pay periods that are available for the pay cycle.

Reprint a check for a worker before the payment journal is posted

If a check was damaged when it was printed, you can follow these steps to reprint the check for a worker, provided that the payment journal hasn't been posted.

If you have permissions to change values on the Cash and bank management parameters page, and you want to use the same check number, on the Cash and bank management parameters page, in the Check setup section, select the Allow check reuse check box.

If you don't have permission to change values on the Cash and bank management parameters page, follow these steps.

  1. On the Payment journal page, select the payment journal, and then click Lines.

  2. On the Journal voucher page, select the check payment to reprint.

  3. Follow one of these steps:

    • If you can change the parameter to reuse checks, click Payment status, and then select Reuse to remove the check number from the bank journal.
    • If you can't change the parameter to reuse checks, click Payment status, and then select Reuse to remove the check number from the bank journal.
  4. Select Functions, and then select Generate payments to generate payments that have a status of None, and that match the method of payment and bank account that you selected.

  5. On the Generate payments page, select the bank account and the check method of payment, and then click OK.

  6. On the Payroll check payment page, verify the check number in the From field, verify the print destination, and then click OK to print the check.

  7. Verify that the check was printed correctly, and that the payment status is set to Sent on the Journal voucher page.

Reissue a check to a worker after the payment journal is posted

Use this procedure when check payments were generated, and the payment journal was posted, but you want to reprint a check for a worker. For example, you might have to reprint a check that was lost. To issue another check for a worker, follow these steps.

  1. On the Cash and bank management parameters page, select the check, and then click Payment reversal. You can reverse only checks that have a payment status of Paid.

  2. On the Payment reversal page, complete the information, and then click OK.

  3. On the Check reversals page, select the journal that contains the reversal.

  4. On the Post menu, click Post to unsettle the original payment journal record from the invoice and create an offset transaction that will be settled to the original payment. The invoice will have an outstanding amount that hasn't been settled.


    This process occurs automatically if the Use review process for payment reversals check box is cleared on the Cash and bank management parameters page.

  5. On the Issued pay statements page, select the pay statement, and then click Submit to reissue. A new payment journal is created that has the new line. An invoice isn't created.

  6. On the Payment journal page, select the payment journal that was just created, and then select Lines.

  7. On the Journal voucher page, select Functions, and then select Generate payments to generate payments that have a None status, and that match the method of payment and bank account that you selected.

  8. On the Generate payments page, select the bank account and the check method of payment, and then click OK.

  9. On the Payroll check payment page, verify the check number in the From field, verify the print destination, and then click OK to print the check.

  10. On the Journal voucher page, verify that the payment status is set to Sent.

Void a check payment and reverse a pay statement

Sometimes, you must void a check. For example, if the payment journal was already posted, you might have to void a check that was printed for a worker who should not have been paid.

If the check or Automated Clearing House (ACH) file that contains the payment hasn't been created, but the pay statement has been submitted or posted, you don't have to void the payment. However, you do have to reverse the pay statement. On the All pay statements, follow the steps for reversing a payment.

If the pay statement hasn't been submitted or posted, you don't reverse the pay statement. Instead, delete it. For more information, see Generate and work with pay statements.

To void a check and reverse the payment, follow these steps.

  1. On the Checks page, select the check, and then click Payment reversal. You can reverse only checks that have a payment status of Paid.

  2. On the Payment reversal page, complete the information, and then click OK.

  3. On the Check reversals page, select the journal that contains the reversal.

  4. On the Post menu, select Post to unsettle the original payment journal record from the invoice and create an offset transaction that will be settled to the original payment. The invoice will have an outstanding amount that hasn't been settled.


    This process occurs automatically if the Use review process for payment reversals check box is cleared on the Cash and bank management parameters page.

  5. On the Issued pay statements page, select the pay statement, and then click Reverse.


    Arrearage amounts aren't reversed when you reverse a pay statement. If arrearages were created or recovered on the pay statement that you reverse, you must manually adjust the worker's arrearage balance on the Worker arrears page. If an arrearage was created, the amount of the arrearage appears in the Arrears FactBox. To determine whether an arrearage was recovered, use the Worker arrears page.

  6. When you're prompted to continue, click Yes. A new pay statement is created that has amounts that are the opposite of the amounts on the original pay statement. You also receive a message that shows the ID of the reversing pay statement. A message bar appears on the original pay statement to notify you that the pay statement was reversed. A message bar also appears on the new pay statement to notify you that this pay statement was created to reverse a pay statement. Additionally, the new pay statement shows the original pay statement ID and provides an option to open the reversed pay statement.

  7. If the original pay statement was submitted, on the All pay statements page, select the new reversed pay statement that was created, and then click Submit for payment.


    If the original pay statement was posted but wasn't submitted, skip to step 10.

  8. Optional: Select the Post the selected pay statement check box. Skip this step if the original pay statement wasn't posted.

  9. Click Submit. A new invoice is created that has opposite values. This invoice is then posted and settled with the original invoice. A payment journal isn't created.

  10. If the original pay statement was posted but wasn't submitted, select the new reversed pay statement that was created. Then, on the Action Pane, on the Financials tab, click Post.

  11. Leave the Submit for payment after posting check box cleared, and click Post.

Recreate an ACH file

To re-create an ACH file for a group of electronic payments when the payment journal hasn't been posted, follow these steps.

  1. On the Payment journal page, select the payment journal that contains the lines to re-create the file for, and then click Lines.
  2. On the Journal voucher page, select the lines to re-create the file for.
  3. Select Payment status, and then click None.
  4. Select Functions, and then select Generate payments to generate payments that have a None status, and that match the method of payment and bank account that you selected.
  5. On the Generate payments page, select the bank account and the check method of payment, and then click OK.
  6. On the Payroll electronic (Direct deposit) page, enter the path (be sure to include the file name), enter an effective date, and optionally select the Pay statement check box to print the pay statements. Click OK to create the ACH file. A message shows the number of transactions and prenotes that were created.
  7. On the Journal voucher page, verify that the payment status is set to Sent.