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Report explorer has additional outputs in the Czech version


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Apr 1, 2024

Business value

Reports are important for making good business decisions, so it's helpful to be able to access them quickly. You can easily find and use all reports for the Czech version.

Feature details

By adding reports that were missing for the Accountant CZ profile, we've made it easier to find and use important reports in the Czech version. The additions include the following outputs:

  • Open Vend. Entries to Date CZL
  • Vendor-Bal. Reconciliation CZL
  • Purch. Advance Letters CZZ
  • Purch. Advance Letters VAT CZZ
  • Purch. Adv. Letters Recap. CZZ
  • Quantity Received Check CZL
  • Open Cust. Entries to Date CZL
  • Cust.- Bal. Reconciliation CZL
  • Sales Advance Letters CZZ
  • Sales Advance Letters VAT CZZ
  • Sales Adv. Letters Recap. CZZ
  • Quantity Shipped Check CZL
  • Documentation for VAT CZL
  • VAT Documents List CZL
  • Unreliable Payer List CZL
  • Turnover Rpt. by Gl. Dim. CZL
  • General Ledger CZL
  • General Journal CZL
  • Posted Inventory Document CZL
  • Phys. Inventory Document CZL
  • Fixed Asset Card CZF
  • Fixed Asset - Book Value 1 CZF

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