
Aracılığıyla paylaş

onPremisesPublishing resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

An on-premises application published via Microsoft Entra application proxy is represented by an application object and its associated onPremisesPublishing property. Application Proxy provides secure remote access to on-premises applications.

An onPremisesPublishing object represents the set of properties for configuring Application Proxy for an on-premises application.

After instantiating a custom application or creating an application, the Application Proxy settings for the application can be configured by updating the application's onPremisesPublishing properties.

For a tutorial about configuring Application Proxy, see Automate the configuration of Application Proxy using the Microsoft Graph API.


Property Type Description
alternateUrl String If you're configuring a traffic manager in front of multiple App Proxy applications, the alternateUrl is the user-friendly URL that points to the traffic manager.
applicationServerTimeout String The duration the connector waits for a response from the backend application before closing the connection. Possible values are default, long. When set to default, the backend application timeout has a length of 85 seconds. When set to long, the backend timeout is increased to 180 seconds. Use long if your server takes more than 85 seconds to respond to requests or if you are unable to access the application and the error status is "Backend Timeout". Default value is default.
applicationType String Indicates if this application is an Application Proxy configured application. This is pre-set by the system. Read-only.
externalAuthenticationType externalAuthenticationType Details the pre-authentication setting for the application. Pre-authentication enforces that users must authenticate before accessing the app. Pass through doesn't require authentication. Possible values are: passthru, aadPreAuthentication.
externalUrl String The published external url for the application. For example, https://intranet-contoso.msappproxy.net/.
internalUrl String The internal url of the application. For example, https://intranet/.
isBackendCertificateValidationEnabled Boolean Indicates whether backend SSL certificate validation is enabled for the application. For all new Application Proxy apps, the property is set to true by default. For all existing apps, the property is set to false.
isHttpOnlyCookieEnabled Boolean Indicates if the HTTPOnly cookie flag should be set in the HTTP response headers. Set this value to true to have Application Proxy cookies include the HTTPOnly flag in the HTTP response headers. If using Remote Desktop Services, set this value to False. Default value is false.
isOnPremPublishingEnabled Boolean Indicates if the application is currently being published via Application Proxy or not. This is preset by the system. Read-only.
isPersistentCookieEnabled Boolean Indicates if the Persistent cookie flag should be set in the HTTP response headers. Keep this value set to false. Only use this setting for applications that can't share cookies between processes. For more information about cookie settings, see Cookie settings for accessing on-premises applications in Microsoft Entra ID. Default value is false.
isSecureCookieEnabled Boolean Indicates if the Secure cookie flag should be set in the HTTP response headers. Set this value to true to transmit cookies over a secure channel such as an encrypted HTTPS request. Default value is true.
isStateSessionEnabled Boolean Indicates whether validation of the state parameter when the client uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow is enabled. This setting allows admins to specify whether they want to enable CSRF protection for their apps.
isTranslateHostHeaderEnabled Boolean Indicates if the application should translate urls in the response headers. Keep this value as true unless your application required the original host header in the authentication request. Default value is true.
isTranslateLinksInBodyEnabled Boolean Indicates if the application should translate urls in the application body. Keep this value as false unless you have hardcoded HTML links to other on-premises applications and don't use custom domains. For more information, see Link translation with Application Proxy. Default value is false.
onPremisesApplicationSegments (deprecated) onPremisesApplicationSegment collection Represents the application segment collection for an on-premises wildcard application. This property is deprecated and will stop returning data on June 1, 2023. Use segmentsConfiguration instead.
segmentsConfiguration segmentConfiguration Represents the collection of application segments for an on-premises wildcard application that's published through Microsoft Entra application proxy.
singleSignOnSettings onPremisesPublishingSingleSignOn Represents the single sign-on configuration for the on-premises application.
verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata Details of the certificate associated with the application when a custom domain is in use. null when using the default domain. Read-only.
verifiedCustomDomainKeyCredential keyCredential The associated key credential for the custom domain used.
verifiedCustomDomainPasswordCredential passwordCredential The associated password credential for the custom domain used.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "alternateUrl": "String",
  "applicationServerTimeout": "String",
  "applicationType": "String",
  "externalAuthenticationType": "String",
  "externalUrl": "String",
  "internalUrl": "String",
  "isBackendCertificateValidationEnabled": true,
  "isHttpOnlyCookieEnabled": true,
  "isOnPremPublishingEnabled": true,
  "isPersistentCookieEnabled": true,
  "isSecureCookieEnabled": true,
  "isStateSessionEnabled": true,
  "isTranslateHostHeaderEnabled": true,
  "isTranslateLinksInBodyEnabled": true,
  "singleSignOnSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.onPremisesPublishingSingleSignOn"},
  "verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata"},
  "verifiedCustomDomainKeyCredential": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.keyCredential"},
  "verifiedCustomDomainPasswordCredential": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.passwordCredential"}