Cancellation |
A CancellationToken is used to propagate notification that operations should be canceled. You create a cancellation token by instantiating a CancellationTokenSource object, which manages cancellation tokens retrieved from its getToken() method. You then pass the cancellation token to any number of operations that should receive notice of cancellation. The token cannot be used to initiate cancellation. When the owning object calls cancel(), the cancelled property on the cancellation token is set to true. The objects that receive the notification can respond in whatever manner is appropriate. |
Cancellation |
A CancellationTokenSource is used to create CancellationToken object and manage it. |
Claims |
Represents the claim based security credential acquired from STS (security token service). |
Code |
Represents the code package definition. |
Configuration |
Represents a configuration package. |
Data |
Defines a data package of an application. |
Encryption |
Utility class to perform encryption and decryption operations. |
Epoch |
Represents the current version of the partition in Service Fabric.
Remarks:An Epoch is a configuration number for the partition as a whole. When the configuration of the replica set changes, for example when the Primary replica changes, the operations that are replicated from the new Primary replica are said to be a new Epoch from the ones which were sent by the old Primary replica. The fact that the Primary has changed is not directly visible to Secondary replicas, which are usually unaffected by the failure that affected the original Primary replica. To track that the Primary replica has changed has to be communicated to the Secondary replica. This communication occurs via the updateEpochAsync(Epoch epoch, SequenceNumber previousEpochLastSequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) method. Most services can ignore the details of the inner fields of the Epoch as it is usually sufficient to know that the Epoch has changed and to compare Epochs to determine relative ordering of operations and events in the system. Comparison operations are provided for this purpose. |
Fabric |
Client for a Service Fabric cluster.
Remarks:It is highly recommended that you share FabricClients as much as possible. This is because the FabricClient has multiple optimizations such as caching and batching that you would not be able to fully utilize otherwise. |
Fabric |
Represents the configuration settings for the FabricClient class. |
Fabric |
Represents activation context for the Service Fabric service. This is valid for fabric activated service only. |
Fabric |
Replicates state for high availability and reliability.
Remarks:Provides the default implementation of the StateReplicator, Replicator, and PrimaryReplicator interfaces, which user services can use, along with their implementation of the StateProvider interface. An instance of the system.fabric.FabricReplicator class is obtained via the createReplicator(StateProvider stateProvider, ReplicatorSettings replicatorSettings) method, which can be cast to StateReplicator for use. |
Fabric |
Allows user created hosts to obtain their CodePackageActivationContext, well as to register the necessary service factories [ StatelessServiceFactory, StatefulServiceFactory ] or service types directly. |
Gateway |
Contains information identifying a Service Fabric node in the cluster. |
Int64Range |
Represents the Information for Partition |
Load |
Named |
Describes the partition information for the name as a string that is based on partition schemes. Services observe this type of ServicePartitionInformation when the service is created with the system.fabric.NamedPartitionInformation derives from the ServicePartition interface and is provided to services as part of the StatefulServicePartition or StatelessServicePartition interface, which is passed in during the stateful openAsync(ReplicaOpenMode openMode, StatefulServicePartition partition, CancellationToken cancellationToken) or the stateless openAsync(StatelessServicePartition partition, CancellationToken cancellationToken). |
Node |
Class to encapsulate a node context. |
Node |
Class to encapsulate a node ID |
None |
SecurityCredentials subtype for non-secure mode. |
Observable<T> |
This class represents an observable object |
Operation |
Package |
Describes a package added event. |
Package |
Describes a package modified event. |
Package |
Describes a package removed event. |
Package |
Represents a policy for the package sharing. |
Package |
Represents a list of PackageSharingPolicy objects. |
Replica |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Replica |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Replicator |
Allows a stateful replica to configure the FabricReplicator when creating it createReplicator(StateProvider stateProvider, ReplicatorSettings replicatorSettings) |
Resolved |
Represents a resolved service endpoint, which contains information about service partition replica role and the address it listens to. |
Resolved |
Represents a data structure that contains information on the partitioning and set of endpoints to which the specified Service partition listens. |
Security |
An abstract base class for types that represent security credentials. |
Sequence |
Long, represents the last sequence number (LSN) of the operation. |
Service |
Represents the service context that the service is operating under. |
Service |
Remarks:Derived types define initialization data that are specific to stateless and stateful services. |
Service |
Represents the base class for describing partitions.
Remarks: Int64RangePartitionInformation, NamedPartitionInformation, and SingletonPartitionInformation all derive from this type. |
Singleton |
Indicates that the service is Singleton-partitioned, effectively non-partitioned or with one partition only, and uses the partition scheme of a Singleton service. |
Stateful |
Represents the service context that the stateful service is operating under. |
Stateful |
Stateful |
Defines service initialization parameters for a stateful service. |
Stateless |
Defines service initialization parameters for a stateless service. |
Windows |
Represents the active directory domain credential. |
X509Credentials |
Specifies the security credentials that are based upon X.509 certificates which are located in Windows certificate store. |
X509Credentials2 |
Specifies the security credentials that are based upon X.509 certificates which are specified using the certificate path. |
X509Name |
A type to identify X509 certificate with subject common name or DNS name. |
Code |
Represents activation context for the Service Fabric service. This is valid for fabric activated service only. |
Observer<U> |
A class can implement the Observer interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects. |
Operation |
Remarks: system.fabric.Operation is the base interface that describes state changes that are delivered to a Secondary replica. They contain the replicateAsync(OperationData operationData, SequenceNumber sequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) and the sequence number and other identifying information. |
Operation |
An system.fabric.OperationDataStream encapsulates a stream of OperationData objects that are exchanged between Primary replica and Secondary replica. Objects that implement system.fabric.OperationDataStream are used during the copy process. Both the copy context getCopyContext() method that is sent from the Secondary replica to the Primary replica and the copy state getCopyState(SequenceNumber upToSequenceNumber, OperationDataStream copyContext) method implement the system.fabric.OperationDataStream interface. |
Operation |
Represents a stream of replication or copy operations that are sent from the Primary to the Secondary replica.
Remarks: The streams returned from getCopyStream() and getReplicationStream() are objects that implement system.fabric.OperationStream. |
Operation |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Primary |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Replicator |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Service |
Provides information to the service about the partition to which it belongs and provides methods for the service to interact with the system during runtime. |
Stateful |
Represents a stateful service factory that is responsible for creating replicas of a specific type of stateful service. Stateful service factories are registered with the FabricRuntime by service hosts via system.fabric.FabricRuntime#registerStatefulServiceFactory(java.lang.String,system.fabric.StatefulServiceFactory) or system.fabric.FabricRuntime#registerStatefulServiceFactoryAsync(java.lang.String,system.fabric.StatefulServiceFactory,java.time.Duration) |
Stateful |
Stateful |
Defines behavior that governs the lifecycle of a replica, such as startup, initialization, role changes, and shutdown.
Remarks:Stateful service types must implement this interface. The logic of a stateful service type includes behavior that is invoked on Primary replicas and behavior that is invoked on Secondary replicas. If the service author wants to make use of the provided FabricReplicator, then the service must also implement StateProvider to use the implementation of StateReplicator that is provided by FabricReplicator |
Stateless |
Represents a stateless service factory that is responsible for creating instances of a specific type of stateless service.
Remarks:Stateless service factories are registered with the FabricRuntime by service hosts via system.fabric.FabricRuntime#registerStatelessServiceFactory(java.lang.String,system.fabric.StatelessServiceFactory) or system.fabric.FabricRuntime#registerStatelessServiceFactoryAsync(java.lang.String,system.fabric.StatelessServiceFactory,java.time.Duration) |
Stateless |
Stateless services are those which have no state that requires management by Service Fabric. Stateless service types must implement this interface. |
Stateless |
Represents a partition that is associated with a stateless service instance.
Remarks:Provided to a stateless service as a parameter to the ServicePartition. |
State |
Defines the behavior that a service must implement to interact with the FabricReplicator. |
State |
Exposes replication related functions of the FabricReplicator class that are used by StateProvider to replicate state to ensure high availability. |
State |
Exposes replication-related functions of the FabricReplicator class that are used by StateProvider to replicate state to ensure high availability. |
Credential |
Fabric |
Represents the fabric client security role. |
Fabric |
Fault |
Indicates the type of fault that a service reports: invalid, transient or permanent.
Remarks : Services can report faults during runtime by using the reportFault(FaultType faultType) method to indicate the type of fault. |
Move |
Operation |
Specifies the type of operation that is received via the copy or replication stream. |
Package |
Represents the scope for the PackageSharingPolicy |
Partition |
Enumerates the access status of the partition.
Remarks: system.fabric.PartitionAccessStatus is used to check that a read or write operation is allowed. When service replicas handle a client request, they should verify that the system is in a state that allows processing. By checking the getReadStatus() or getwriteStatus() as appropriate, the replica can be notified of conditions that prevent correct operation. Note that write operations might still see an exception from the replicator for one of these conditions, because the condition might change between the getwriteStatus() check and the call to replicateAsync(OperationData operationData, SequenceNumber sequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken). |
Protection |
Enumerates how communication is protected. |
Replica |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Replica |
Indicates the role of a stateful service replica.
Remarks:Service Fabric requires different behaviors from a service replica depending on what role it currently performs. |
Replica |
This supports the Service Fabric infrastructure and is not meant to be used directly from your code. |
Replica |
Service |
Enumerates the kinds of possible roles of a service endpoint. |
Service |
Indicates the type of partitioning scheme that is used.
Remarks: system.fabric.ServicePartitionKind defines the value of the kind property of the ServicePartitionInformation class. |
X509Find |
Specifies the type of value the getFindType() method searches for. |
X509Store |
Defines a class to represent a store location in the certificate provider. |
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