Support multiple profiles under a single user data folder
The WebView2 Multiple Profiles API allows you to create and manipulate user profiles to work with your WebView2 controls. Profiles in WebView2 are conceptually similar to profiles in Microsoft Edge. Multiple profile support enables a WebView2 app to have multiple profiles under a single user data folder.
Each profile has a dedicated profile folder to save browser data, which provides separate browsing data storage for each user, such as cookies, user preference settings, and cached resources. All the WebView2 controls that are associated with the same user profile share a single profile folder.
Previous approach: Using a different user data folder for each WebView2 control
Previously, without multi-profile support, to achieve data separation, a WebView2 app could use different user data folders for different WebView2 controls. However, in that approach, you must run multiple WebView2 runtime instances (each including a browser process and a bunch of child processes), which consumed more system resources including memory, CPU footprint, and disk space.
Specify the profile when creating a WebView2
Create an options object that defines a profile
The CreateCoreWebView2ControllerOptions method on CoreWebView2Environment creates an options object, CoreWebView2ControllerOptions, to provide specific information about a profile, including ProfileName and IsInPrivateModeEnabled. Use this object to specify the target profile when creating a WebView2 control instance.
Each Create...Controller method which takes an options parameter creates a WebView2 control and associates it with the profile you specified. If the specified profile doesn't exist, a new profile will be created.
After you get the profile object, you can manipulate it. Use CoreWebView2Profile to get profile information and do profile-wide settings and operations.
string profileName = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.ProfileName;
bool inPrivate = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.IsInPrivateModeEnabled;
// update window title with profileName
// update window icon
string profileName = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.ProfileName;
bool inPrivate = controller.CoreWebView2.Profile.IsInPrivateModeEnabled;
// update window title with profileName
// update window icon
// This is the callback passed to CreateCoreWebView2Controller.
// Here we can get the profile property of the WebView2 control, then manipulate it.
HRESULT AppWindow::OnCreateCoreWebView2ControllerCompleted(HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Controller* controller)
// ...
m_controller = controller;
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2> coreWebView2;
// We should check for failure here because if this app is using a newer
// SDK version compared to the install of the Edge browser, the Edge
// browser might not have support for the latest version of the
// ICoreWebView2_N interface.
// Save PID of the browser process serving last WebView created from our
// CoreWebView2Environment. We know the controller was created with
// S_OK, and it hasn't been closed (we haven't called Close and no
// ProcessFailed event could have been raised yet) so the PID is
// available.
auto webView2_13 = coreWebView2.try_query<ICoreWebView2_13>();
if (webView2_13)
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Profile> profile;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string profile_name;
m_profileName = profile_name.get();
BOOL inPrivate = FALSE;
if (!m_webviewOption.downloadPath.empty())
// update window title with m_profileName
// update window icon
// ...