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TeamsFx SDK

TeamsFx helps to reduce your tasks by using Microsoft Teams single sign-on (SSO) and accessing cloud resources down to single line statements with zero configuration. You can use TeamsFx SDK in the browser and Node.js environments. TeamsFx core functionalities can be accessed in client and server environments. You can write user authentication code for:

  • Teams tab
  • Teams bot
  • Azure Function


You need to install the following tools and set up your development environment:

  Install For using...
  Visual Studio Code JavaScript, TypeScript, or SharePoint Framework (SPFx) build environments. Use version 1.55 or later.
  Teams Toolkit A Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension that creates a project scaffolding for your app. Use 4.0.0 version.
  Node.js Back-end JavaScript runtime environment. For more information, see Node.js version compatibility table for project type.
  Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams to collaborate with everyone you work with through apps for chat, meetings, call and all in one place.
  Microsoft Edge (recommended) or Google Chrome A browser with developer tools.

For more information on Node.js version compatibility, see Prerequisites for creating your Teams app using Visual Studio Code.


If your project has installed botbuilderrelated packages as dependencies, ensure they are of the same version.

You must have working knowledge of:

Get started

TeamsFx SDK is pre-configured in the scaffolded project using TeamsFx Toolkit or CLI. For more information, see Teams app project.


The code snippets are updated for the latest TeamsFx SDK version 2.

Install the @microsoft/teamsfx package

Install the TeamsFx SDK for TypeScript or JavaScript with npm:

npm install @microsoft/teamsfx

TeamsFx core functionalities

TeamsFx class

TeamsFx class instance access all TeamsFx settings from the environment variables by default. You can set customized configuration values to override the default values. For more information, see override configuration for details. When creating a TeamsFx instance, you need to specify the identity type.

The following list provides the two different type of identities:

  • User Identity: Represents the current user of Teams.

  • Application Identity: Represents the application itself.


    The TeamsFx constructors and methods aren't the same for these two identity types.

You can learn more about user identity and application identity in the following section:

User identity
Command Description
new TeamsFx(IdentityType.User) Application is authenticated as current Teams user.
TeamsFx:setSsoToken() User identity in Node.js environment (without browser).
TeamsFx:getUserInfo() To get user's basis information.
TeamsFx:login() It's used to let user perform consent process, if you want to use SSO to get access token for certain OAuth scopes.


You can access resources on behalf of current Teams user.

Application identity
Command Description
new TeamsFx(IdentityType.App) Application is authenticated as an application. The permission usually needs administrator's approval.
TeamsFx:getCredential() It provides credential instances automatically corresponding to the identity type.


You need admin consent for resources.


Credential classes implement the TokenCredential interface that is broadly used in Azure library APIs designed to provide access tokens for specific scopes. For more information on credential and auth flow related classes, see credential folder.

There are three credential classes to simplify authentication. Here's the corresponding scenarios for each credential class target:

User identity in browser environment

TeamsUserCredential represents Teams current user's identity. For the first time user's credentials are authenticated, then Teams SSO does the On-Behalf-Of flow for token exchange. SDK uses this credential when you choose user identity in the browser environment.

The following code is an example to create TeamsUserCredential:

const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
  clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
  initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL,

const credential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);

Required configurations are initiateLoginEndpoint and clientId that's found inside type TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig.

User identity in Node.js environment

OnBehalfOfUserCredential uses On-Behalf-Of flow and require Teams SSO token, in Azure Function or bot scenarios. TeamsFx SDK uses the following credential when you choose user identity in Node.js environment.

The following code is an example to create OnBehalfOfUserCredential:

const oboAuthConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,

const oboCredential = new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(ssoToken, oboAuthConfig);

Required configurations are authorityHost, tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, or certificateContent that's found inside type OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig.

App identity in Node.js environment

AppCredential represents the app identity. You can use app identity when user isn't involved, for example, in a time-triggered automation job. TeamsFx SDK uses the following credential when you choose app identity in Node.js environment.

The following code is an example to create AppCredential:

const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
const appCredential = new AppCredential(appAuthConfig);

Required configurations are authorityHost, tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, or certificateContent that's inside type AppCredentialAuthConfig


Bot related classes are stored under bot folder.

TeamsBotSsoPrompt integrates with the bot framework. It simplifies the authentication process when you develop bot application and want to use the bot SSO.

The following code is an example to create TeamsBotSsoPrompt:

const TeamsBotSsoPromptId = "TEAMS_BOT_SSO_PROMPT";

const settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings = {
  scopes: ["User.Read"],
  timeout: 900000,
  endOnInvalidMessage: true,

const authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
const loginUrl = process.env.INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT;
const ssoPrompt = new TeamsBotSsoPrompt(authConfig, loginUrl, TeamsBotSsoPromptId, settings);

Supported functions

TeamsFx SDK provides several functions to ease the configuration for third-party libraries. They're located under core folder.

  • Microsoft Graph Service:createMicrosoftGraphClient, createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential, and MsGraphAuthProvider helps to create authenticated Graph instance.


    createMicrosoftGraphClient function has been deprecated. Its recommended that you to use createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential instead, for better coding experience.

  • SQL: The getTediousConnectionConfig returns a tedious connection config.

    Required configuration:

    • If you want to use the user identity, then sqlServerEndpoint, sqlUsername, and sqlPassword are required.
    • If you want to use the MSI identity, then sqlServerEndpointand sqlIdentityId are required.


    The getTediousConnectionConfig function has been deprecated. Its recommended that you compose your own Tedious configuration for better flexibility.

Override configuration for TeamsFx class


TeamsFx class has been deprecated. Use TeamsUserCredential, OnBehalfOfUserCredential, and AppCredential instead.

You can pass custom config when creating a new TeamsFx instance to override default configuration or set required fields when environment variables are missing.

For tab project

If you've created tab project using Microsoft Visual Studio Code Toolkit, the following config values are used from pre-configured environment variables:

  • authorityHost (REACT_APP_AUTHORITY_HOST)
  • tenantId (REACT_APP_TENANT_ID)
  • clientId (REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID)
  • initiateLoginEndpoint (REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL)
  • apiEndpoint (REACT_APP_FUNC_ENDPOINT) // only used when there's a backend function
  • apiName (REACT_APP_FUNC_NAME) // only used when there's a backend function
For Azure Function or bot project

If you've created Azure Function or bot project using Visual Studio Code Toolkit, the following config values are used from pre-configured environment variables:

  • initiateLoginEndpoint (INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT)

  • authorityHost (M365_AUTHORITY_HOST)

  • tenantId (M365_TENANT_ID)

  • clientId (M365_CLIENT_ID)

  • clientSecret (M365_CLIENT_SECRET)

  • applicationIdUri (M365_APPLICATION_ID_URI)

  • apiEndpoint (API_ENDPOINT)

  • sqlServerEndpoint (SQL_ENDPOINT) // only used when there's an sql instance

  • sqlUsername (SQL_USER_NAME) // only used when there's an sql instance

  • sqlPassword (SQL_PASSWORD) // only used when there's an sql instance

  • sqlDatabaseName (SQL_DATABASE_NAME) // only used when there's an SQL instance

  • sqlIdentityId (IDENTITY_ID) // only used when there's an SQL instance

Error handling

Basic type of API error response is ErrorWithCode, which contains error code and error message. For example, to filter out specific error, you can use the following snippet:

try {
  const teamsfx = new TeamsFx();
  await teamsfx.login("User.Read");
} catch (err: unknown) {
  if (err instanceof ErrorWithCode && err.code !== ErrorCode.ConsentFailed) {
    throw err;
  } else {
    // Silently fail because user cancels the consent dialog


TeamsFx class has been deprecated, and ErrorWithCode is not recommended. You can use TeamsUserCredential instead.

try {
  const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
    clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
    initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL,

  const credential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);  
  await credential.login("User.Read");
} catch (err: unknown) {
  if (err instanceof ErrorWithCode && err.code !== ErrorCode.ConsentFailed) {
    throw err;
  } else {
    // Silently fail because user cancels the consent dialog

If a credential instance is used in other library, such as Microsoft Graph, it's possible that an error is caught and transformed.

Microsoft Graph Scenarios

This section provides several code snippets for common scenarios that are related to the Microsoft Graph. In such scenarios, user can call APIs using different permissions in frontend or backend.

  • User delegate permission in frontend (Use TeamsUserCredential)

    Use graph API in tab app

    This code snippet shows you how to use TeamsUserCredential and createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential to get user profiles from Microsoft Graph in tab app. It also shows you how to catch and resolve a GraphError.

    1. Import the classes needed.

      import {
      } from "@microsoft/teamsfx";
    2. Create TeamsUserCredential instance.

      const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
      clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID!,
      initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL!,
      const teamsUserCredential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);
    3. Use teamsUserCredential.login() to get user consent.

      // Put these code in a call-to-action callback function to avoid browser blocking automatically showing up pop-ups.
      await teamsUserCredential.login(["User.Read"]); // Login with scope
    4. You can initialize a TeamsFx instance and graph client and get information from Microsoft Graph by this client.

      try {
       const graphClient = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(teamsUserCredential, ["User.Read"]); // Initializes MS Graph SDK using our MsGraphAuthProvider
       const profile = await graphClient.api("/me").get();
      } catch (err: unknown) {
       // ErrorWithCode is handled by Graph client
       if (err instanceof GraphError && err.code?.includes(ErrorCode.UiRequiredError)) {
         // Need to show login button to ask for user consent.

    For more information on sample to use Graph API in tab app, see Graph Conector app sample.

    Integration with Microsoft Graph Toolkit

    The Microsoft Graph Toolkit library is a collection of various authentication providers and UI components powered by Microsoft Graph.

    The @microsoft/mgt-teamsfx-provider package exposes the TeamsFxProvider class that uses TeamsFx class to sign in users and acquire tokens to use with Microsoft Graph.

    1. You can install the following required packages:

         npm install @microsoft/mgt-element @microsoft/mgt-teamsfx-provider @microsoft/teamsfx
    2. Initialize the provider inside your component.

      // Import the providers and credential at the top of the page
      import {Providers} from '@microsoft/mgt-element';
      import {TeamsFxProvider} from '@microsoft/mgt-teamsfx-provider';
      import {TeamsUserCredential} from "@microsoft/teamsfx";
      const scope = ["User.Read"];
      const teamsfx = new TeamsFx();
      const provider = new TeamsFxProvider(teamsfx, scope);
      Providers.globalProvider = provider;   
    3. You can use the teamsfx.login(scopes) method to get required access token.

      // Put these code in a call-to-action callback function to avoid browser blocking automatically showing up pop-ups. 
      await teamsfx.login(this.scope);
    4. You can add any component in your HTML page or in your render() method with React to use the TeamsFx context to access Microsoft Graph.

      <mgt-person query="me" view="threeLines"></mgt-person>
      public render(): void {
      return (
           <Person personQuery="me" view={PersonViewType.threelines}></Person>

    For more information on sample to initialize the TeamsFx provider, see the contacts exporter sample.

  • User delegate permission in backend (Use OnBehalfOfUserCredential)

    Use Graph API in bot Application

    This code snippet shows you how to use TeamsBotSsoPrompt to set a dialog and then sign in to get an access token.

    1. Initialize and add TeamsBotSsoPrompt to dialog set.

      const { ConversationState, MemoryStorage } = require("botbuilder");
      const { DialogSet, WaterfallDialog } = require("botbuilder-dialogs");
      const { TeamsBotSsoPrompt, OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig, TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings } = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");
      const convoState = new ConversationState(new MemoryStorage());
      const dialogState = convoState.createProperty("dialogState");
      const dialogs = new DialogSet(dialogState);
      const TeamsBotSsoPromptId = "TEAMS_BOT_SSO_PROMPT";
      const settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings = {
      scopes: ["User.Read"],
      timeout: 900000,
      endOnInvalidMessage: true,
      const authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
       authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
       clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
       tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
       clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
      const loginUrl = process.env.INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT;
      const ssoPrompt = new TeamsBotSsoPrompt(authConfig, loginUrl, TeamsBotSsoPromptId, settings);
    2. Start the dialog and sign in.

        new WaterfallDialog("taskNeedingLogin", [
         async (step) => {
           return await step.beginDialog("TeamsBotSsoPrompt");
         async (step) => {
          const token = step.result;
          if (token) {
            // ... continue with task needing access token ...
          } else {
           await step.context.sendActivity(`Sorry... We couldn't log you in. Try again later.`);
           return await step.endDialog();

    For more information on sample to use graph API in bot application, see bot-sso sample.

    Use Graph API in Message Extension

    The following code snippet shows how to override handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery that extends from TeamsActivityHandler, and use handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO provided by TeamsFx SDK to sign in to get an access token:

     const authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
      authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
      clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
      tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
     const loginUrl = process.env.INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT;
     public async handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery(context: TurnContext, query: any): Promise<any> {
      return await handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO(context, authConfig, loginUrl, 'User.Read', 
        async (token: MessageExtensionTokenResponse) => {
          // ... continue to query with access token ...

    For more information on sample to use graph API in message extension, see message-extension-sso-sample.

    Use Graph API in Command Bot

    This code snippet shows you how to implement TeamsFxBotSsoCommandHandler for command bot to call Microsoft API.

     import { Activity, TurnContext } from "botbuilder";
     import {
     } from "@microsoft/teamsfx";
     const authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
      authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
      clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
      tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
     const loginUrl = process.env.INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT;
     export class ProfileSsoCommandHandler implements TeamsFxBotSsoCommandHandler {
      triggerPatterns: TriggerPatterns = "profile";
      async handleCommandReceived(
        context: TurnContext,
        message: CommandMessage,
        tokenResponse: TeamsBotSsoPromptTokenResponse,
      ): Promise<string | Partial<Activity> | void> {
        const oboCredential = new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(tokenResponse.ssoToken, oboAuthConfig);
        // Add scope for your Azure AD app. For example: Mail.Read, etc.
        const graphClient = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(oboCredential, ["User.Read"]);
        // Call graph api use `graph` instance to get user profile information
        const me = await graphClient.api("/me").get();
        if (me) {
          // Bot will send the user profile info to user
          return `Your command is '${message.text}' and you're logged in as ${me.displayName}`;
        } else {
          return "Could not retrieve profile information from Microsoft Graph.";

    For more information about how to implement SSO command handler in command bot, see add single sign-on to Teams app. And there's a command-bot-with-sso sample project, that you can try SSO command bot.

    Call Azure Function in tab app: On-Behalf-Of flow

    This code snippet shows you how to use CreateApiClient or axios library to call Azure Function, and how to call Graph API in Azure Function to get user profiles.

    1. You can use CreateApiClient provided by TeamsFx sdk to call Azure Function:

      async function callFunction() {
        const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
       clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
       initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL,
       const teamsUserCredential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);
       // Create an API client by providing the token and endpoint.
       const apiClient = CreateApiClient(
         "https://YOUR_API_ENDPOINT", // Create an API Client that uses SSO token to authenticate requests
         new BearerTokenAuthProvider(async () =>  (await teamsUserCredential.getToken(""))!.token) // Call API hosted in Azure Functions on behalf of user to inject token to request header
       // Send a GET request to "RELATIVE_API_PATH", "/api/functionName" for example.
        const response = await apiClient.get("RELATIVE_API_PATH");
        return response.data;

      You can also use axios library to call Azure Function.

      async function callFunction() {
        const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
          clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
          initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL,
        const teamsUserCredential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);
        const accessToken = await teamsUserCredential.getToken(""); // Get SSO token 
        const endpoint = "https://YOUR_API_ENDPOINT";
        const response = await axios.default.get(endpoint + "/api/" + functionName, {
          headers: {
            authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken.token,
        return response.data;
    2. Call Graph API in Azure Function on-behalf of user in response.

      export default async function run(
      context: Context,
      req: HttpRequest,
      teamsfxContext: TeamsfxContext
      ): Promise<Response> {
       const res: Response = { status: 200, body: {},};
       const authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
         authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
         clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
         tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
         clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
       const oboCredential = new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(tokenResponse.ssoToken, oboAuthConfig);
       // Query user's information from the access token.
       try {
        const currentUser: UserInfo = await oboCredential.getUserInfo();
        if (currentUser && currentUser.displayName) {
          res.body.userInfoMessage = `User display name is ${currentUser.displayName}.`;
        } else {
          res.body.userInfoMessage = "No user information was found in access token.";
       } catch (e) {
       // Create a graph client to access user's Microsoft 365 data after user has consented.
       try {
        const graphClient: Client = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(oboCredential, [".default"]);
        const profile: any = await graphClient.api("/me").get();
        res.body.graphClientMessage = profile;
       } catch (e) {
       return res;

    For more information on sample to use graph API in bot application, see hello-world-tab-with-backend sample.

  • Application permission in backend

    Use certificate-based authentication in Azure Function

    This code snippet shows you how to use certificate-based application permission to get the token that can be used to call Graph API.

    1. You can initialize the appAuthConfig by providing a PEM-encoded key certificate.

       const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
         authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
         clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
         tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
         certificateContent: 'PEM-encoded key certificate',
    2. You can use AppCredential to get the token.

      const appCredential = new AppCredential(appAuthConfig);
      const token = appCredential.getToken();    
    Use client secret authentication in Azure Function

    This code snippet shows you how to use client secret application permission to get the token that's used to call Graph API.

    1. You can initialize the authConfig by providing a client secret.

      const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
       authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
       clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
       tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
       clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
    2. You can use the authConfig to get the token.

      const appCredential = new AppCredential(appAuthConfig);
      const token = appCredential.getToken();    

    For more information on sample to use graph API in bot application, see the hello-world-tab-with-backend sample.

Other scenarios

This section provides several code snippets for other scenarios that are related to Microsoft Graph. You can create API client in Bot or Azure Function and access SQL database in Azure Function.

Create API client to call existing API in Bot or Azure Function

This code snippet shows you how to call an existing API in bot by ApiKeyProvider.

// Create an API Key auth provider. In addition to APiKeyProvider, following auth providers are also available:
// BearerTokenAuthProvider, BasicAuthProvider, CertificateAuthProvider.
const authProvider = new ApiKeyProvider("YOUR_API_KEY_NAME",

// Create an API client using above auth provider.
// You can also implement AuthProvider interface and use it here.
const apiClient = createApiClient(

// Send a GET request to "RELATIVE_API_PATH", "/api/apiname" for example.
const response = await apiClient.get("RELATIVE_API_PATH");  
Access SQL database in Azure Function

Use tedious library to access SQL and use DefaultTediousConnectionConfiguration that manages authentication. You can also compose connection config of other SQL libraries based on the result of sqlConnectionConfig.getConfig().

  1. Set the connection configuration.

    // Equivalent to:
    // const sqlConnectConfig = new DefaultTediousConnectionConfiguration({
    //    sqlServerEndpoint: process.env.SQL_ENDPOINT,
    //    sqlUsername: process.env.SQL_USER_NAME,
    //    sqlPassword: process.env.SQL_PASSWORD,
    // });
    const teamsfx = new TeamsFx();
    // If there's only one SQL database
    const config = await getTediousConnectionConfig(teamsfx);
    // If there are multiple SQL databases
    const config2 = await getTediousConnectionConfig(teamsfx, "your database name");  
  2. Connect to your database.

    const connection = new Connection(config);
    connection.on("connect", (error) => {
    if (error) {


    The getTediousConnectionConfig function has been deprecated, Its recommended that you compose your own tedious configuration for better flexibility.

For more information on sample to access SQL database in Azure Function, see share-now sample.

Advanced Customization

Configure log

You can set customer log level and redirect outputs when using this library.


Logs are turned off by default, you can turn them on by setting log level.

Enable log by setting log level

When you set log level then Logging gets enabled. It prints log information to console by default.

Set log level using the following snippet:

// Only need the warning and error messages.


You can redirect log output by setting custom logger or log function.

Redirect by setting custom logger

// Set another logger if you want to redirect to Application Insights in Azure Function

Redirect by setting custom log function

// Only log error message to Application Insights in bot application.
setLogFunction((level: LogLevel, message: string) => {
  if (level === LogLevel.Error) {
      message: message,
      severityLevel: Severity.Error,


Log functions don't take effect if you set a custom logger.

Upgrade to latest SDK version

If you're using the version of SDK that has loadConfiguration(), you can perform the following steps to upgrade to the latest SDK version:

  1. Instead of calling loadConfiguration(), use the specific auth config classes to customize the settings for each credential type. For example, use AppCredentialAuthConfig for AppCredential, OnBehalfOfUserCredentialAuthConfig for OnBehalfOfUserCredential, and TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig for TeamsUserCredential.
  2. Replace new TeamsUserCredential() with new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig).
  3. Replace new M365TenantCredential() with new AppCredential(authConfig).
  4. Replace new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(ssoToken) with new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(authConfig).

See also