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Shape.ZOrder method (Excel)

Moves the specified shape in front of or behind other shapes in the collection (that is, changes the shape's position in the z-order).


expression.ZOrder (ZOrderCmd)

expression A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ZOrderCmd Required MsoZOrderCmd Specifies where to move the specified shape relative to the other shapes.


Use the ZOrderPosition property to determine a shape's current position in the z-order.


This example adds an oval to myDocument and then places the oval second from the back in the z-order if there is at least one other shape on the document.

Set myDocument = Worksheets(1) 
With myDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 100, 100, 100, 300) 
    While .ZOrderPosition > 2 
        .ZOrder msoSendBackward 
End With

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