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VisShapeTypes enumeration (Visio)

Shape type codes returned by the Shape.Type and Shape.ForeignType properties.


These codes are also used with the Event.GetFilterObjects and Event.SetFilterObjects methods to filter events by object type.

Constant Value Description
visTypeBitmap 32 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is a bitmap.
visTypeDoc 6 The document's DocumentSheet.
visTypeForeignObject 4 An imported shape.
visTypeGroup 2 A shape that contains other shapes.
visTypeGuide 5 A shape that is a guide.
visTypeInk 64 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is ink.
visTypeInval 0 The type of no shape. Means all types when used as filter code.
visTypeIsControl 1024 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is a control.
visTypeIsEmbedded 512 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is embedded.
visTypeIsLinked 256 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is linked.
visTypeIsOLE2 32768 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is linked, embedded, or a control.
visTypeMetafile 16 Returned by Shape.ForeignType if the shape is a metafile.
visTypePage 1 Page's or master's PageSheet property.
visTypeShape 3 Native Microsoft Visio shape.

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