Enumerations (Word)
This section contains documentation for the enumerations in the Word object model.
- WdAlertLevel
- WdAlignmentTabAlignment
- WdAlignmentTabRelative
- WdApplyQuickStyleSets
- WdArabicNumeral
- WdAraSpeller
- WdArrangeStyle
- WdAutoFitBehavior
- WdAutoMacros
- WdAutoVersions
- WdBaselineAlignment
- WdBookmarkSortBy
- WdBorderDistanceFrom
- WdBorderType
- WdBreakType
- WdBrowserLevel
- WdBrowseTarget
- WdBuildingBlockTypes
- WdBuiltInProperty
- WdBuiltinStyle
- WdCalendarType
- WdCalendarTypeBi
- WdCaptionLabelID
- WdCaptionNumberStyle
- WdCaptionPosition
- WdCellColor
- WdCellVerticalAlignment
- WdCharacterCase
- WdCharacterWidth
- WdCheckInVersionType
- WdChevronConvertRule
- WdCollapseDirection
- WdColor
- WdColorIndex
- WdColumnWidth
- WdCompareDestination
- WdCompareTarget
- WdCompatibility
- WdCompatibilityMode
- WdConditionCode
- WdConstants
- WdContentControlAppearance
- WdContentControlDateStorageFormat
- WdContentControlLevel
- WdContentControlType
- WdContinue
- WdCountry
- WdCursorMovement
- WdCursorType
- WdCustomLabelPageSize
- WdDateLanguage
- WdDefaultFilePath
- WdDefaultListBehavior
- WdDefaultTableBehavior
- WdDeleteCells
- WdDeletedTextMark
- WdDiacriticColor
- WdDictionaryType
- WdDisableFeaturesIntroducedAfter
- WdDocPartInsertOptions
- WdDocumentDirection
- WdDocumentKind
- WdDocumentMedium
- WdDocumentType
- WdDocumentViewDirection
- WdDropPosition
- WdEditionOption
- WdEditionType
- WdEditorType
- WdEmailHTMLFidelity
- WdEmphasisMark
- WdEnableCancelKey
- WdEncloseStyle
- WdEnclosureType
- WdEndnoteLocation
- WdEnvelopeOrientation
- WdExportCreateBookmarks
- WdExportFormat
- WdExportItem
- WdExportOptimizeFor
- WdExportRange
- WdFarEastLineBreakLanguageID
- WdFarEastLineBreakLevel
- WdFieldKind
- WdFieldShading
- WdFieldType
- WdFindMatch
- WdFindWrap
- WdFlowDirection
- WdFontBias
- WdFootnoteLocation
- WdFramePosition
- WdFramesetNewFrameLocation
- WdFramesetSizeType
- WdFramesetType
- WdFrameSizeRule
- WdFrenchSpeller
- WdGoToDirection
- WdGoToItem
- WdGranularity
- WdGutterStyle
- WdGutterStyleOld
- WdHeaderFooterIndex
- WdHeadingSeparator
- WdHebSpellStart
- WdHelpType
- WdHighAnsiText
- WdHorizontalInVerticalType
- WdHorizontalLineAlignment
- WdHorizontalLineWidthType
- WdIMEMode
- WdIndexFilter
- WdIndexFormat
- WdIndexSortBy
- WdIndexType
- WdInformation
- WdInlineShapeType
- WdInsertCells
- WdInsertedTextMark
- WdInternationalIndex
- WdJustificationMode
- WdKana
- WdKey
- WdKeyCategory
- WdLanguageID
- WdLayoutMode
- WdLetterheadLocation
- WdLetterStyle
- WdLigatures
- WdLineEndingType
- WdLineSpacing
- WdLineStyle
- WdLineType
- WdLineWidth
- WdLinkType
- WdListApplyTo
- WdListGalleryType
- WdListLevelAlignment
- WdListNumberStyle
- WdListType
- WdLockType
- WdMailerPriority
- WdMailMergeActiveRecord
- WdMailMergeComparison
- WdMailMergeDataSource
- WdMailMergeDefaultRecord
- WdMailMergeDestination
- WdMailMergeMailFormat
- WdMailMergeMainDocType
- WdMailMergeState
- WdMailSystem
- WdMappedDataFields
- WdMeasurementUnits
- WdMergeFormatFrom
- WdMergeSubType
- WdMergeTarget
- WdMonthNames
- WdMoveFromTextMark
- WdMovementType
- WdMoveToTextMark
- WdMultipleWordConversionsMode
- WdNewDocumentType
- WdNoteNumberStyle
- WdNumberForm
- WdNumberingRule
- WdNumberSpacing
- WdNumberStyleWordBasicBiDi
- WdNumberType
- WdOLEPlacement
- WdOLEType
- WdOLEVerb
- WdOMathBreakBin
- WdOMathBreakSub
- WdOMathFracType
- WdOMathFunctionType
- WdOMathHorizAlignType
- WdOMathJc
- WdOMathShapeType
- WdOMathSpacingRule
- WdOMathType
- WdOMathVertAlignType
- WdOpenFormat
- WdOrganizerObject
- WdOrientation
- WdOriginalFormat
- WdOutlineLevel
- WdPageBorderArt
- WdPageColor
- WdPageFit
- WdPageMovementType
- WdPageNumberAlignment
- WdPageNumberStyle
- WdPaperSize
- WdPaperTray
- WdParagraphAlignment
- WdPartOfSpeech
- WdPasteDataType
- WdPasteOptions
- WdPhoneticGuideAlignmentType
- WdPictureLinkType
- WdPortugueseReform
- WdPreferredWidthType
- WdPrintOutItem
- WdPrintOutPages
- WdPrintOutRange
- WdProofreadingErrorType
- WdProtectedViewCloseReason
- WdProtectionType
- WdReadingLayoutMargin
- WdReadingOrder
- WdRecoveryType
- WdRectangleType
- WdReferenceKind
- WdReferenceType
- WdRelativeHorizontalPosition
- WdRelativeHorizontalSize
- WdRelativeVerticalPosition
- WdRelativeVerticalSize
- WdRelocate
- WdRemoveDocInfoType
- WdReplace
- WdRevisedLinesMark
- WdRevisedPropertiesMark
- WdRevisionsBalloonMargin
- WdRevisionsBalloonPrintOrientation
- WdRevisionsBalloonWidthType
- WdRevisionsMarkup
- WdRevisionsMode
- WdRevisionsView
- WdRevisionsWrap
- WdRevisionType
- WdRowAlignment
- WdRowHeightRule
- WdRulerStyle
- WdSalutationGender
- WdSalutationType
- WdSaveFormat
- WdSaveOptions
- WdScrollbarType
- WdSectionDirection
- WdSectionStart
- WdSeekView
- WdSelectionFlags
- WdSelectionType
- WdSeparatorType
- WdShapePosition
- WdShapePositionRelative
- WdShapeSizeRelative
- WdShowFilter
- WdShowSourceDocuments
- WdSmartTagControlType
- WdSortFieldType
- WdSortOrder
- WdSortSeparator
- WdSpanishSpeller
- WdSpecialPane
- WdSpellingErrorType
- WdSpellingWordType
- WdStatistic
- WdStoryType
- WdStyleSheetLinkType
- WdStyleSheetPrecedence
- WdStyleSort
- WdStyleType
- WdStylisticSet
- WdSubscriberFormats
- WdTabAlignment
- WdTabLeader
- WdTableDirection
- WdTableFieldSeparator
- WdTableFormat
- WdTableFormatApply
- WdTablePosition
- WdTaskPanes
- WdTCSCConverterDirection
- WdTemplateType
- WdTextboxTightWrap
- WdTextFormFieldType
- WdTextOrientation
- WdTextureIndex
- WdThemeColorIndex
- WdToaFormat
- WdTocFormat
- WdTofFormat
- WdTrailingCharacter
- WdTwoLinesInOneType
- WdUnderline
- WdUnits
- WdUpdateStyleListBehavior
- WdUseFormattingFrom
- WdVerticalAlignment
- WdViewType
- WdVisualSelection
- WdWindowState
- WdWindowType
- WdWordDialog
- WdWordDialogTab
- WdWrapSideType
- WdWrapType
- WdWrapTypeMerged
- XlAxisCrosses
- XlAxisGroup
- XlAxisType
- XlBackground
- XlBarShape
- XlBinsType
- XlBorderWeight
- XlCategoryLabelLevel
- XlCategoryType
- XlChartElementPosition
- XlChartGallery
- XlChartItem
- XlChartPicturePlacement
- XlChartPictureType
- XlChartSplitType
- XlColorIndex
- XlConstants
- XlCopyPictureFormat
- XlDataLabelPosition
- XlDataLabelSeparator
- XlDataLabelsType
- XlDisplayBlanksAs
- XlDisplayUnit
- XlEndStyleCap
- XlErrorBarDirection
- XlErrorBarInclude
- XlErrorBarType
- XlHAlign
- XlLegendPosition
- XlLineStyle
- XlMarkerStyle
- XlOrientation
- XlParentDataLabelOptions
- XlPattern
- XlPictureAppearance
- XlPieSliceIndex
- XlPieSliceLocation
- XlPivotFieldOrientation
- XlReadingOrder
- XlRgbColor
- XlRowCol
- XlScaleType
- XlSeriesNameLevel
- XlSizeRepresents
- XlTickLabelOrientation
- XlTickLabelPosition
- XlTickMark
- XlTimeUnit
- XlTrendlineType
- XlUnderlineStyle
- XlVAlign
See also
Support and feedback
Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.