Aracılığıyla paylaş

Yönetim Birimleri ile çalışma

Azure AD PowerShell’i Yönetim Birimleri ile çalışacak şekilde kullanma hakkında bilgi almak üzere kullanabileceğiniz bazı tanıtım betikleri aşağıda verilmiştir. Bu betikler tam bir tanıtım oluşturur. Dizininizde Yönetim Birimleri için bir tanıtım ortamı oluşturacak, Genel Yönetici olarak Yönetim Birimleri oluşturma ve doldurma işlemlerini görecek ve temsilci yöneticilere roller atayacaksınız ve temsilci yönetici olarak oturum açtığınızda yaptığınız işlemlerin etkisini göreceksiniz; son olarak bu tanıtımda oluşturulan tüm nesneleri temizleyen bir temizleme betiği kullanacaksınız.

Tanıtım betikleri


Tanıtımın sonraki bölümlerinde kullanılan kullanıcı ve yöneticileri oluşturmak için başlangıçta bu betiği çalıştırın.

# Login as Global Administrator

### Create users we'll add as AU members later
$initialDomain = (Get-AzureADDomain)[0].Name
$passwordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile -ArgumentList "Windows2000", $false
for($i = 1; $i -le 2; $i++) {
    New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "WestCoastUser$i@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "WestCoastUser$i" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "WestCoastUser$i"
    New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "EastCoastUser$i@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "EastCoastUser$i" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "EastCoastUser$i"

### Create admins we'll assign later to manage the users in the AUs
New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "WestCoastUserAdmin@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "WestCoastUserAdmin" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "WestCoastUserAdmin"
New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "WestCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "WestCoastPasswordAdmin" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "WestCoastPasswordAdmin"
New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "EastCoastUserAdmin@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "EastCoastUserAdmin" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "EastCoastUserAdmin"
New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "EastCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "EastCoastPasswordAdmin" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "EastCoastPasswordAdmin"
New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName "MobileUserAdmin@$initialDomain" -DisplayName "MobileUserAdmin" -PasswordProfile $passwordProfile -UsageLocation "US" -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName "MobileUserAdmin"

### Enable the Helpdesk Administrator Role using the templateId GUID for the role
Enable-AzureADDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId "729827e3-9c14-49f7-bb1b-9608f156bbb8"

### Enable the User Account Administrator Role using the templateId GUID for the role
Enable-AzureADDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId "fe930be7-5e62-47db-91af-98c3a49a38b1"

Global Admin.ps1

AU oluşturup dolduran ve AU kapsamlı Kullanıcı Hesabı ve Yardım Masası Yöneticilerini ayrı ayrı atayan genel yönetici deneyimini görmek için, setup betiğinden sonra bu betiği çalıştırın.

### Login as Global Administrator

<# Simple Administrative Unit (AU) Demo

This demo walks through creating AUs for each region, adding members to those
AUs, and granting AU-scoped admin permissions. Our fictional company Contoso
has four users and two admins.  Contoso IT would like to segment admin
permissions into two regions, west coast and east coast. They will do this by
creating two AUs, West Coast and East Coast, then placing the corresponding
users into the respective AUs, and finally granting AU-scoped admin permissions
to the respective west coast and east coast admins.


### List company information and users
Get-AzureADUser | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName

### Setup Administrative Units ######################################################
#Create West Coast AU
New-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Description “West Coast region” -DisplayName “West Coast”
#Create East Coast AU
New-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Description “East Coast region” -DisplayName “East Coast”

### Get the list of AUs
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit | ft DisplayName, Description

### Add West Coast AU member
$westCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'West Coast'”
$initialDomain = (Get-AzureADDomain)[0].Name
$westCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
$westCoastUser2 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser2@$InitialDomain'"
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $westCoastUser1.ObjectId
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $westCoastUser2.ObjectId
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

### Add East Coast AU member
$eastCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'East Coast'”
$eastCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
$eastCoastUser2 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUser2@$InitialDomain'"
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $eastCoastUser1.ObjectId
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $eastCoastUser2.ObjectId
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

### Delegate Admin Permissions Scoped to Administrative Units ######################
### Get list of available roles
$admins = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole
foreach($i in $admins) {
    if($i.DisplayName -eq "User Administrator") {
        $uaAdmin = $i
    if($i.DisplayName -eq "Helpdesk Administrator") {
        $helpDeskAdmin = $i

### Add West Coast-scoped User Account Admin role member
$westCoastUA = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUserAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
$uaRoleMemberInfo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RoleMemberInfo -Property @{ ObjectId =  $westCoastUA.ObjectId }
Add-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -RoleObjectId $uaAdmin.ObjectId -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId -RoleMemberInfo $uaRoleMemberInfo

### Add West Coast-scoped Helpdesk Admin role member
$westCoastHDA = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
$hdaRoleMemberInfo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RoleMemberInfo -Property @{ ObjectId =  $westCoastHDA.ObjectId }
Add-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -RoleObjectId $helpDeskAdmin.ObjectId -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId -RoleMemberInfo $hdaRoleMemberInfo

### Get list of West coast AU Admins
Get-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId | fl *

### Add East Coast-scoped User Account Admin role member
$eastcoastua = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUserAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
$uaRoleMemberInfo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RoleMemberInfo -Property @{ ObjectId =  $eastCoastUA.ObjectId }
Add-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -RoleObjectId $uaadmin.ObjectId -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId -RoleMemberInfo $uaRoleMemberInfo

### Add East Coast-scoped Helpdesk Admin role member
$eastcoasthda = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
$hdaRoleMemberInfo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RoleMemberInfo -Property @{ ObjectId =  $eastCoastHDA.ObjectId }
Add-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -RoleObjectId $helpDeskAdmin.ObjectId -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId -RoleMemberInfo $hdaRoleMemberInfo

### Get list of East coast AU Admins
Get-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId | fl *

AU UA Admin.ps1

Profil bilgilerini güncelleştiren, parolaları sıfırlayan ve AU’daki kullanıcılara lisans atayan AU kapsamlı Kullanıcı Hesabı Yöneticisi deneyimini görmek için Global Admin betiğinden sonra bu betiği çalıştırın.

### Login as AU-scoped User Account Admin (WestCoastUserAdmin@<domain>, PS: Windows2000)

### Get list of West Coast AU members
$westCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'West Coast'”
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $westCoastAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

### Set department property (for example) for West Coast AU member.
$initialDomain = (Get-AzureADDomain)[0].Name
$westCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
$westCoastUser1 | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, department
$westCoastUser1.Department = 'West Coast'
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId $westCoastUser1.ObjectId -Department $westCoastUser1.Department
Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'" | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, department

### Reset password for West Cosat AU member
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "123Password!" -AsPlainText -Force
Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId $westCoastUser1.ObjectId -Password $password

### TODO: Example of assigning license for West Coast AU member

### Get list of East Coast AU members
$eastCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'East Coast'”
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

### Attempt to set password for user in East Coast AU. All attempts to update users who are not members of West Coast AU should result in access denied.
$eastCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId $eastCoastUser1.ObjectId -Password $password

AU Helpdesk Admin.ps1

AU’daki kullanıcıların parolalarını sıfırlayan AU kapsamlı Yardım Masası Yöneticisi deneyimini görmek için Global Admin betiğinden sonra bu betiği çalıştırın.

#Login as East Coast Helpdesk Admin (EastCoastHelpdeskAdmin@<domain>, PS: Windows2000)

### Get list of East Coast AU members
$eastCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'East Coast'”
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $eastCoastAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

### Set password for user in East Coast AU
$eastCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId $eastCoastUser1.ObjectId -Password $password

### Attempt to set password for user in West Coast AU. All attempts to update users who are not members of East Coast AU should result in access denied.
$westCoastUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser1@$InitialDomain'"
Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId $westCoastUser1.ObjectId -Password $password


Oluşturulan kullanıcı ve AU’ları silmek için bu betiği çalıştırın

### Login as a Global Admin

### Cleanup demo

### Get roles used in demo
$admins = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole
foreach($i in $admins) {
    if($i.DisplayName -eq "User Administrator") {
        $uaadmin = $i
    if($i.DisplayName -eq "Helpdesk Administrator") {
        $helpdeskadmin = $i

## Delete all scoped role memberships used in demo
$adminunits = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit
foreach($adminunit in $adminunits) {
    $adminScopes = Get-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -ObjectId $adminunit.ObjectId

    foreach($SRM in $adminScopes) {

        Remove-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -ObjectId $adminunit.ObjectId -ScopedRoleMembershipId $SRM.Id
# Check all scoped role memberships were deleted
foreach($adminunit in $adminunits) {
    $adminScopes = Get-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -ObjectId $adminunit.ObjectId

## Delete demo Administrative Units
$WestCoastAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'West Coast'”
foreach ($au in $WestCoastAU) {
    Remove-AzureADAdministrativeUnit –ObjectId $au.ObjectId
$eastcoastau = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter “displayname eq 'East Coast'”
foreach ($au in $eastcoastau) {
    Remove-AzureADAdministrativeUnit –ObjectId $au.ObjectId

## Delete demo AU member users
Get-AzureADUser | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName
$initialDomain = (Get-AzureADDomain)[0].Name
for($i = 1; $i -le 2; $i++) {
    $westcoastuser = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUser$i@$InitialDomain'"
    Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $westcoastuser.ObjectId
    $eastcoastuser = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUser$i@$InitialDomain'"
    Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $eastcoastuser.ObjectId
Get-AzureADUser | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName

## Delete AU admin users
$westcoastua = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastUserAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $westcoastua.ObjectId
$westcoastha = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'WestCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $westcoastha.ObjectId
$eastcoastua = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastUserAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $eastcoastua.ObjectId
$eastcoastha = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'EastCoastHelpdeskAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $eastcoastha.ObjectId
$mobileadmin = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'MobileUserAdmin@$InitialDomain'"
Remove-AzureADUser -ObjectId $mobileadmin.ObjectId

Get-AzureADUser | ft DisplayName, UserPrincipalName