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LineSlant Property

Specifies the slope direction of a Line control or rounded corners (Bezier curve) for a polygon line drawn with a Line control. Read/write at design time and run time.

Line.LineSlant [= cSlant]

Return Value

  • cSlant
    Specifies the slope direction of a line control or rounded corners for polygon lines drawn with a line control.

    The following table lists the values for cSlant.




    Line slopes from upper left to lower right. (Default)


    Line slopes from lower left to upper right.

    S or s

    Line is drawn as a Bezier curve when a valid array of coordinates is set for the PolyPoints property. To remove this setting, set LineSlant to "\" or "/".


    The PolyPoints array must specify a total of (3n + 1) coordinates with n representing the number of curves you want to draw a Bezier curve. If PolyPoints does not contain coordinates that form a valid polygon, and the "S" or "s" setting is specified, no line is drawn.

    For more information, see PolyPoints Property.


Applies To: Line Control

Code Example

The following example creates a form with a Line control and three command buttons that demonstrate the three values for the LineSlant property.

Public oForm
oForm = Createobject('Form')
With oForm

   .linSample.Top = 10
   .linSample.Left = 25
   .linSample.Width = 300
   .linSample.Height = 200

   .SetAll('Visible', .T.)

* Creates an array of points that define the curve.
   Dimension aBezierPoints[4,2]
      aBezierPoints[1,1]= 0
      aBezierPoints[1,2]= 0
      aBezierPoints[2,1]= 100
      aBezierPoints[2,2]= 25
      aBezierPoints[3,1]= 0
      aBezierPoints[3,2]= 75
      aBezierPoints[4,1]= 100
      aBezierPoints[4,2]= 100


* Defines a button that changes the slant of the line.
Define Class cmdSlantUp As CommandButton
   Caption = 'Slant \<Up (/)'
   Left = 25
   Top = 220
   Height = 25

   Procedure Click
      Thisform.linSample.Polypoints = ""
      Thisform.linSample.LineSlant = '/'  && Slant up

* Defines a button that changes the slant of the line.
Define Class cmdSlantDown As CommandButton
   Caption = 'Slant \<Down (\)'
   Left = 125
   Top = 220
   Height = 25

   Procedure Click
      Thisform.linSample.Polypoints = ""
      Thisform.linSample.LineSlant = '\'  && Slant down

* Defines a button that changes the line to a Bezier curve.
Define Class cmdBezier As CommandButton
   Caption = 'Be\<zier Curve (S) '
   Left = 225
   Top = 220
   Height = 25

   Procedure Click
      Thisform.linSample.Polypoints = "aBezierPoints" && Specifies points on the curve.
      Thisform.linSample.LineSlant = 'S' && Specifies to display a curve.
      Thisform.linSample.Visible = .T.
      Thisform.Visible = .T.

See Also


DrawMode Property

DrawStyle Property

Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)