Aracılığıyla paylaş

HelpContextID Property (Visual FoxPro)

Specifies a context ID for a topic in a Help file to provide context-sensitive Help for the object. Available at design time and run time.

Object.HelpContextID[ = nContextID]

Return Value

  • nContextID
    Specifies the context ID number of a topic in a Help file. The valid range for context ID numbers is range 0 to 268,435,455.


Applies To: CheckBox Control | ComboBox Control | CommandButton Control | CommandGroup Control | EditBox Control | Form Object | Grid Control | Image Control (Visual FoxPro) | Label Control (Visual FoxPro) | Line Control | ListBox Control | OLE Bound Control | OLE Container Control | OptionButton Control | OptionGroup Control | Page Object | _SCREEN System Variable | Server Object | Shape Control | Spinner Control | TextBox Control (Visual FoxPro) | ToolBar Object

To create context-sensitive Help for an object in your application, you must assign the same context number to both the object and the associated Help topic when you create the Help file.

If you have created Help for your application, Visual FoxPro calls the Help file and requests the topic identified by the current context ID number. You can specify a Help file with SET HELP TO, and you can specify a key to activate the Help file with ON KEY LABEL. The Help compiler required to create graphical-style help is included with Visual FoxPro.

The current context ID number is the setting of the HelpContextID property for the object that has the focus. If a nonzero current context number is not found, the main contents screen of the Help file is displayed.

For a server object, the HelpContextID property specifies the context ID for the type library created for the server. The ServerHelpFile property specifies the Help file containing the help topic corresponding to the context ID.

See Also


ServerHelpFile Property

SET HELP Command


Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)