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How to Configure SharePoint Commerce Services on the Web Servers

To use the SharePoint Commerce Services, you must configure and deploy the services to your SharePoint infrastructure. You have two options from which to choose: you can configure and deploy the Web Parts only, or the Web Parts and Default site. The Default site includes the Web Parts. When you configure and deploy the SharePoint Commerce Services, the features in the Web Parts become activated in SharePoint.

You configure and deploy the SharePoint Commerce Services by using the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard, which runs either as a wizard or in silent mode.


If you want to configure and deploy the SharePoint Commerce Services manually rather than use the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard, see "Deploying SharePoint Commerce Services Manually" in the Commerce Server 2009 Installation and Configuration Guide.

When you run the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard, you must use a user account that has the following permissions:

  • Local administrator permissions on the server where you installed Commerce Server 2009.

  • Administrative privileges in SharePoint. These privileges are granted using SharePoint Central Administration.

  • Privileges to access the Commerce Server Admin database (MSCS_Admin).

Before you run the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard to configure and deploy the SharePoint Commerce Services, you must install the supported release of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) or Windows SharePoint Services (WSS). See What Are the Software Deployment Requirements? for more information.

You must also fulfill these requirements:

  • Create a SharePoint Web application with the appropriate security settings. However, you only need to create a SharePoint site collection if you do NOT want to use the Default site. If you want to deploy only the Web Parts, you need a site collection. But if you deploy the Default site, the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard prompts you for the name of the site collection, and it creates it with the applicable template to implement the Default site.


    The Default site supports SharePoint site collections created at the "root" level, and any subsequent sites that are created within that root-level site collection. Site collections that are created in locations other than the "root" level are not supported, and may result in inconsistent behavior with the Default site.

  • It is advisable to extend your SharePoint Web application so that it has one zone that requires Windows authentication that is for administrators, and a second zone that uses Forms-based authentication.


    If you plan to extend the Web application to other SharePoint zone(s), you should do so prior to deploying the SharePoint Commerce Services. Otherwise you will have to reactivate the features after extending the Web application. See "Creating and Extending a Web Application in SharePoint" in the Commerce Server 2009 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • The following services must be running:

    • SharePoint Administrative Service

    • SharePoint Search Service

    • SharePoint Timer Service

When you use the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard, you must specify several configuration and deployment options, for example, whether you want to deploy only the Web Parts or both the Web Parts and the Default site, the name of the SharePoint Web application and site collection where you want to deploy the services, the name of the Commerce Server site, and so on.

You can choose these options in the pages shown by the wizard, or set them in the configuration file that is included with the SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard.

For information about how to unpack a site manually, see How to Unpack a Site on the Web Servers.

To configure and deploy only the Web Parts on the Web servers by using the wizard

  1. Log on to the operating system under a user account that has the required permissions, and that has administrative privileges in the SharePoint site collection in which you will deploy the Web Parts.

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007, point to Microsoft Commerce, and then click SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard.

    The SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard verifies whether all required software is installed on the server and all required services are running. It displays the result of this dependency check as follows:

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If the dependency check page indicates that some software is missing or that some services are not running, click Cancel, install the missing software and/or start the required services, and start the Wizard again.

    • If the dependency check is successful, click Next.

  4. On the Welcome to the Configuration Wizard page, select Commerce Web Parts, and then click Next.

    The Enter Configuration Information page appears.

  5. On the Enter Configuration Information page, in the top section, do this:

    • In the Select Application box, select the SharePoint Web application where the SharePoint commerce services will be deployed.

    • In the Select Site Collection box, select an existing SharePoint site collection where the Web Parts will be activated.

  6. Identify the Commerce Server site you want to use for the SharePoint Commerce Services. Do one of the following:

    • To use an existing site, select the site in the Commerce Server Site box, and then click Next. Go to step 8.

      Dd452351.alert_caution(en-US,CS.90).gifImportant Note:

      To have the correct schema, the existing Commerce Server site you select must have been unpacked from one of the PuP files included with Commerce Server 2009; these files are located in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Microsoft Commerce\Portal folder.

    • To create a new site, select the Create Commerce Site check box. Go to step 7.

  7. To create a new Commerce Server site, do all of the following:

    • In the Commerce Server Site box, type the name to assign to the site. The name cannot contain any spaces.

    • Optionally, type a description in the Site Description box.

    • Choose whether to unpack only the Commerce Server site's schema, or to unpack the schema and the sample data.

    • Under Database Options, type the host name of the database server where the new Commerce Server site's databases will be unpacked.

    • Click Next.


      The SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard does not unpack the Commerce Server Web services when it creates a new Commerce Server site.

    The Configuration Summary page appears.

  8. On the Configuration Summary page, review the text that lists the configuration options you have selected. To make changes to the configuration, click Back. To proceed with the configuration with the current selections, click Next.

    The configuration of the SharePoint Commerce Services begins. A progress indicator appears.

    The Configuration Complete page appears.

  9. On the Configuration Complete page, do the following:

    • Click View Site to open Internet Explorer and navigate to the site collection root.

    • Click Finish.

To configure and deploy the Default site on the Web servers by using the wizard

  1. Log on to the operating system under a user account that has the required permissions.

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007, point to Microsoft Commerce, and then click SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard.

    The SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard verifies whether all required software is installed on the server and all required services are running. It displays the result of this dependency check as follows:

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If the dependency check page indicates that some software is missing or that some services are not running, click Cancel, install the missing software and/or start the required services, and start the Wizard again.

    • If the dependency check is successful, click Next.

  4. On the Welcome to the Configuration Wizard page, select Commerce SharePoint Default Site and Web Parts, and then click Next.

    The Enter Configuration Information page appears.

  5. On the Enter Configuration Information page, in the top section, do all of the following:

    • In the Select Application box, select the SharePoint Web Application where the SharePoint Commerce Services will be deployed.

    • In the Select Site Collection box, type the name to assign to the new site collection that will be created for the Default Site.

    • Optionally, type a description in the text box provided.

    • In the Site Administrator box, type the valid user account name of the user who is to be the primary administrator for the new site collection. The selected user will automatically receive SharePoint administrative privileges for the site collection you selected.

    • If you are deploying to a SharePoint Web application that already has a root site collection, you see, as in the illustration above, a partial URL and text boxes. Type the URL suffix you want assign to the site collection you are creating. The suffix you choose completes the URL as shown in the page. For example, if you type Sample in the box, the complete URL will be http://<server.domain>:<port>/Sites/Sample. If you are deploying to a Web application that does not have a root site collection, the URL will be and you are deploying at the root of the SharePoint Web application http://<server.domain>:<port>.

  6. Identify the Commerce Server site you want to use for the SharePoint Commerce Services. Do one of the following:

    • To use an existing site, select it from the Commerce Server Site box, and then click Next. Go to step 8.

      Dd452351.alert_caution(en-US,CS.90).gifImportant Note:

      To have the correct schema, the existing Commerce Server site you select must have been unpacked from one of the PuP files included with Commerce Server 2009; these files are located in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Microsoft Commerce\Portal folder.

    • To create a new site, select the Create Commerce Site check box. Go to step 7.

  7. To create a new Commerce Server site, do all of the following:

    • In the Commerce Server Site box, type the name to assign to the site; the name cannot have any spaces.

    • Optionally, type a description in the Site Description box.

    • Choose whether to unpack only the Commerce Server site's schema, or to unpack the schema and the sample data.

    • Under Database Options, type the host name of the database server where the new Commerce Server site's databases will be unpacked.

    • Click Next.

    The Configuration Summary page appears.

  8. On the Configuration Summary page, review the text that lists your configuration options. To make changes to the configuration, click Back. To proceed with the configuration with the current selections, click Next.

    The configuration of the SharePoint Commerce Services begins. A progress indicator appears.

    The Configuration Complete page appears.

  9. On the Configuration Complete page, click View Site to go to the root site, or Finish.


    The SharePoint Commerce Services Configuration Wizard does not unpack the Commerce Server Web services when it creates a new Commerce Server site. You must unpack then as explained in "Unpacking the Web Services in a New Commerce Server Site" in the Commerce Server 2009 Installation and Configuration Guide.


    When you first view the Default site, you will see messages that read as follows: "Web Part cannot be displayed. The catalog name and/or channel name have not been specified for this site. Please check your Channel Configuration." To address this issue, see "Specifying the Default Site Channel and Catalog Names" in the Commerce Server 2009 Installation and Configuration Guide..

To configure and deploy the SharePoint Commerce Services with the options specified in the configuration file

  1. If you have not already done so, edit the configuration file as explained in "Setting the Deployment Options in the Configuration File" in the Commerce Server 2009 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. Log on to the operating system under a user account that has the required permissions.

  3. Click Start, and then click Command Prompt.

  4. In the Command Prompt window, go to this folder:

    %ProgramFiles(x86)%\%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Microsoft Commerce\Portal

    On the command line, type SharePointCommerceServicesConfiguration, and then press Enter.

    The wizard begins. The deployment process runs based on whether you edited the configuration file to deploy only the Web Parts or the Default site. The various fields in the wizard pages are pre-populated as per the values you selected in the file.

See Also

Other Resources

What Are the Software Deployment Requirements?