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Nasıl Yapılır: PathGeometry Kullanarak Şekil Oluşturma

This example shows how to create a shape using the PathGeometry class. PathGeometry objects are composed of one or more PathFigure objects; each PathFigure represents a different "figure" or shape. Each PathFigure is itself composed of one or more PathSegment objects, each representing a connected portion of the figure or shape. Segment types include LineSegment, ArcSegment, and BezierSegment.


The following example uses a PathGeometry to create a triangle. The PathGeometry is displayed using a Path element.

<Path Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1">
          <PathFigure IsClosed="True" StartPoint="10,100">
                <LineSegment Point="100,100" />
                <LineSegment Point="100,50" />

The following illustration shows the shape created in the previous example.

A triangle created with a PathGeometry


The previous example showed how to create a relatively simple shape, a triangle. A PathGeometry can also be used to create more complex shapes, including arcs and curves. For examples, see Nasıl Yapılır: Elips Yay Oluşturma, Nasıl Yapılır: Üçüncü Dereceden Bezier Eğrileri Oluşturma, and Nasıl Yapılır: İkinci Derece Bezier Eğrileri Oluşturma.

Bu örnek daha büyük örnek bir parçasıdır; tam örnek için bkz: Geometrileri örnek.

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