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Feature Limitations of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client 2017

Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. See Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 version.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client supports most of the same Dynamics NAV objects and features as Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, but there are some small differences. This topic lists the features that are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. These features are listed compared with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. The topic is divided into the following sections:


In this topic, partially supported means that the feature does not have all the capabilities as it does in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client or it works differently than in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

General Features

The following table lists general features that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Feature Level of support Remarks
COM and Automation Not supported. If a Dynamics NAV object implements Automation (objects and servers), then an error occurs when the object is run in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.
Departments and MenuSuite Not supported. The Departments button does not appear in the navigation pane of Role Center in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. Instead Page Search is available from an action in the navigation pane of the Role Center and on the top right corner of a page. MenuSuite is used to build the Departments page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.
System Indicator Not supported. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client always shows the name of the company that it connects to.
Microsoft .NET Framework Interoperability Partially supported. Microsoft .NET Framework interoperability objects that are configured to run on the client are not supported; objects that run on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server are supported. For more information, see How to: Set .NET Framework Types to Run on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows Client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Computers.
Configuring and personalizing the user interface Partially supported. Personalization using the Web client is not supported. You cannot perform configuration using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. Instead, you use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. For more information, see Configuring and Personalizing the Microsoft Dynamics Web Client.


The following object types are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Feature Level of support Remarks
XMLport Partially supported. Request pages are not supported. If you try to run an XMLport with a request page from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, then you receive an error that the XMLport page type is not supported.

To run an XMLport without using a request page, you can set the UseRequestPage Property of the XMLport in XML Designer to No. Or, if the XMLport is run from C/AL code by calling the RUN Function (XMLport), then you can set the ReqWindow parameter to false.

Pages Features

This section includes page features that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

General Page Features

The following page features are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Feature Level of support Remarks
GridLayout control for arranging page fields Partially supported. The RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties on fields in the grid layout are not supported.

Page Properties

The following page properties are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.


Properties that are not supported are ignored by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Control Property Level of support Remarks
Group ShowAsTree Partially supported. Columns will be indented but they will not be expandable or collapsible.
IndentationControls Partially supported. Only supports indentation on one column. If you specify more than one column in the IndentationControls property, only the first column is used.
Field ColumnSpan Not supported.
RowSpan Not supported.
AssistEdit Partially supported. The AssistEdit on a field when the page is in the view mode or if the field has the data type of Option appears as hyperlink instead of a button.
DrillDown Partially supported. The drill-down on a field when the page is in the view mode or if the field has the data type of Option appears as hyperlink instead of a button.
Lookup Partially supported. The Lookup property is not supported on a Repeater control when the page is in the view mode or if the field has the data type of Option. You can use the OnDrillDown trigger instead.
Part ChartPartID Not supported. If a page contains a Chart part, then the part is ignored and nothing appears for the part in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.
SystemPartID Partially supported. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client supports Notes and RecordLinks system parts, but not Outlook and MyNotes system parts. RecordLinks only supports access to URLs and resources on file shares; files that are stored locally on the user's computer cannot be accessed.
PartType Partially supported. The Chart option is not supported. If a page contains a Chart part or an unsupported System part, then the part is ignored and nothing appears for the part in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Report Features

The following table includes reports features that are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Feature Level of support Remarks
Printing a report without using a request page by calling the Report.Run function Partially supported. If a report is run by calling the REPORT.RUN Function and the function call does not use a request page, then you must set up reports to print from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, otherwise you will get an error at runtime. Client-side printing is not supported in this scenario. For more information, see the following topics.

- How to: Specify Printer Selection for Reports
- STARTSESSION Function (Sessions)
- Printing Reports from a Background Session
Filtering on request page of a report Partially supported. The only filters that are shown are filter fields that are set by the ReqFilterFields property or the SETRECFILTER function in C/AL code.

If you rerun a report, any filter values must be reentered. Filter values are not saved when a report has been run in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. There is a limit on the number of filters a user can set. The user can only specify one filter in addition to the number of filter fields that are set by the ReqFilterFields property.
Filter strings in a report URL Not supported. Unlike pages, you cannot filter a report by adding filter strings to the Internet address.
Document map in the report preview Partially supported. You can experience differences in the behavior between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

C/AL Triggers

This section lists the C/AL triggers that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. Triggers that are not supported are not invoked on an object at runtime.

Page Triggers

The following page triggers are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Triggers Level of support Remarks
OnClosePage Partially supported. The OnClosePage trigger is invoked only when the Dynamics NAV page is hosted in a modal popup dialog (MPO).
OnLookup Partially supported. On non-editable fields, the OnLookup trigger is not invoked. This means, the lookup will not render in a Repeater control in the view mode. In this case, you can use the OnDrillDown Trigger instead
OnQueryClosePage Partially supported. The OnQueryClosePage trigger is invoked only when the Dynamics NAV page is hosted in a modal popup dialog (MPO).

C/AL Functions

This section lists the C/AL functions that are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. Except when indicated otherwise, if you use a function that is not supported, you will receive an error at runtime.

Data type Function Level of support Remarks
Debugger ACTIVATE Not supported. An error occurs at runtime.
Dialog UPDATE Not supported. The function is ignored.
Report REPORT.RUN and REPORT.RUNMODAL Partially supported. If the ReqWindow parameter of the function is set to false, then you must set up reports to print from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, otherwise you will get an error at runtime. Client-side printing is not supported in this scenario. For more information, see How to: Specify Printer Selection for Reports and STARTSESSION Function (Sessions).
File DOWNLOAD and DOWNLOADFROMSTREAM Partially supported. - The DialogTitle, ToFolder, and ToFilter parameters are not supported.
UPLOAD and UPLOADINTOSTREAM Partially supported. - The DialogTitle, FromFolder, and FromFile parameters are not supported.
- Not supported on devices that run on Apple iOS, such as iPad. When you try upload a file, the dialog box for uploading a file appears in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, but it is disabled and you cannot select a file.

User Interface Features

The following end-user interface features are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.

Feature Level of support Remarks
Buffering of keyboard input for heads-down data entry Not supported.
System actions are default actions in the Application menu and ribbon on pages and reports. System actions include the following:

- Copy Link to Page
- Recipient as Attachment
- Microsoft Word
- Print Page
- Show as List
- OneNote
Not supported. The actions are not available in the user interface. Note: You can use the action Open in Excel on list places and transfer all data in the list to an Excel spreadsheet. You can use Internet Explorer functions to print a page and to create links on a page.
Actions related to a subpage in a part when the subpage is dynamically shown or hidden based on a user interaction Partially supported. The actions related to the subpage will always be present and active in the ribbon, even when the page is not shown. For an example, see page 5855.
FlowFilters on pages Not supported. Using Limit totals to is not supported. Use Filter on column instead.
Vertical resizing of controls Not supported. Vertical resizing of controls is not supported on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. A multiline textbox, for example, will not increase in vertical size when the user drags to increase the size of the page. This applies to all controls that can take advantage of vertical or horizontal resizing, such as charts, grids, multiline, textboxes, and control add-ins.

See Also

Deploying the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server Components
Developing for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client