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PSErrorID Enumeration

Indicates error codes for Microsoft Project Server 2010.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library (in Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll)


Public Enumeration PSErrorID
Dim instance As PSErrorID
public enum PSErrorID


Member name Description
NoError Value=0. No error or success.
Success Value=0. No error, or success.
ActiveCacheInvalidDataFormat Value=12000. The data format is not valid.
ActiveCacheUnsupportedDataFormatVersion Value=12001. The data format version is unsupported.
ActiveCacheInvalidQueuedMessageType Value=12003. The queued message type is not valid.
ActiveCacheNullQueuedMessage Value=12004. The queued message is null .
ActiveCacheQueuedMessageExecutionError Value=12005. There is an execution error for the queued message.
ActiveCacheInvalidDataSize Value=12006. The data size is not valid.
ActiveCacheQueueJobAlreadyStarted Value=12007. The queue job is already started.
ActiveCacheInvalidQueuedMessageFormat Value=12008. The message format in the queue is not valid.
ActiveCacheUnsupportedQueuedMessageVersion Value=12009. The message version in the queue is not valid.
ActiveCacheUnsupportedQueueDataType Value=12011. The data type in the queue is unsupported.
ActiveCacheInvalidVersionStampForSave Value=12012. The version stamp for the save operation is not valid.
ActiveCacheProjectTypeMismatch Value=12013. The project type does not match the expected type.
ActiveCacheDataValidationFailed Value=12014. Data validation failed.
ActiveCacheUnsupportedProjectProfessionalVersion Value=12015. The Project Professional version is unsupported. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminViewNameAlreadyExists Value=16600. The view name already exists. Names must be unique.
AdminViewInvalidDividerPosition Value=16601. The divider position is not valid.
AdminViewDataWasTampered Value=16602. The data has been altered.
AdminViewMaxDisplayedFieldsNumberExceeded Value=16603. The display exceeds the maximum number of fields.
AdminViewCannotDeleteDefaultView Value=16604. Cannot delete the default view.
AdminViewCannotCopyDefaultView Value=16605. Cannot copy the default view.
AdminLocalCustomFieldInvalid Value=19011. The local custom field is not valid.
AdminEnterpriseCustomFieldInvalid Value=19012. The enterprise custom field is not valid.
AdminNTAccountNotFound Value=19032. The Windows (NTLM) account is not found.
AdminUnableToMerge Value=20003. Unable to merge the data.
AdminDeleteArchivedProjectsFailed Value=25004. The delete operation for archived projects failed.
AdminUpdateArchiveScheduleFailed Value=25006. Failed to update the archived schedule.
AdminArchiveScheduleFailed Value=28018. The archive schedule failed.
AdminReadArchivedProjectsListFailed Value=28019. Failed to read the list of archived projects.
AdminReadArchiveScheduleFailed Value=28020. Failed to read the archived schedule.
AdminUserAccountNameNull Value=28021. The user account name is null .
AdminIsWindowsUserNull Value=28022. The Windows (NTLM) user account appears to be null .
AdminInvalidTimePeriodState Value=28023. The timeperiod state is not valid.
AdminGlobalUpdateFailed Value=28024. The enterprise global update failed during the call to SetServerCurrency.
AdminGlobalCheckedOut Value=28025. The enterprise global template is already checked out during the call to SetServerCurrency.
AdminInvalidDatabaseTimeout Value=28026. Timeout due to a database that is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidDatabaseTimeoutType Value=28027. Timeout due to a database type that is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidEntityType Value=28028. The entity type is not valid. See EntityCollection. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidCompatibilityModeChange Value=28029. The change to the compatibility mode is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidCompatibilityMode Value=28030. The compatibility mode is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidProjectProfessionalVersions Value=28031. The set of Project Professional versions is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidProjectProfessionalVersion Value=28032. The Project Professional version is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminTooManyProjectProfessionalVersions Value=28033. Too many Project Professional versions are specified. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminDuplicateProjectProfessionalMajorVersions Value=28034. There are duplicates in the Project Professional major versions. You can specify only one version for each major release, beginning with Project Professional 2007. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminInvalidServerFlags Value=28035. One or more flags in Project Server settings are not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
AdminNullProjectProfessionalVersions Value=28036. One or more Project Professional versions are null. New in Project Server 2010.
ArchiveProjectFailure Value=25000. The project archive operation failed.
ArchiveProjectsFailed Value=25001. Cannot save any of the projects in the Archive database.
ArchiveProjectFailed Value=25002. Cannot save the project archive.
ArchiveResourcesFailed Value=25007. Cannot save the resources archive.
ArchiveCustomFieldsFailed Value=25008. Cannot save the custom fields archive.
ArchiveSystemSettingsFailed Value=25010. Cannot save system settings archive.
ArchiveCategoriesFailed Value=25012. Cannot save the security categories archive.
ArchiveViewsFailed Value=25014. Cannot save the views archive.
ArchiveGlobalProjectFailed Value=25016. Cannot save the enterprise global archive.
ArchiveReadProjectArchiveRetentionSettingFailed Value=25033. Failed to read the project archive retention settings.
ArchiveInvalidRetentionPolicyValue Value=25018. The archive retention policy value is not valid.
ArchiveCustomFieldsFailure Value=25019. Cannot read the custom fields archive.
ArchiveGlobalProjectFailure Value=25020. Cannot read the enterprise global archive.
ArchiveResourcesFailure Value=25021. Cannot read the resources archive.
ArchiveSystemSettingsFailure Value=25022. Cannot read the system settings archive.
ArchiveViewsFailure Value=25023. Cannot read the views archive.
ArchiveCategoriesFailure Value=25024. Cannot read the security categories archive.
ResourcePlanPublishFailure Value=25025. Cannot publish the resource plan.
RestoreCategoriesFailure Value=25026. Cannot restore the security categories from the archive.
RestoreCustomFieldsFailure Value=25027. Cannot restore the custom fields from the archive.
RestoreGlobalProjectFailure Value=25028. Cannot restore the enterprise global template from the archive.
RestoreProjectFailure Value=25029. Cannot restore the project from the archive.
RestoreResourcesFailure Value=25030. Cannot restore the resources from the archive.
RestoreSystemSettingsFailure Value=25031. Cannot restore the system settings from the archive.
RestoreViewsFailure Value=25032. Cannot restore the views from the archive.
AssignmentNotFound Value=120. Assignment not found.
AssignmentWrongTrackingMethod Value=122. The assignment has the wrong tracking method.
AssignmentWorkTypeInvalid Value=127. The assignment work type is not valid.
AssignmentRateTableInvalid Value=130. The rate table for the assignment is not valid.
AssignmentAlreadyExists Value=131. The assignment already exists.
AssignmentDuplicateSpecified Value=132. There is a duplicate assignment.
AssignmentUidInvalid Value=133. The assignment GUID is not valid.
AssignmentDelayInvalid Value=134. The assignment delay is not valid.
AssignmentCannotEditSummaryTask Value=135. A summary task cannot be edited for assignments.
AssignmentInvalid Value=136. The assignment is not valid.
AssignmentFieldsInvalidForBudget Value=137. The assignment fields are not valid for the budget.
AssignmentAlreadyAssignedToResource Value=138. The resource already had the assignment.
AssignmentInvalidOwner Value=139. The assignment owner is not valid.
CalendarUidInvalid Value=77. The calendar GUID is not valid.
CalendarOnlyOneShiftIsNull Value=13000. Only one shift is null .
CalendarRecurrenceDaysShouldBeNull Value=13001. Recurrence days should be null .
CalendarRecurrenceMonthDayShouldBeNull Value=13002. The recurrence month and day should be null.
CalendarRecurrenceMonthShouldBeNull Value=13003. The recurrence month should be null .
CalendarRecurrenceMonthShouldNotBeNull Value=13004. The recurrence month should not be null .
CalendarRecurrencePositionShouldBeNull Value=13005. The recurrence position should be null .
CalendarRecurrencePositionShouldNotBeNull Value=13006. The recurrence position should not be null .
CalendarRecurrenceDaysShouldNotBeNull Value=13007. The recurrence days should not be null .
CalendarInvalidRecurrenceFrequency Value=13008. The recurrence frequency is not valid.
CalendarInvalidRecurrenceType Value=13009. The recurrence type is not valid.
CalendarInvalidRecurrenceDays Value=13010. The recurrence days are not valid.
CalendarInvalidCombinationOfMonthDayAndPosition Value=13011. The combination of month, day, and position is not valid.
CalendarInvalidRecurrencePosition Value=13012. The recurrence position is not valid.
CalendarCannotModifyExceptionsForCalendarBeingDeleted Value=13013. The calendar exceptions cannot be modified when a calendar is being deleted.
CalendarExceptionConflict Value=13014. There is a conflict in the calendar exceptions.
CalendarBadDateValue Value=13015. The date is not valid.
CalendarNotFound Value=13021. The calendar is not found.
CalendarAlreadyExists Value=13022. The calendar already exists.
CalendarNameShouldNotBeNull Value=13023. The calendar name is null .
CalendarInternalError Value=13025. There is an internal error in the calendar operation.
CalendarNameTooLong Value=13027. The calendar name is too long.
CalendarInvalidCalendarName Value=13028. The calendar name is not valid.
CalendarStandardCalendarNotFound Value=13031. The standard calendar is not found.
CalendarInvalidShifts Value=13032. The shifts are not valid.
CalendarCannotDeleteCalendarUsedByProject Value=13033. Cannot delete a calendar that is being used in a project.
CalCalendarUniqueIdToDuplicateShouldBeNull Value=13035. The GUID should be null to duplicate a calendar.
CalendarInvalidBaseCalendarUniqueId Value=13037. The base calendar GUID is not valid.
CalendarInvalidUniqueIdToDuplicate Value=13038. The GUID is not valid to duplicate a calendar.
CalendarUnusedCalendarException Value=13039. The calendar exception does not have a corresponding calendar. Occurs when using the UpdateResources method if there is an entry in the ResourceDataSet.CalendarExceptions table, but no BaseCalendarUniqueId for that resource in the Resources table.
CalendarCannotDeleteStandardCalendar Value=13040. The standard calendar cannot be deleted.
CalendarCannotRenameStandardCalendar Value=13041. The standard calendar cannot be renamed.
CalendarCannotDeleteCalendarUsedByEnterpriseResource Value=13042. The calendar is in use by an enterprise resource and cannot be deleted.
CalendarFilterInvalid Value=13043. The filter is not valid for a calendar.
CBSGeneralFailure Value=17001. Failure in the Cube Build Service (CBS).This is a general error code that could result from many different causes.
CBSDsoNotInstalled Value=17002. The CBS needs the Decision Support Objects (DSO) component installed for Analysis Services.
CBSASConnectionFailure Value=17003. The CBS failed to connect to the Analysis Services server.
CBSOlapProcessingFailure Value=17004. The OLAP cube processing failed.
CBSMetadataProcessingFailure Value=17005. Processing of the cube metadata failed.
CBSASServerLockTimeOut Value=17006. The Analysis Services server lock timed out.
CBSOlapDatabaseSetupFailure Value=17007. The setup of the OLAP cube database failed.
CBSASEntityLimitation Value=17008. The CBS exceeded the number of entities that Analysis Services can use.
CBSRequestInvalidArguments Value=17009. One or more arguments in the CBS request are not valid.
CBSQueueingRequestFailed Value=17010. The CBS failed to submit the job to the queue.
CBSUpdateCubeCalculatedMeasureDefintionError Value=17011. There is an error in a cube calculated member.
CBSAttemptToOverwrite Value=17013. Cannot overwrite data in the cube.
CBSCustomFieldCannotBeAddedAsDimension Value=17014. The custom field cannot be a cube dimension.
CBSCustomFieldFailedToBeAddedAsDimension Value=17015. Failed to add the custom field as a dimension in the cube.
CBSCustomFieldCannotBeAddedAsMeasure Value=17016. The custom field cannot be a cube measure.
CBSCustomFieldFailedToBeAddedAsMeasure Value=17017. Failed to add the custom field as a measure in the cube.
CBSDsoTranslatorNotFound Value=17018. The Decision Support Objects translator is not found.
CBSUpdateOlapDBOperationFailure Value=17019. Failed to update the OLAP database. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSOlapDBInvalidArguments Value=17020. One or more arguments for the OLAP database are not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSOlapDatabaseReadSettingListFailed Value=17021. Failed to read the OLAP database list of settings. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSOlapDatabaseReadSettingFailed Value=17022. Failed to read the OLAP database setting. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSDeleteOlapDatabaseSetting Value=17023. Error in deleting the OLAP database setting. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSSetDefaultOlapDatabase Value=17024. Error in setting the default OLAP database. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSSetOlapDatabaseEnabled Value=17025. Error in enabling the OLAP database. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSGetDefaultOlapDatabase Value=17026. Error in getting the default OLAP database. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSCustomFieldFailedToBeAddedAsDimensionOrMeasure Value=17027. Cannot add custom field as a dimension or measure. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSOlapDatabaseAssocFieldsSettings Value=17028. Error in OLAP database associated fields settings. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSUpdateOlapDBOperationDuplicateOrFailure Value=17029. Failure or duplicate of OLAP database update operation. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSErrorReadingDefaultDatabase Value=17030. Error reading the default OLAP database. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSCreateOlapDBOperationFailure Value=17031. Failed to create the OLAP database operation. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSSetCubeFieldsSettingsFromListForGroupMeasureFailed Value=17032. Failed to set the list for group measure settings of the cube fields. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSErrorReadingCubeDepartments Value=17033. Error reading departments in the OLAP cube. New in Project Server 2010.
CBSErrorMaxOlapDatabaseCountReached Value=17034. Reached the maximum OLAP database count.
CICOCheckedOutToOtherUser Value=10100. Checked out to another user.
CICOAlreadyCheckedOutToYou Value=10101. Already checked out to you.
CICONotCheckedOut Value=10102. Not checked out.
CICOCheckedOutInOtherSession Value=10103. Checked out in another session.
CICOInvalidSessionGuid Value=10104. The session GUID is not valid.
CICOAlreadyCheckedOutInSameSession Value=10105. Already checked out in the same session.
CustomFieldInvalidPropertyType Value=11500. The property type is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidScope Value=11503. The custom field scope is not valid.
CustomFieldScopesMustBeIdentical Value=11504. The scopes must be identical.
CustomFieldInvalidEntityUID Value=11505. The custom field entity GUID is not valid.
CustomFieldHasInvalidPropertiesForNonLookupTableCF Value=11506. The properties are not valid for a custom field with no lookup table.
CustomFieldNonExistentWeightsTableUID Value=11507. The weights table GUID does not exist.
CustomFieldInvalidName Value=11508. The custom field name is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidDefault Value=11510. The default value for the custom field is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidLookupTableUID Value=11511. The lookup table GUID is not valid.
CustomFieldTypeDoesNotMatchLookupTableMask Value=11512. Custom field type does not match lookup table mask.
CustomFieldCannotHaveNonLeafNodeDefault Value=11513. The custom field default value must be a leaf node.
CustomFieldMatchingOnlyAvailableForResources Value=11514. Matching custom field is available only for resources.
CustomFieldUIDCannotMatchLookupTableUID Value=11516. The GUID does not match a lookup table GUID.
CustomFieldUIDAlreadyExists Value=11517. The custom field GUID already exists.
CustomFieldIDAlreadyExists Value=11518. The custom field identification number already exists.
CustomFieldNameAlreadyExists Value=11519. The custom field name already exists.
CustomFieldInvalidEntity Value=11520. The entity is not valid for the custom field.
CustomFieldMaskDoesNotMatchEntityType Value=11521. The code mask does not match the entity type.
CustomFieldLowerOrderBitsOutOfRange Value=11522. The lower order bits are out of range.
CustomFieldInvalidMaxValues Value=11523. One or more maximum values are not valid.
CustomFieldCannotModifyCertainValuesOnceDefined Value=11524. Certain values cannot be modified after they are defined.
CustomFieldNonExistentPID Value=11526. The custom field property identification number does not exist.
CustomFieldCannotChangeBuiltInFields Value=11527. Cannot change the Project Server 2010 built-in fields, such as Cost Type, State, and Remote Blob Storage (RBS).
CustomFieldSecondaryUidCannotEqualUid Value=11528. The secondary GUID cannot equal the primary GUID.
CustomFieldCannotHaveSecondaryUIDorIDForThisEntityType Value=11529. The custom field cannot have a secondary GUID or a GUID for this type of entity.
CustomFieldNameMatchesIntrinsicField Value=11530. The custom field name matches an intrinsic field.
CustomFieldInvalidAggregationType Value=11531. The aggregation type is not valid.
CustomFieldProjectFormulaFieldsMustUseFormulaAggregation Value=11532. The project formula fields must use formula aggregation.
CustomFieldMustSpecifyEitherIDorUID Value=11700. Must specify the custom field identification number or GUID.
CustomFieldInvalidID Value=11701. The custom field identification number is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidUID Value=11702. The custom field GUID is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidType Value=11703. The custom field type is not valid.
CustomFieldInvalidTypeColumnFilledIn Value=11704. The custom field type column value is not valid.
CustomFieldCodeValueDoesNotMatchLookupTable Value=11706. The code value does not match the lookup table.
CustomFieldCodeValueIsNotLeafNode Value=11707. The code value is not a leaf node of the lookup table.
CustomFieldRowAlreadyExists Value=11708. The custom field row already exists.
CustomFieldRowDoesNotMatchCorrespondingDefinitionInDB Value=11710. The custom field row does not match the database definition.
CustomFieldCodeValueAlreadyUsed Value=11711. The code value is already used.
CustomFieldMaxValuesExceeded Value=11712. Maximum custom field values exceeded.
CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided Value=11713. A required custom field value is not provided.
CustomFieldCannotChangeLookupTable Value=11715. Cannot change the custom field lookup table.
CustomFieldFilterInvalid Value=11716. The custom field filter is not valid.
CustomFieldRolldownInvalidOnFormulaFields Value=11717. A roll down cannot occur on a formula custom field.
CustomFieldFormulaFieldCannotBeRequired Value=11718. The formula field cannot be required.
CustomFieldFormulaFieldCannotBeWorkflowControlled Value=11719. The formula field cannot be controlled by a workflow. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotSetValueOnFormulaFields Value=11720. Cannot set value on formula fields.
CustomFieldNewPerRequestLimitExcedeed Value=11721. Exceeded request limit for new custom fields. The limit is NEW_CF_PER_REQUEST_LIMIT in one request.
CustomFieldNameIsReservedName Value=11722. A custom field name cannot be a reserved name.
CustomFieldNameInvalidForOlapMeasure Value=11723. The custom field name is not valid for an OLAP cube measure.
CustomFieldNameInvalidForOlapDimension Value=11724. The custom field name is not valid for an OLAP cube dimension.
CustomFieldSettingsInvalidForOlapMeasure Value=11725. The custom field settings are not valid for an OLAP cube measure.
CustomFieldSettingsInvalidForOlapDimension Value=11726. The custom field settings are not valid for an OLAP cube dimension.
CustomFieldCannotAddRelativeImportanceField Value=11727. Cannot add a relative importance field. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotAddProjectImpactField Value=11728. Cannot add a project impact field. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldInvalidDepartmentUid Value=11731. The department GUID in the custom field is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotModifyDepartmentUidOnBuiltinFields Value=11732. The department GUID cannot be modified on built-in custom fields. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotHaveBothLookupTableAndMultilineText Value=11733. A custom field cannot include both a lookup table and multiline text. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotHaveBothFormulaAndMultilineText Value=11734. A custom field cannot include both a formula and multiline text. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldDescriptionExceedsLimit Value=11735. The custom field description is too long. Maximum length of the MD_PROP_DESCRIPTION property is 1000 characters. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldOnlyTextFieldsCanHaveMultilineText Value=11736. Only text custom fields can have multiline text. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldOnlyProjectFieldsCanHaveMultilineText Value=11737. Only project custom fields can have multiline text. New in in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotChangeWorkflowControlledBehaviorForNonProjectCustomFields Value=11738. A custom field cannot change the behavior of non-project custom fields that are controlled by a workflow. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldIsWorkflowControlledAndCannotBeChanged Value=11739. The custom field is controlled by a workflow and cannot be changed. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldCannotHaveRequiredFlagWhenWorkflowControlledFlagIsSet Value=11740. The custom field cannot be required when it is controlled by a workflow. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldFormulaCreatesCircularReference Value=11742. The custom field formula creates a circular reference. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldFormulaContainsInvalidFieldReference Value=11743. The custom field formula contains a field reference that is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldFormulaContainsErrors Value=11744. The custom field formula contains one or more errors. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldLocalCustomFieldNotDefined Value=11745. The local custom field is not defined. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldGraphicalIndicatorContainsErrors Value=11746. The custom field graphical indicator contains errors. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldGraphicalIndicatorContainsInvalidFieldReference Value=11747. The custom field graphical indicator contains a field reference that is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldGraphicalIndicatorTypeMismatch Value=11748. There is a type mismatch for the custom field graphical indicator. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldFormulaFieldCannotReferenceWorkflowControlledField Value=11749. A field in the formula cannot reference a field controlled by a workflow. New in Project Server 2010.
CustomFieldWorkflowCustomFieldBeingReferencedByFormula Value=11750. A formula is trying to reference a workflow custom field. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralRequestInvalidParameter Value=6. One of the request nodes or parameters is either not valid, or not valid within the context of the request.
GeneralInvalidValue Value=11. Request value not valid; for example, a GUID specified as 0.
GeneralStartDateGTorEQFinishDate Value=26. The specified date range is not valid.
GeneralQueueOperationInProcess Value=29. Generic error for an operation still being processed in the queue.
GeneralUnhandledException Value=42. An unhandled exception occurred.
GeneralDuplicateGUIDSpecified Value=66. There is a duplicate GUID in the request.
GeneralDateNotValid Value=69. Dates must be in the range of 1/1/1984 to 12/12/2049.
GeneralCostInvalid Value=70. A cost parameter is not valid.
GeneralWorkInvalid Value=71. A work parameter is not valid.
GeneralDurationInvalid Value=72. A duration parameter is not valid.
GeneralUnitsInvalid Value=73. The specified unit is not valid.
GeneralOnlyInsertsAllowed Value=74. Only inserts are allowed.
GeneralOnlyUpdatesAllowed Value=75. Only updates are allowed.
GeneralSessionInvalid Value=76. The session parameter is not valid.
GeneralDependencyUidInvalid Value=78. The dependency GUID is not valid.
GeneralNumberInvalid Value=79. A number is not valid.
GeneralInvalidDataStore Value=80. The specified database does not exist. Use a database in DataStoreEnum.
GeneralDurationOrWorkFormatInvalid Value=513. The work duration or format is not valid.
GeneralRateFormatInvalid Value=518. The rate format is not valid.
GeneralQueueException Value=9131. Exception: There is a general error in the Queuing Service.
GeneralItemDoesNotExist Value=10000. A specified item does not exist.
GeneralLCIDInvalid Value=10001. The locale identifier (language ID) is not valid.
GeneralRowDoesNotExist Value=10002. The specified row in a DataTable does not exist.
GeneralInvalidColumnValue Value=20000. A column value in a DataTable is not valid.
GeneralInvalidDataRowState Value=20001. A DataRow state is not valid.
GeneralDuplicatedNames Value=20004. There is a duplicate name. Names must be unique.
GeneralReadOnlyColumn Value=20005. The column is read-only.
GeneralReadOnlyRow Value=20006. The row is read-only.
GeneralNotNullColumn Value=20007. The column cannot be null.
GeneralObjectAlreadyExists Value=20008. The object already exists.
GeneralInvalidObject Value=20009. The object is not valid.
GeneralSecurityAccessDenied Value=20010. Access is denied because of security permissions.
GeneralInvalidOperation Value=20011. The operation is not valid.
GeneralInvalidCharacters Value=20012. Some characters are not valid. In addition to the TAB character, the following characters are not valid in a project name: \ / " : ; < > | , . ' ? * #
GeneralNameTooLong Value=20013. The name is too long.
GeneralNameCannotBeBlank Value=20014. The name cannot be blank. Do not use a null or empty string.
GeneralInvalidOperationOnReadOnlyValue Value=20016. The attempted operation on a read-only value is not valid.
GeneralInvalidDateOverlap Value=20018. The request contains overlapping dates.
GeneralParameterCannotBeNull Value=20020. The parameter cannot be null.
GeneralDescTooLong Value=20021. The description is too long. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralCategoryPermissionDenied Value=20022. The category permission is denied. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralGlobalPermissionDenied Value=20023. The global permission is denied. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralActionCanceledByEventHandler Value=22000. The event handler canceled the action.
GeneralActionCanceledBecauseServerEventServiceNotFound Value=22001. The Project Server Event Service is not found.
GeneralActionCanceledBecauseServerEventServiceProblem Value=22002. There is a problem in the Project Server Event Service.
GeneralQueueJobFailed Value=26000. The queue job failed.
GeneralQueueInvalidJobUID Value=26001. The job GUID for the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidTrackingUID Value=26002. The tracking GUID for the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidJobInfoUID Value=26003. The job information GUID for the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidCorrelationUID Value=26004. The queue correlation GUID is not valid.
GeneralQueueCorrelationBlocked Value=26005. The queue correlation is blocked.
GeneralQueueInvalidMessageType Value=26006. The queue message type is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidJobState Value=26007. The queue job state is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidGroupState Value=26008. The group state in the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidGroupPriority Value=26009. The group priority in the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidCorrelationPriority Value=26010. The correlation priority in the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidQueueID Value=26011. The queue identification number is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidAdminAction Value=26012. The Admin action is not valid for the queue.
GeneralQueueInvalidStatType Value=26013. The queue status type is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidBlockPolicy Value=26014. The queue blocking policy is not valid.
GeneralQueueCannotRetryJob Value=26015. The queue cannot retry the job.
GeneralQueueInvalidSetting Value=26016. A setting for the queue is not valid.
GeneralQueueInvalidRendezvousUID Value=26017. The queue rendezvous GUID is not valid.
GeneralDalErrorGettingConnectionStrings Value=26018. Error getting connection strings for the data access layer (DAL).
GeneralDalErrorConnectingToDatabase Value=26019. Error in the DAL connecting to the database.
GeneralDalInvalidArgumentCountCreatingFilter Value=26020. The number of arguments for creating a filter is not valid.
GeneralDataTableCannotBeNull Value=26024. A DataTable cannot be null .
GeneralDatasetConstraints Value=26025. Error in DataSet constraints. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralInvalidDataSetStructure Value=26027. The DataSet structure is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralDalNoRowsUpdated Value=26028. No rows are updated in the DAL. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralDataTableCannotBeEmpty Value=26029. The DataTable cannot be empty. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralWSSContentDBNotWritable Value=26030. Cannot write to the SharePoint content database. Either the content database is read-only or there is a lock at the site-collection level. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralSPValidateFormDigestError Value=26031. Error validating the form digest in a Project Web App callback, usually because of a timeout. New in Project Server 2010.
GeneralDelegationActiveForCurrentUser Value=26032. The current user has an active delegation. This error is raised by web methods in the WinProj service for Project Professional. New in Project Server 2010.
LookupTableMaskNotDefined Value=11000. The lookup table code mask is not defined.
LookupTableMaskHasTooManyValues Value=11001. The lookup table code mask has too many values.
LookupTableMaskHasGaps Value=11002. The lookup table code mask has gaps.
LookupTableMaskSequenceTypeLimitedToOneLevelDeep Value=11003. The code mask sequence type is limited to one level.
LookupTableMaskSequenceTypeInvalid Value=11004. The code mask sequence type is not valid.
LookupTableMaskSequenceRequiresAnyLength Value=11005. The code mask sequence requires a length of Any.
LookupTableMaskSeparatorTooLong Value=11006. The code mask separator has too many characters.
LookupTableMaskLevelMustBeBlankAcrossLCIDs Value=11007. The code mask level must be blank across the locale identifiers (language IDs).
LookupTableMaskSeparatorInvalid Value=11008. A code mask separator character is not valid.
LookupTableMaskBlankSeparatorInvalidAfterAnyLengthSequence Value=11009. A blank separator character is not valid after a sequence length of Any.
LookupTableMaskSequenceLengthInvalid Value=11010. The code mask sequence length is not valid.
LookupTableMaskLevelMustBeOneOrMore Value=11011. The code mask must be level 1 or greater.
LookupTableItemDoesNotFitMask Value=11050. The lookup table item does not fit the code mask definition.
LookupTableItemContainsSeparator Value=11051. The lookup table item contains a separator character.
LookupTableItemFullValueTooLong Value=11052. The full value of the lookup table item is too long.
LookupTableDuplicateSiblingsDisallowed Value=11053. Duplicate siblings in the lookup table are not allowed.
LookupTableSortOrderIndexInvalid Value=11054. The lookup table sort order index is not valid.
LookupTableSortOrderIndexDuplicate Value=11055. Duplicate lookup table sort order index.
LookupTableSortOrderTypeInvalid Value=11056. The lookup table sort order type is not valid.
LookupTableSortOrderMustComeAfterParentSortOrder Value=11057. The sort order must come after the parent sort order.
LookupTableSortOrderMustComeBeforeParentNextSiblingSortOrder Value=11058. The sort order must come before the parent of the next sibling sort order.
LookupTableInvalidCookieLength Value=11060. The cookie length for a lookup table is not valid.
LookupTableMustHaveValuesForPrimaryLCIDorJustOneValue Value=11061. The lookup table must have values for the primary locale identifier (language ID), or just one value. When you create a multilanguage lookup table, for example, add only one mask value for each level, or first add the value for the primary LCID.
LookupTableLCIDNotSupportedInLookupTableLanguages Value=11062. The locale identifier (language ID) is not included in lookup table languages.
LookupTableInvalidDescriptionLength Value=11063. The description length of a lookup table item is not valid.
LookupTableCannotChangeBuiltInTables Value=11064. Cannot change the built-in lookup tables.
LookupTableCannotChangeTypeOnceCreated Value=11065. Cannot change the lookup table type after the lookup table is created.
LookupTableCannotDeleteLTWithDependantCustomField Value=11066. Cannot delete a lookup table that is used in a custom field.
LookupTableAllLevelsNotFilled Value=11067. All lookup table levels must be filled.
LookupTableDuplicateName Value=11068. Lookup table names must be unique.
LookupTableInvalidName Value=11069. The lookup table name is not valid.
LookupTableDuplicateSiblingPhoneticsDisallowed Value=11071. Cannot have duplicate sibling phonetics in a lookup table.
LookupTableItemHasTrailingOrLeadingWhitespace Obsolete. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
LookupTableItemInvalidLookupTable Value=11073. An item in the lookup table is not valid.
LookupTableInvalidPhoneticsLength Value=11074. The length of the phonetics field is not valid.
LookupTableAlreadyExists Value=11076. The lookup table already exists.
LookupTableInvalidUID Value=11078. The lookup table GUID is not valid.
LookupTableFilterInvalid Value=11079. The lookup table filter is not valid.
LookupTableLanguageParameterInvalidWithXmlFilter Value=11080. A language parameter is not valid with a lookup table xmlFilter parameter.
LookupTableInvalidParentStructUid Value=11081. The GUID for a lookup table parent structure is not valid.
LookupTableItemContainsListSeparator Value=11082. The lookup table item contains a list separator.
NotificationReminderUnknown Value=16050. Unknown reminder notification.
NotificationReminderParentNotSubscribed Value=16051. There is no subscription to the parent of the reminder notification.
NotificationReminderParentNotFound Value=16052. Parent of the reminder notification is not found.
NotificationReminderChildStillSubscribed Value=16053. There is still a subscription to the child of the notification reminder.
NotificationReminderChildNotFound Value=16054. Child of the reminder notification is not found.
NotificationEMailDeliveryFailed Value=16080. Notification email message delivery failed.
NotificationQueueMessageFailed Value=16082. Notification queue message failed.
NotificationXSLTTransformationError Value=16084. Error in the notification XSLT transformation.
ProjectGlobalNotFound Value=100. Cannot find the enterprise global template.
ProjectGlobalCannotBeDeleted Value=101. Cannot delete the enterprise global template.
ProjectNotFound Value=1000. Project not found.
ProjectAlreadyExists Value=1001. Project already exists.
ProjectCheckedoutToOtherUser Value=1002. The project is checked out to another user.
ProjectTypeInvalidForCreate Value=1003. The project type for the create operation is not valid.
ProjectParametersInvalid Value=1004. One or more project parameters are not valid.
ProjectNotCheckedoutToUser Value=1006. Project not checked out to user.
ProjectCheckedout Value=1007. Project checked out.
ProjectTypeInvalid Value=1008. The project type is not valid.
ProjectIDInvalid Value=1009. The project identification number is not valid.
ProjectNameTooLong Value=1014. Project name is too long.
ProjectManagerNameTooLong Value=1015. Project manager name is too long.
ProjectNameInvalid Value=1016. Project name is not valid.
ProjectStartDateMissing Value=1025. Project start date is missing.
ProjectNameMissing Value=1026. Project name is missing.
ProjectVersionMissing Value=1027. Project version is missing.
ProjectDoesNotExist Value=1028. Project does not exist.
ProjectMultipleProjectsInvalid Value=1029. Multiple projects are not valid.
ProjectHasWriteLock Value=1030. Project has a write lock in the database.
ProjectHasPendingWriteLock Value=1031. Project has a pending write lock.
ProjectHasNoReadLock Value=1032. Project does not have a read lock.
ProjectHasReadLock Value=1033. Project has a read lock.
ProjectNameAlreadyExists Value=1034. Project name already exists.
ProjectOptCriticalSlackLimitInvalid Value=1035. The optional critical slack limit is not valid.
ProjectOptCurrencyPositionInvalid Value=1036. The optional currency position is not valid.
ProjectOptCurrencyDigitsInvalid Value=1037. The optional currency digits are not valid.
ProjectOptCurrencySymbolTooLong Value=1038. The optional currency symbol is too long.
ProjectCannotDelete Value=1039. Cannot delete the project. Only regular or template server-side projects can be deleted.
ProjectCannotAdd Value=1040. Cannot use the AddToProject method on the server-side project.
ProjectOptCurrencySymbolInvalid Value=1041. The optional currency symbol is not valid.
ProjectHasNoWriteLock Value=1042. The project does not have a write lock.
ProjectFilterInvalid Value=1043. The project filter is not valid.
ProjectTooLarge Value=1044. The project proposal is too large.
ProjectOptCurrencyCodeNot3Chars Value=1045. The optional currency code is not three characters.
ProjectOptCurrencyCodeInvalid Value=1046. The currency code is not valid in the project options.
ProjectActualsAreProtected Value=1047. The project actuals are protected.
ProjectTemplateNotFound Value=1048. Project template not found.
ProjectCurrencyCodeInvalid Value=1049. The currency code is not valid.
ProjectCannotEditCostResource Value=1050. Cannot edit cost resource.
ProjectIsNotPublished Value=1051. Project not published.
ProjectExceededLWPTaskLimit Value=1052. Exceeded the task limit for a project proposal (a lightweight project).
ProjectOptFinishDateInvalid Value=1053. The finish date in the project options is not valid.
ProjectExceededItemsLimit Value=1054. Exceeded the limit of items to process. The Project Server 2010 service application cannot use ProjectDataSet to add or update more than 1000 items total in all tables. To process more than 1000 items, use multiple calls, for example, to QueueUpdateProject.
ProjectColumnNotReadOnly Value=1055. The column is not read-only.
ProjectInvalidOwner Value=1056. The project owner is not valid.
ProjectCantEditPctWrkCompForNonWrkRscs Value=1057. Cannot edit PctWorkComplete for a task that has no real work assignments.
ProjectCannotEditMaterialResource Value=1058. Cannot edit the material resource. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectCannotEditFieldWhenTaskHasNoWorkAssignment Value=1059. Cannot edit the field because the task has no work assignment. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectResourceNotFound Value=1100. Resource not found.
ProjectResourceAlreadyExists Value=1101. Resource already exists.
ProjectCannotReplaceResourceWithSelf Value=1106. Cannot replace resource with same object.
ProjectCannotChangeLockedTrackingMethod Value=1107. Cannot change because the tracking method is locked.
ProjectInvalidColumnForCompatibilityMode Value=1108. The column for the compatibility mode is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateInvalidUpdateSequenceNumber Value=1151. The sequence number in the project update is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateDuplicateUpdateSequenceNumber Value=1152. Duplicate sequence number in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateNullUpdateSequenceNumber Value=1153. Null sequence number in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateNullUpdateColumnNames Value=1154. Null column names in the project update. New in
ProjectUpdateInvalidProjectUID Value=1155. The project GUID is not valid in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateInvalidColumnForUpdate Value=1156. The column is not valid for the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateCannotEditColumn Value=1157. Cannot edit the column in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateNoChangesToValidateAndSchedule Value=1158. The project update contains no changes that can be validated and scheduled. New in Project Server 2010.
LinkNotFound Value=1159. The link is not found. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateInvalidColumnValue Value=1160. The column value is not valid in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectCannotDeleteItem Value=1161. Cannot delete the project item. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateCannotComputeOptIndex Value=1162. Cannot compute the optimizing index in the project update. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectNodeConsistencyException Value=9132. Exception: The node is not consistent.
ProjectSchedulingEngineException Value=9133. Exception in the scheduling engine.
ProjectFormulaCalculationException Value=9134. Exception in formula calculation.
ProjectUpdateDatabaseException Value=9135. Exception in database update.
ProjectDeleteException Value=9136. Exception in deleting project.
ProjectOperationException Value=9137. Exception in project operation.
ProjectPublishFailure Value=23000. Failure in the queue while publishing project.
ProjectCurrencyConflict Value=23001. There is a conflict in the specified currency.
ProjectPublishFailed Value=23002. Publishing project failed when being enqueued.
ProjectReversePublishFailure Value=23004. Reverse publish of project failed during queue processing.
ProjectReversePublishFailed Value=23003. The project publish operation failed when it was being enqueued. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectArchiveRetentionDeleteFailure Value=23005. Failure deleting project due to archive retention.
ProjectDeleteFailure Value=23006. Failure deleting project.
ProjectPublishEnqueueFailure Value=23007. Failure of project publishing when being enqueued.
ProjectCheckinFailure Value=23008. Check in of project failed during queue processing.
ProjectCheckinFailed Value=23009. Check in of project failed when being enqueued.
ProjectCheckoutFailed Value=23010. The user does not have project checkout permission.
ProjectPublishSummaryEnqueueFailure Value=23011. Publish summary failure when being enqueued. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectPublishSummaryFailed Value=23012. Publish summary failure. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectUpdateScheduledProjectFailure Value=26026. Failure of project scheduling update during queue processing. New in Project Server 2010.
ProjectSyncProjectEnterpriseEntitiesFailure Value=26033. Failure to synchronize project enterprise entities during queue processing. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingAttributeCubeSettingsChangedMessageFailed Value=24000. The Reporting Data Service (RDS) change message failed for a cube settings attribute.
ReportingBaseCalendarChangeMessageFailed Value=24001. The RDS change message failed for a base calendar.
ReportingCustomFieldMetadataChangeMessageFailed Value=24002. The RDS change message failed for custom field metadata.
ReportingEntityUserViewChangedMessageFailed Value=24003. The RDS change message failed for an entity user view.
ReportingFiscalPeriodChangeMessageFailed Value=24004. The RDS change message failed for a fiscal period.
ReportingLookupTableChangeMessageFailed Value=24005. The RDS change message failed for a lookup table.
ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed Value=24006. The RDS change message failed for a project.
ReportingResourceCapacityUpdateMessageFailed Value=24007. The RDS update message failed for resource capacity.
ReportingResourceChangeMessageFailed Value=24008. The RDS change message failed for a resource.
ReportingTimesheetAdjustMessageFailed Value=24009. The RDS adjust message failed for a timesheet.
ReportingTimesheetClassCreateMessageFailed Value=24010. The RDS create message failed for a timesheet class.
ReportingTimesheetDeleteMessageFailed Value=24011. The RDS delete message failed for a timesheet.
ReportingTimesheetPeriodDeleteMessageFailed Value=24012. The RDS delete message failed for a timesheet period.
ReportingTimesheetPeriodMessageFailed Value=24013. The RDS message failed for a timesheet period.
ReportingTimesheetSaveMessageFailed Value=24014. The RDS save message failed for a timesheet.
ReportingTimesheetStatusChangeMessageFailed Value=24015. The RDS change message failed for timesheet status.
ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed Value=24016. The RDS message failed for SharePoint synchronization.
ReportingGetSPWebFailed Value=24017. The RDS failed to get the SharePoint web value.
ReportingWssSyncListFailed Value=24018. The RDS failed to synchronize with the SharePoint list.
ReportingWssTransferLinksFailed Value=24019. The RDS failed to transfer SharePoint links.
ReportingQueueMessageSubmitFailed Value=24020. The RDS failed to submit a message to the queue.
ReportingWssSyncHRefFailed Value=24021. The RDS failed to synchronize with the SharePoint HRef value.
ReportingSyncGlobalDataMessageFailed Value=24022. The RDS message to synchronize with the enterprise global data failed.
ReportingRDBRefreshMessageFailed Value=24023. The RDS message to refresh the RDB failed.
ReportingAttributeCubeDepartmentsChangedMessageFailed Value=24024. The RDS message failed to change the department attribute for the OLAP cube. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingTimesheetProjectAggregationMessageFailed Value=24025. The RDS message failed to aggregate projects for timesheet tables in the RDB. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingRdbBulkDataSyncMessageFailed Value=24026. The RDS message failed for bulk data synchronization in the RDB. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingWorkflowMetadataSyncMessageFailed Value=24027. The RDS message failed to synchronize workflow metadata. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingProjectWorkflowInformationSyncMessageFailed Value=24028. The RDS message failed to synchronize project workflow information. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingEptSyncMessageFailed Value=24029. The RDS message failed to synchronize the enterprise project template. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingSummaryProjectPublishMessageFailed Value=24030. The RDS message failed to publish the summary project. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingSolutionCommitedDecisionChangedMessageFailed Value=24031. The RDS message failed to change the committed decision for the solution. New in Project Server 2010.
ReportingDelayedUpgradeFailed Value=24032. The RDB delayed upgrade failed. New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceNotFound Value=2000. Resource not found.
ResourceAlreadyExists Value=2001. Resource already exists.
ResourceCheckedoutToOtherUser Value=2002. Resource checked out to another user.
ResourceUIDInvalid Value=2011. The resource GUID is not valid.
ResourceNameInvalid Value=2016. The resource name is not valid.
ResourceNameTooLong Value=2017. Resource name is too long.
ResourceInitialsTooLong Value=2018. Resource initials are too long.
ResourceCheckedout Value=2025. The resource is checked out.
ResourceNTAccountInvalid Value=2026. The resource Windows (NTLM) account is not valid.
ResourceNameAlreadyInUse Value=2027. Resource name is already used. Names must be unique.
ResourceNTAccountAlreadyInUse Value=2028. The resource NTLM account is already used.
ResourceAdGuidAlreadyInUse Value=2029. The resource GUID is already used.
ResourceHasActuals Value=2031. The resource has actuals.
ResourceNTAccountTooLong Value=2035. The NTLM account is too long.
ResourceEMailAddressTooLong Value=2036. The resource email address is too long.
ResourceCodeTooLong Value=2037. The resource code is too long.
ResourceGroupTooLong Value=2038. The resource group is too long.
ResourceWorkGroupInvalid Value=2039. The resource workgroup is not valid.
ResourceTypeInvalid Value=2040. The resource type is not valid.
ResourceNonWorkResourceWithEMailInvalid Value=2044. A non-working resource cannot have an email address.
rsResourceNameHasTrailingOrLeadingWhitespace Value=2046. The resource name has leading or trailing white space.
ResourceCannotDeleteCallingUserAccount Value=2047. The user cannot delete their own account.
ResourceInitialsInvalid Value=2048. The resource initials are not valid.
ResourceAccrueAtInvalid Value=2049. The value for accrual is not valid.
ResourceNonMaterialResourceCannotHaveMaterialLabel Value=2050. A non-material resource cannot have a material label.
ResourceMaterialResourceCannotHaveCertainFields Value=2051. A material resource cannot have certain fields.
ResourceAvailFromAvailToOverlap Value=2052. Overlap of available from and available to dates.
ResourceInvalidEmailLanguage Value=2053. The email language is not valid.
ResourceBookingTypeInvalid Value=2055. The booking type is not valid.
ResourceCannotReplaceMaterialResourceWithNonMaterialResource Value=2056. Cannot replace material resource with non-material resource.
ResourceCannotUpdateEnterpriseResource Value=2057. Cannot update enterprise resource.
rsResourceCannotAddLocalWithSameNameAsEnterprise Value=2058. Cannot add local resource with the same name as an enterprise resource.
ResourceCannotSetRateOnCostResource Value=2059. Cannot set a rate on a cost resource.
ResourceCannotSetRateOnMaterialResource Value=2060. Cannot set a rate on a material resource.
ResourceCannotSetCanLevelOnNonWorkResource Value=2061. Cannot set the level on a non-work resource.
ResourceCannotDeleteThisUser Value=2062. Cannot delete this user.
ResourceCannotDeactivateSelf Value=2063. A resource cannot deactivate itself.
ResourceAvailabilityDateRangesOverlap Value=2064. Resource availability date ranges overlap.
ResourceAvailabilityOutsideTheHireAndTerminationDateRange Value=2065. The resource availability date is outside the hire and termination date range.
ResourceFilterInvalid Value=2066. The filter for a resource is not valid.
ResourceSegmentWithThisEffectiveDateDoesNotExist Value=2067. Cannot delete a resource rate that has not been saved.
ResourceSegmentWithThisEffectiveDateAlready Value=2068. A segment with this effective date already exists.
ResourceUserHasItemCheckedOutToItStill Value=2069. The user has an item still checked out.
ResourceInvalidHireDate Value=2070. The hire date is not valid.
ResourceInvalidTerminationDate Value=2071. The termination date is not valid.
ResourceCannotChangeExistingResourceType Value=2072. Cannot change a resource type.
ResourceCannotSetTimesheetManagerOnSpecifiedResource Value=2073. Cannot set the timesheet manager on the specified resource.
ResourceInvalidTimesheetManager Value=2074. The timesheet manager is not valid.
ResourceInvalidAssignmentOwner Value=2075. The assignment owner is not valid.
ResourceCannotCreateCostResource Value=2076. Cannot create cost resource.
ResourceInvalidRbsValue Value=2077. The RBS value is not valid.
ResourceCannotSetAssignmentOwnerOnSpecifiedResource Value=2078. Cannot set assignment owner on the specified resource.
ResourceFieldsInvalidForBudget Value=2079. One or more fields for the budget are not valid.
ResourceHyperlinkInvalid Value=2080. The resource hyperlink is not valid.
ResourceAuthorizationValidOnlyOnWorkResources Value=2081. The authorization is valid only on work resources.
ResourceIsProjectOwner Value=2082. Cannot delete resource because resource is the project owner.
ResourceIsTimesheetManager Value=2083. Cannot delete resource because resource is the timesheet manager.
ResourceIsDefaultAssignmentOwner Value=2084. Cannot delete resource because resource is the default assignment owner.
ResourceIsAssignmentOwner Value=2085. Cannot delete resource because resource is the assignment owner.
ResourceIsUsedInResourcePlan Value=2086. Cannot delete resource because resource is used in the resource plan.
ResourceCannotDeleteEnterpriseResource Value=2087. Cannot delete enterprise resource, for unknown reason.
ResourceSetResourceAuthorizationFailed Value=2088. Failed to set resource authorization.
ResourceTooManyResourcesSpecifiedToDelete Value=2089. Cannot delete the number of resources specified.
ResourceTooManyResourcesReturned Value=2090. The method cannot handle that number of resources.
ResourceCannotDeleteWorkflowProxyUser Value=2091. The workflow proxy user cannot be deleted. New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceInvalidEmailWithExchangeSync Value=2092. The email is not valid for synchronization with Microsoft Exchange Server. New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceInvalidResourceTypeWithExchangeSync Value=2093. The resource type is not valid for synchronization with Exchange Server 2010. New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceInvalidPrincipalNameWithExchangeSync Value=2094. The resource principal name is not valid for synchronization with New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceInvalidAuthenticationTypeWithExchangeSync Value=2095. The resource authentication type is not valid for synchronization with Exchange Server 2010. New in Project Server 2010.
ResourceExchangeSyncFlagAndPrincipalNameMismatch Value=2096. Mismatch between the Exchange Server 2010 synchronization flag and the principal name for the resource. New in Project Server 2010.
RestoreProjectFailed Value=25003. Cannot restore the project.
RestoreCustomFieldsFailed Value=25009. Cannot restore the custom fields.
RestoreSystemSettingsFailed Value=25011 Cannot restore the system settings.
RestoreCategoriesFailed Value=25013. Cannot restore the security categories.
RestoreViewsFailed Value=25015. Cannot restore the views.
RestoreGlobalProjectFailed Value=25017. Cannot restore the enterprise global template.
RestoreResourcesFailed Value=29021. Cannot restore the resources.
RulesNameTooLong Value=21001. The name of the approval rule is too long. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesDescriptionTooLong Value=21002. The rule description is too long. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesInvalidRuleType Value=21003. The rule type is not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesInvalidConditionType Value=21004. The condition type for a rule is not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesInvalidOperatorType Value=21005. The operator type for a rule is not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesInvalidListItemType Value=21007. The list item type for a rule is not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesNameInvalidCharacters Value=21008. There are one or more characters in the rule name that are not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesDescriptionInvalidCharacters Value=21009. There are one or more characters in the rule description that are not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
RulesInvalidValueType Value=21010. The value type in the rule is not valid. Internal use only in Project Web App.
SecurityObjectNotFound Value=19037. The security object is not found.
SecurityGroupCouldNotBeCreated Value=19001. Cannot create security group.
SecurityFieldAccessIDInvalid Value=19003. The security field access code identification number is not valid.
SecurityCannotUpdateFacForNonExistentCategory Value=19004. Security category does not exist; cannot update the field access code.
SecurityDuplicateCategoryUid Value=19005. Duplicate security category GUID.
SecurityDuplicateGroupUid Value=19006. Duplicate security group GUID.
SecurityDuplicateTemplateUid Value=19007. Duplicate security template GUID.
SecurityDuplicateUid Value=19036. The security object GUID is a duplicate.
SecurityInvalidTemplateUidRef Value=19008. The security template GUID is not valid.
SecurityInvalidCategoryUidRef Value=19080. The security category GUID is not valid.
SecurityInvalidProjectUidRef Value=19081. The project GUID for the security object is not valid.
SecurityInvalidGroupUidRef Value=19082. The security group GUID is not valid.
SecurityInvalidUserUidRef Value=19083. The user GUID for the security object is not valid.
SecurityInvalidCategoryPermissionUidRef Value=19084. The permission GUID for the security category is not valid.
SecurityInvalidGlobalPermissionUidRef Value=19085. The security global permission GUID is not valid.
SecurityInvalidResourceUidRef Value=19086. The resource GUID for the security object is not valid.
SecurityInvalidGlobalPermission Value=19009. The global security permission is not valid.
SecurityInvalidCategoryPermission Value=19010. The security category permission is not valid.
SecurityInvalidObjectType Value=19035. The security object type is not valid.
SecurityUpdatedGroupNotFound Value=19013. Updated security group not found.
SecurityUpdatedCategoryNotFound Value=19014. Updated security category not found.
SecurityUpdatedTemplateNotFound Value=19015. Updated security template not found.
SecurityTemplateNotFound Value=19034. Security template not found.
SecurityGroupMemberNotFound Value=19016. Security group member not found.
SecurityDeleteNotSupportedBySetMethod Value=19087. The method cannot delete the security object.
SecurityUserNotFound Value=19018. Project Server 2010 user not found.
SecurityNoCategoryRelationForPermission Value=19019. Security category relation not found for the permission.
SecurityCannotDeleteDefaultGroup Value=19020. Cannot delete default security group.
SecurityCannotDeleteDefaultCategory Value=19021. Cannot delete default security category.
SecurityCategoryCouldNotBeCreated Value=19022. Cannot create security category.
SecurityNoCategoryForPermission Value=19023. Security category not found for the permission.
SecurityNoCategoryForObject Value=19024. Security category not found for the object.
SecurityNoCategoryForRule Value=19025. Security category not found for the rule.
SecurityNoGroupForPermission Value=19026. Security group not found for the permission.
SecurityCannotSetPermissionForFieldGroup Value=19027. Cannot set permission for the security group field.
SecurityInvalidFieldGroup Value=19028. The security group field is not valid.
SecurityCannotSetOrgPermission Value=19029. Cannot set the security organization permission.
SecurityInvalidOrgPermission Value=19030. The security organization permission is not valid.
SecurityInvalidSecurityRule Value=19031. The security rule is not valid.
SecurityInvalidProjectCategoryPermissionUidRef Value=19088. The project category permission GUID is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCannotModifyCoreProjectCategoryDataInUpdate Value=19089. The security update method cannot modify the core project category data. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityProjectCategoryEntitiesDoNotAllowInPlaceChanges Value=19090. Security category entities cannot be changed in an update. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotAddRelationForDeletedCategory Value=19091. Cannot add a relation for a deleted security category. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotAddPermissionForDeletedCategory Value=19092. Cannot add a permission for a deleted security category. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotAddPermissionForDeletedRelation Value=19093. Cannot add a permission for a deleted security category relation. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotDeleteRelationForNewlyAddedCategory Value=19094. Cannot delete the relation for a newly added security category. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotDeletePermissionForNewlyAddedCategory Value=19095. Cannot delete the permission for a newly added security category. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotDeletePermissionForNewlyAddedRelation Value=19096. Cannot delete the permission for a newly added relation in a security category. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryCannotHaveDuplicateUserOrGroupUidsForRelation Value=19097. Cannot have duplicate user or group UIDs for a security category relation. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryPermissionMustHaveMatchingRelation Value=19098. A category permission must have a matching security category relation. New in Project Server 2010.
SecurityCategoryProjectAlreadyHasSecurityProjectCategory Value=19099. The list of selected categories already has a project security category. New in Project Server 2010.
ServerEventInvalidEventId Value=19033. The Project Server 2010 event identification number is not valid.
ServerEventServiceNotFound Value=22003. The Project Server 2010 event service is not found. This error is not used in Project Server 2010 code, but it maps to a raw Unified Logging Service (ULS) event.
ServerEventRemoteCouldNotReachProxy Value=22005. The remote Project Web App could not reach the proxy Project Server 2010 event manager. This error is not used in Project Server 2010 code, but it maps to a raw Unified LoggingService (ULS) event.
ServerEventManagerCouldNotReachRemote Value=22006. The Project Server 2010 event manager could not reach the remote Project Web App. This error is not used in Project Server 2010 code, but it maps to a raw Unified LoggingService (ULS) event.
ServerEventHandlerNotSigned Value=22007. The Project Server 2010 event handler is not signed.
ServerEventHandlerMalformedAssemblyName Value=22008. The assembly name for the Project Server 2010 event handler is not valid.
ServerEventHandlerOrderInvalid Value=22009. The order for the Project Server 2010 event handler is not valid.
ServerEventHandlerDuplicateEntry Value=22010. Duplicate entry for the Project Server 2010 event handler.
ServerEventHandlerNotFound Value=22011. Project Server 2010 event handler not found.
ServerEventHandlerDuplicateName Value=22012. Duplicate name for the Project Server 2010 event handler.
StatusingInvalidEntity Value=3102. The entity for Statusing is not valid.
StatusingGetDataForTaskFailed Value=3103. Failed to get data for task status.
StatusingGetTaskOrAssnCntrFailed Value=3104. Failed to get task or Assignment Center for status.
StatusingInvalidPIDForProjCntr Value=3105. The Statusing property identification number for Project Center is not valid.
StatusingDeleteAssnFailed Value=3106. Failed to delete assignment in Statusing process.
StatusingAssnSaveFailed Value=3107. Failed to save assignment in Statusing process.
StatusingTaskSaveFailed Value=3108. Failed to save task in Statusing process.
StatusingInvalidPID Value=3109. The Statusing property identification number is not valid.
StatusingSetDataValueInvalid Value=3111. The Statusing data value is not valid.
StatusingSetDataFailed Value=3112. Failed to set Statusing data value.
StatusingInvalidDelegationStart Value=3113. The start time for an assignment in the DelegateAssignments method is not valid.
StatusingApprovalUpdateFailed Value=3114. Failed to update status approval.
StatusingInvalidApprovalType Value=3115. The status approval type is not valid.
StatusingInternalError Value=3116. Internal processing error in a Statusing method.
StatusingInvalidUpdateData Value=3117. The update data in a Statusing method is not valid.
StatusingProjectUpdateFailed Value=3118. Statusing update of project failed.
StatusingInvalidPreviewData Value=3119. The Statusing preview data is not valid.
StatusingInvalidTransaction Value=3120. The Statusing transaction is not valid.
StatusingTooManyResults Value=3121. Too many results. More than 5000 rows would be returned when reading timephased status data.
StatusingInvalidInterval Value=3122. The interval in a Statusing method is not valid. The interval must be in minutes and must be greater than zero.
StatusingApplyUpdatesFailed Value=3123. Failed to apply Statusing updates when queuing the request.
StatusingApplyUpdatesFailure Value=3124. Failed to apply Statusing updates during queue processing.
StatusingInvalidWorkData Value=3125. The work data for Statusing is not valid.
StatusingMissingNameAttribute Value=3126. Missing name attribute for Statusing.
StatusingInvalidNameAttribute Value=3127. The name attribute for Statusing is not valid.
StatusingInvalidData Value=3128. The Statusing data is not valid.
StatusingInvalidChangelist Value=3130. The XML data is not valid in the changexml parameter of the UpdateStatus method.
StatusingInsufficientAssignmentRights Value=3131. SetAssignmentWorkData cannot update an assignment because the user does not have permission.
StatusingInvalidChangeNumber Value=3132. The Statusing change number is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
StatusingPidNotEditable Value=3133. The Statusing property identification number is not editable. New in Project Server 2010.
StatusingCannotSetTimephasedDataInManualTasks Value=3134. Cannot set timephased data in manual tasks for Statusing. New in Project Server 2010.
StatusingCannotChangeTaskMode Value=3135. Cannot change the task mode for Statusing. New in Project Server 2010.
StatusReportsUnknownError Value=12100. Unknown error in StatusReports.
StatusReportsPeriodUnmatched Value=12101. Cannot match the status report period.
StatusReportsPeriodUnavailable Value=12102. The status report period is unavailable.
StatusReportsInvalidFormInput Value=12103. Data in the status report form is not valid.
TaskIDInvalid Value=7001. The task GUID is not valid.
TaskNameTooLong Value=7003. Task name too long.
TaskTypeInvalid Value=7005. The task type is not valid.
TaskPriorityInvalid Value=7006. The task priority is not valid.
TaskConstraintTypeInvalid Value=7007. The task constraint type is not valid.
TaskNameInvalid Value=7008. The task name is not valid.
TaskConstraintTypeRequiresConstraint Value=7010. The task requires a constraint type.
TaskConstraintTypeCannotHaveConstraintDate Value=7011. Cannot have a constraint date for the type of constraint.
TaskSummaryTaskCannotBeMilestone Value=7013. The summary task cannot be a milestone.
TaskFixedCostAccrualInvalid Value=7014. The fixed cost accrual for a task is not valid.
TaskPercentCompleteInvalid Value=7015. The task percent complete value is not valid.
TaskWorkPercentCompleteInvalid Value=7016. The task work percent complete value is not valid.
TaskPhysicalPercentCompleteInvalid Value=7017. The task physical percent complete value is not valid.
TaskLinkTypeInvalid Value=7018. The task link type is not valid.
TaskAlreadyExists Value=7019. The task already exists.
TaskLinkAlreadyExists Value=7020. The task link already exists.
TaskNotFound Value=7021. Task not found.
TaskLinkNotFound Value=7022. Task link not found.
TaskLinkLagInvalid Value=7023. The lag time on a task link is not valid.
TaskUnableToInsert Value=7025. Cannot insert a task.
TaskAddPositionInvalid Value=7026. The add position for a task is not valid.
TaskOutlineLevelInvalid Value=7027. The task outline level is not valid.
TaskDurationFormatInvalid Value=7028. The task duration format is not valid.
TaskCannotAddWhereSpecified Value=7029. Cannot add task where specified.
TaskEarnedValueMethodInvalid Value=7030. The method for task earned value is not valid.
TaskCannotModifyProjectSummary Value=7031. Cannot modify project summary task.
TaskCannotDeleteProjectSummary Value=7032. Cannot delete project summary task.
TaskCannotSetActualCost Value=7033. Cannot set actual cost for task.
TaskLevelingDelayInvalid Value=7034. The leveling delay for a task is not valid.
TaskCannotEditSummary Value=7035. Cannot edit summary task.
TaskCannotCreateSubTasksUnderTasksWithAssignments Value=7036. Cannot create subtasks under a task that has assignments.
TaskCannotDeleteSubProject Value=7037. Cannot delete subproject for the task.
TaskCannotEditExternal Value=7038. Cannot edit external task.
TaskCannotDeleteExternal Value=7039. Cannot delete an external task.
TaskLinkCannotDeleteExternal Value=7040. Cannot delete a link to an external task.
TaskCannotModifyNullTask Value=7041. Cannot modify a null task. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskCannotModifyLeafTaskWithNoAssignment Value=7042. Cannot modify a leaf task that has no assignment. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskCannotModifyExternalTask Value=7043. Cannot modify an external task. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskStatusManagerInvalid Value=7044. The task status manager is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskLinkCyclicDependency Value=7045. The task link has a cyclic dependency. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskCannotCreateOrModifySubTasksUnderTasksWithAssignments Value=7046. Cannot create or modify subtasks under a summary task that has assignments. New in Project Server 2010.
TaskLinkCannotEditExternal Value=7047. Cannot edit the link to an external task. New in Project Server 2010.
TimesheetMaxHourPerDayExceeded Value=3201. Exceeded maximum hours per day for timesheet.
TimesheetHoursPerTSLimitExceeded Value=3202. Exceeded the limit for number of hours in a timesheet.
TimesheetUnverifiedTSLineNotAllowed Value=3203. An unverified timesheet line is not allowed in this case.
TimesheetIncorrectMode Value=3204. The timesheet mode is not valid.
TimesheetInvalidApprover Value=3205. The timesheet approver is not valid.
TimesheetFutureReportingNotAllowed Value=3206. Reporting of future items not allowed for timesheet.
TimesheetIncorrectPeriod Value=3208. The timesheet period is not valid.
TimesheetPeriodClosed Value=3209. Timesheet period closed.
TimesheetPendingLines Value=3210. Timesheet lines are pending.
TimesheetInvalidDateRange Value=3211. The timesheet date range is not valid.
TimesheetLineClassDisabled Value=3212. The timesheet line class is disabled.
TimesheetLineHasNonExistentItem Value=3213. The timesheet line includes an item that does not exist.
TimesheetLineInvalidStatus Value=3214. The status for the timesheet line is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSCreateSiteFailure Value=16400. Failed to create SharePoint site for project workspace.
WSSCannotCreateWebWithBlankName Value=16401. Cannot create SharePoint website with a blank name.
WSSWebAlreadyExists Value=16402. The SharePoint website already exists.
WSSInvalidProjectUID Value=16403. The project GUID is not valid for the SharePoint project workspace.
WSSProjectAlreadyHasSpWeb Value=16404. The project already has a SharePoint workspace site.
WSSWebDoesNotExist Value=16405. The SharePoint website does not exist.
WSSSpWebAlreadyLinkedToProject Value=16406. The SharePoint website is already linked to a project.
WSSWebHierarchyDoesNotExist Value=16407. The SharePoint web hierarchy does not exist.
WSSSPWebHasChildren Value=16408. The SharePoint web has child webs.
WSSURIInvalidFormat Value=16409. The format for a SharePoint web URI is not valid.
WSSSyncReportingDataFailed Value=16410. Failed to synchronize reporting data for SharePoint.
WSSWorkspaceUrlPathTooLong Value=16411. SharePoint project workspace URL path too long.
WSSWorkspaceNameContainsIllegalChars Value=16412. One or more characters in a SharePoint project site name are not valid. The following characters are not valid in a project name: / " : < > | , . ' ? * #
WSSInvalidWssServerUid Value=16413. The SharePoint server GUID is not valid.
WSSSyncUsersFailed Value=16414. Failed to synchronize Project Server users with SharePoint.
WSSWrongWebTemplateLCID Value=16415. The SharePoint web template locale identifier (language ID) is not valid.
WSSWrongWebTemplate Value=16416. The SharePoint web template is not valid.
WSSWebIsNotProjectWorkspace Value=16417. The SharePoint website is not a project workspace. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSWebCannotStartOrEndOnPeriod Value=16418. A SharePoint web name cannot start or end with a period.
WSSCannotDeleteSiteCollection Value=16419. Cannot delete the website collection.
WSSListUidInvalid Value=16420. The SharePoint list GUID is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncDataSetListUidMismatch Value=16421. The SharePoint list GUID does not match the list GUID in the synchronizing DataSet. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncDataSetMissingProjectSettingsRow Value=16422. The DataSet for synchronizing with SharePoint is missing the project settings row. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncDataSetTaskMappingsNotAllowed Value=16423. Task mappings are not allowed in the DataSet for synchronizing with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncDataSetWssListUidEmpty Value=16424. The SharePoint list GUID is empty in the DataSet for synchronizing with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncDataNotFound Value=16425. There is data missing in the synchronization with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncCriticalDataValidationError Value=16426. There is a critical data validation error in the synchronization with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncSharePointListNotAccessibleError Value=16427. The SharePoint list is not accessible. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncInvalidEntityUids Value=16428. The entity GUIDs are not valid for synchronizing with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncInvalidSyncData Value=16429. SharePoint synchronization has data that is not valid. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncSPSummaryTaskAssignedToResourceError Value=16430. The SharePoint synchronization has a summary task assigned to a resource. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncInsufficientPermissionsToCreateWinUser Value=16431. Permissions are not sufficient to create a Windows user when synchronizing with SharePoint. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSSyncNoDefaultValueForCustomField Value=16432. A custom field does not have a default value in the SharePoint synchronization. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSOLPCreateLinkFailure Value=18000. Failed to create link for the SharePoint object link provider.
WSSOLPDeleteWebObjectLinkError Value=18001. Error deleting a web object link in the SharePoint object link provider.
WSSInvalidPermissionsToWssList Value=18002. Permissions are not valid for the SharePoint list. New in Project Server 2010.
WSSWebIsNotUnderDefaultCollection Value=18003. The SharePoint web is not in the default collection. New in Project Server 2010.
AdSyncUpdateTimerJobFailed Value=27002. The update timer job failed for synchronization with Active Directory directory services.
AdSyncDeleteTimerJobFailed Value=27003. The delete timer job failed for synchronization with Active Directory.
AdSyncAdConnectFail Value=27006. Cannot connect with Active Directory.
ResourcePlanProjectPublishIncomplete Value=30000. Did not complete publishing the project for the resource plan.
ResourcePlanInvalidResourceType Value=30001. The resource type in the resource plan is not valid.
ResourcePlanInactiveResourcesDisallowed Value=30002. Inactive resources are not allowed in a resource plan.
ResourcePlanFilterInvalid Value=30003. The resource plan filter is not valid.
ResourcePlanSaveFailure Value=30004. Failed to save resource plan.
ResourcePlanCheckinFailure Value=30005. Failed to check in the resource plan.
ResourcePlanDeleteFailure Value=30006. Failed to delete the resource plan.
ResourcePlanInvalidUtilizationType Value=30007. The resource plan utilization type is not valid.
ResourcePlanInvalidTimescale Value=30008. The resource plan timescale is not valid.
ResourcePlanMismatchedJobList Value=30009. Mismatch in resource plan job list.
ResourcePlanAlreadyExists Value=30010. Resource plan already exists.
ResourcePlanInvalidProjectUID Value=30011. The project GUID for the resource plan is not valid.
ResourcePlanResourceAlreadyExists Value=30012. The resource already exists in the resource plan.
PlannerSolutionMessageDeleteFailed Value=28000. Queue error: the message to delete the planner solution failed.
PlannerSolutionMessageCreateFailed Value=28001. Queue error: the message to create the planner solution failed.
PlannerInvalidRBSValueUid Value=28002. The GUID for a resource breakdown structure value is not valid in the Planner data.
PlannerInvalidCustomFieldUid Value=28003. The GUID for a custom field is not valid.
PlannerHorizonInvalid Value=28004. The Planner time horizon is not valid. A time horizon is the period specified for capacity planning.
PlannerHorizonTooBig Value=28005. The time horizon is too far in the future.
PlannerInvalidBookingType Value=28006. The resource booking type is not valid.
PlannerInvalidTimeScale Value=28007. The time scale is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectSNET Value=28008. The start no earlier than date for the project is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectFNLT Value=28009. The finish no later than date for the project is not valid.
PlannerInvalidAnalysisStartDate Value=28010. The START_DATE for the project is not valid.
PlannerInvalidAnalysisDuration Value=28011. The DURATION is not valid for portfolio analysis.
PlannerInvalidHorizonStartDate Value=28012. The start date of the time horizon is not valid.
PlannerInvalidHorizonEndDate Value=28013. The end date of the time horizon is not valid.
PlannerInvalidHorizonTimeScale Value=28014. The time scale of the time horizon is not valid.
PlannerInvalidAnalysisType Value=28015. The type of portfolio analysis is not valid.
PlannerHorizonStartDateDoesNotMatchTimeScale Value=28016. The start date of the time horizon does not match the time scale.
PlannerHorizonEndDateDoesNotMatchTimeScale Value=28017. The end date of the time horizon does not match the time scale.
PlannerAnalysisNoCapacityData Value=28037. There is no resource capacity data for the portfolio analysis.
PlannerInvalidSolutionUid Value=28100. The analysis solution GUID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidOptimizerSolutionUid Value=28101 The Optimizer solution GUID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidLookupTableValueUid Value=28102. The lookup table value GUID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidEfficientFrontierUid Value=28103. The FRONTIER_UID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectUid Value=28104. The project GUID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidAllocationThreshold Value=28105. The allocation threshold is not valid.
PlannerInvalidHiringType Value=28109. The HIRING_TYPE is not valid. See Planner.PlannerHiringType.
PlannerInvalidConstraintType Value=28110. The CONSTRAINT_TYPE is not valid. See Planner.ConstraintType.
PlannerInvalidConstraintValue Value=28111. The CONSTRAINT_VALUE is not valid.
PlannerInvalidRateTable Value=28112. The RATE_TABLE is not valid.
PlannerInvalidSolutionForConstraint Value=28113. The Planner solution is not valid for the constraint. Too many projects are forced in during the first pass of the planner.
PlannerInvalidSolutionForDependencies Value=28114. The Planner solution is not valid because there are too many projects for considering business dependencies or conflicts. This error occurs in the second pass.
PlannerInvalidSolutionForScheduling Value=28115. The Planner solution is not valid for scheduling because there are circular dependencies.
PlannerInvalidAnalysisUid Value=28116. The ANALYSIS_UID is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectStartDate Value=28200. The project start date is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectEndDate Value=28201. The project end date is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectFNLTDate Value=28203. The finish no later than date for the project is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectSNETDate Value=28204. The start no earlier than date for the project is not valid.
PlannerInvalidProjectDuration Value=28202. The project duration is not valid.
PlannerCannotCreateSolution Value=28900. The Planner cannot create a solution.
PlannerCannotUpdateSolution Value=28901. The Planner cannot update the solution.
PlannerCannotDeleteSolution Value=28902. The Planner cannot delete the solution.
PlannerCannotCreateMultipleSolutions Value=28903. The Planner cannot create multiple solutions.
PlannerCannotUpdateMultipleSolutions Value=28904. The Planner cannot update multiple solutions.
PlannerTableIsReadOnly Value=28907. The DataTable is read-only.
PlannerCannotCommitSolution Value=28908. The Planner cannot commit the solution to the database.
PlannerFieldIsReadOnly Value=28909. The field is read-only.
PlannerProjectNotInParentSolution Value=28910. The project is not in the parent solution.
PlannerProjectNotSelectedInParentSolution Value=28911. The project is not selected in the parent solution.
PlannerProjectNotInParentAnalysis Value=28912. The project is not in the parent portfolio analysis.
PlannerProjectBeyondHorizon Value=28913. The project extends beyond the time horizon.
PlannerResourceAllocationInternalError Value=28915. There is an internal error in the resource allocation.
PlannerResourceAllocationInfeasibleSolution Value=28916. The resource allocation is an infeasible solution.
PlannerProjectEndDateViolatesDependency Value=28917. The project end date violates a dependency.
PlannerInvalidProjectsSet Value=28919. The set of projects is not valid.
PlannerInvalidInputData Value=28920. The Planner has input data that is not valid.
PlannerDecimalOverflowError Value=28921. There is a decimal overflow error in the Planner.
PlannerSolutionMismatchedJobList Value=28922. The solution has a mismatched job list.
PlannerInvalidForceLookupTableValue Value=28923. The forced value of a lookup table is not valid.
PlannerNoHiredResource Value=28924. There is no resource hired for the proposal.
OptimizerDepInvalidDepType Value=29000. The optimizer DEPENDENCY_TYPE value in the OptimizerDependencyDataSet.OptimizerDependenciesRow is not valid. See Optimizer.DependencyTypes.
OptimizerDepInvalidEntityType Value=29001. The entity type is not valid. See the Entities property.
OptimizerDepInvalidPosition Value=29003. The POSITION value is not valid.
OptimizerDepDuplicateDependentProjects Value=29004. There are duplicate projects in the OptimizerDependencyDataSet.OptimizerDependencyDetailsDataTable.
OptimizerDepInvalidDependency Value=29005. The Optimizer dependency is not valid.
OptimizerDepCircularDependency Value=29006. There is a circular dependency.
OptimizerCannotDeleteDependency Value=29007. The dependency cannot be deleted.
OptimizerCannotCreateDependency Value=29008. The dependency cannot be created.
OptimizerCannotUpdateDependency Value=29009. The dependency cannot be updated.
OptimizerCannotCreateMultipleDependencies Value=29010. Cannot create multiple dependencies.
OptimizerCannotUpdateMultipleDependencies Value=29011. Cannot update multiple dependencies.
OptimizerEngineMatrixNotFilled Value=29100. The Optimizer does not have enough data for calculation.
OptimizerEngineCustomFieldIsNotAConstraint Value=29101. The custom field is not a constraint for the Optimizer.
OptimizerCouldNotCalculatePrioritiesFromCustomFields Value=29102. Cannot calculate priorities from the specified custom fields.
OptimizerEngineBinaryInfeasibleSolution Value=29103. The Optimizer calculation results in an infeasible solution.
OptimizerEngineBinaryNumericalError Value=29104. There is a numerical error in the Optimizer calculation.
OptimizerEngineBinaryTimedOut Value=29105. The Optimizer calculation timed out.
OptimizerEngineBinaryMaxedIterations Value=29106. The Optimizer calculation reached the maximum number of iterations.
OptimizerEngineBinarySubOptimal Value=29107. The Optimizer calculation results are not optimal.
OptimizerEngineBinaryInternalError Value=29108. There is an internal error in the Optimizer calculation.
OptimizerInvalidRange Value=29200. The date range for the optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerNonNormalizedWeights Value=29201. WEIGHT values in the AnalysisDataSet.AnalysisPriorityDataDataTable are not normalized.
OptimizerCannotEditPrioritization Value=29300. Cannot edit the driver prioritization.
OptimizerCannotDeletePrioritization Value=29301. Cannot delete the driver prioritization.
OptimizerCannotCreatePrioritization Value=29302. Cannot create the driver prioritization.
OptimizerCannotUpdatePrioritization Value=29303. Cannot update the driver prioritization.
OptimizerCannotCalculateDriverPriorities Value=29304. Cannot calculate driver priorities.
OptimizerCannotCreateMultiplePrioritizations Value=29305. Cannot create multiple driver prioritizations.
OptimizerCannotUpdateMultiplePrioritizations Value=29306. Cannot update multiple driver prioritizations.
OptimizerDriverRelationsNotFilled Value=29307. The DriverPrioritizationDataSet.DriverRelationsRow data is not complete.
OptimizerDriversNotFilled Value=29308. There is not enough information in the project drivers for a solution.
OptimizerDriverRelationsInvalidInversedValue Value=29309. There are inverse values in the DriverPrioritizationDataSet.DriverRelationsRow.
OptimizerCannotCreatePrioritizationUsingInactiveDrivers Value=29310. There is an inactive driver specified in the DriverPrioritizationDataSet.DriverRelationsRow. Check the DRIVER1_UID and DRIVER2_UID properties.
OptimizerCannotChangePrioritizationType Value=29311. Cannot change the prioritization type.
OptimizerCannotSpecifyPriorityValuesForCalculatedPrioritizations Value=29312. If a priority is calculated, you cannot specify the priority value.
OptimizerCannotNormalizePriorityValues Value=29313. Priority values cannot be normalized.
OptimizerTooManyDriversInPrioritization Value=29314. There are too many business drivers in the prioritization.
OptimizerInvalidProjectImpactValue Value=29400. The project impact value is not valid.
OptimizerCannotDeleteDriver Value=29401. The project driver cannot be deleted.
OptimizerCannotCreateDriver Value=29402. The project driver cannot be created.
OptimizerCannotUpdateDriver Value=29403. The project driver cannot be updated.
OptimizerCannotEditDriver Value=29404. The project driver cannot be edited.
OptimizerCannotCreateMultipleDrivers Value=29405. Cannot create multiple drivers.
OptimizerCannotUpdateMultipleDrivers Value=29406. Cannot update multiple drivers.
OptimizerInvalidRelativeImportanceValue Value=29407. The relative importance value is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidDriverUid Value=29500. The driver GUID is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidEntityType Value=29501. The entity type is not valid for the Optimizer.
OptimizerInvalidProjectUid Value=29502. The project GUID is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidCustomFieldUid Value=29503. The custom field GUID is not valid for the Optimizer.
OptimizerInvalidHardConstraintUid Value=29504. The hard constraint GUID is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidAnalysisUid Value=29505. The analysis GUID is not valid.
OptimizerDriverFilterInvalid Value=29506. The driver filter is not valid.
OptimizerPrioritizationFilterInvalid Value=29507. The prioritization filter is not valid.
OptimizerCannotLoadOptimizationEngine Value=29508. The Optimizer calculation engine cannot be loaded.
OptimizerAnalysisFilterInvalid Value=29509. The analysis filter is not valid.
OptimizerSolutionFilterInvalid Value=29510. The solution filter for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerDependenciesFilterInvalid Value=29511. The dependencies filter for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidSolutionUid Value=29512. The solution GUID for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidViewUid Value=29513. The view GUID for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidAnalysisType Value=29600. The type of portfolio analysis is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidPrioritizationType Value=29601. The prioritization type for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerCannotDeleteAnalysis Value=29602. Cannot delete the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerCannotCreateAnalysis Value=29603. Cannot create the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerCannotUpdateAnalysis Value=29604. Cannot update the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerInvalidPrioritizationUid Value=29607. The prioritization GUID is not valid.
OptimizerCannotCreateMultipleAnalyses Value=29608. Cannot create multiple portfolio analyses.
OptimizerCannotUpdateMultipleAnalyses Value=29609. Cannot update multiple portfolio analyses.
OptimizerCannotCalculateProjectPriorities Value=29610. The Optimizer cannot calculate project priorities.
OptimizerCannotDeleteAnalysisProjectImpact Value=29611. Cannot delete project impact in the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerCannotChangeAnalysisProjects Value=29612. Cannot change projects in the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerCannotChangePriorityData Value=29613. Cannot change priority data.
OptimizerCannotEditAnalysis Value=29614. Cannot edit the portfolio analysis.
OptimizerInvalidPlannerData Value=29615. The Planner data is not valid for the Optimizer.
OptimizerCannotChangeImpactData Value=29616. Cannot change the project impact data.
OptimizerInvalidProjectsNumber Value=29617. The number of projects is not valid.
OptimizerCannotAddImpactCFUIDToCFAnalysis Value=29618. Cannot add the project impact custom field GUID (PROJECT_IMPACT_CF_UID) for portfolio analysis.
OptimizerInvalidDepartmentUid Value=29619. The DEPARTMENT_UID is not valid.
OptimizerTooManyProjectsInAnalysis Value=29620. There are too many projects in the analysis.
QueueAnalysisCannotDeleteAnalysis Value=29680. The QueueDeleteAnalyses method cannot delete the analysis.
QueueAnalysisCannotCreateAnalysis Value=29681. The QueueCreateAnalysis method cannot create the analysis.
QueueAnalysisCannotUpdateAnalysis Value=29682. The QueueUpdateAnalysis method cannot update the analysis.
AnalysisMismatchedJobList Value=29690. The analysis job list is mismatched.
OptimizerInvalidForceInLookupTableUid Value=29691. The lookup table GUID cannot be forced in.
OptimizerInvalidForceOutLookupTableUid Value=29692. The lookup table GUID cannot be forced out.
OptimizerDuplicateForceLookupTableUids Value=29693. There are duplicate forced lookup table GUIDs.
OptimizerInvalidDecisionResult Value=29701. The decision result is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidForcedStatus Value=29702. The forced status is not valid.
OptimizerCannotDeleteSolution Value=29703. The QueueDeleteOptimizerSolutions method cannot delete the Optimizer solution.
OptimizerCannotCreateSolution Value=29704. The QueueCreateOptimizerSolution method cannot create an Optimizer solution.
OptimizerCannotUpdateSolution Value=29705. The QueueUpdateAnalysis method cannot update the Optimizer solution.
OptimizerCannotCalculateSolutionStrategicAlignment Value=29706. The Optimizer cannot calculate the solution for strategic alignment.
OptimizerCannotCreateMultipleSolutions Value=29707. The Optimizer cannot create multiple solutions.
OptimizerCannotUpdateMultipleSolutions Value=29708. The Optimizer cannot update multiple solutions.
OptimizerCannotAddPrioritizationToCFAnalysis Value=29709. The Optimizer cannot add a prioritization to a custom field for the analysis.
OptimizerTableIsReadOnly Value=29710. The Optimizer table is read-only.
OptimizerSolutionCreateMessageFailed Value=29711. The Optimizer failed to make a solution created message.
OptimizerSolutionDeleteMessageFailed Value=29712. The Optimizer failed to make a solution deleted message.
OptimizerCannotCalculateEfficientFrontier Value=29714. The Optimizer cannot calculate the efficient frontier for the analysis.
OptimizerCannotUpdateSolutionProperties Value=29715. Cannot update the solution properties.
OptimizerInvalidConstraintPosition Value=29716. The constraint position in the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidHardConstraintPosition Value=29717. The hard constraint position in the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidConstraintLimit Value=29718. The constraint limit in the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidConstraintValue Value=29719. The constraint value is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidSolutionProjectsSet Value=29720. The set of projects in the solution is not valid.
OptimizerCannotCommitSolution Value=29721. The CommitOptimizerSolution method cannot commit the solution.
OptimizerInvalidInputData Value=29723. The input data for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerInvalidConstraintSet Value=29724. The constraint set for the Optimizer is not valid.
OptimizerCannotUpdateAnalysisMetrics Value=29725. Cannot update the analysis metrics.
OptimizerSolutionMismatchedJobList Value=29726. The job list in the solution is mismatched.
OptimizerInvalidForceLookupTableValue Value=29727. The force lookup table value is not valid.
OptimizerCannotCreateSolutionWhileAnalysisUpdateIsPending Value=29728. Cannot create an Optimizer solution while an analysis update is pending.
OptimizerProjectSelectorAtLeastOne Value=29800. There must be at least one project selected for the Optimizer.
WorkflowPhasesCannotCreatePhase Value=35000. Cannot create the workflow phase.
WorkflowPhasesCannotUpdatePhase Value=35001. Cannot update the workflow phase.
WorkflowPhasesCannotDeletePhase Value=35002. Cannot delete the workflow phase.
WorkflowPhaseNameIsRequired Value=35003. The workflow PHASE_NAME is required.
WorkflowStagesCannotCreateStage Value=35004. Cannot create the workflow stage.
WorkflowStagesCannotUpdateStage Value=35005. Cannot update the workflow stage.
WorkflowStagesCannotDeleteStage Value=35006. Cannot delete the workflow stage.
WorkflowStagesProjectsInStage Value=35007. There are projects in the workflow stage.
WorkflowCannotAccessPDPLibrary Value=35008. Cannot access the project detail page library.
WorkflowInvalidPDPUid Value=35009. The project detail page GUID is not valid.
WorkflowInvalidCustomFieldUid Value=35010. The custom field GUID is not valid.
WorkflowCustomFieldNotWorkflowControlled Value=35011. The custom field is not controlled by a workflow.
WorkflowCustomFieldCannotBeRequiredAndReadOnly Value=35012. The workflow custom field cannot be both required and read-only.
WorkflowInvalidWorkflowPhaseUid Value=35013. The workflow PHASE_UID is not valid.
WorkflowInsertWorkflowPhaseNotAllowed Value=35014. Cannot insert a workflow phase.
WorkflowInvalidWorkflowStageUid Value=35015. The workflow STAGE_UID is not valid.
WorkflowPhaseHasStages Value=35016. The workflow phase has stages.
WorkflowStageNameIsRequired Value=35020. The workflow STAGE_NAME is required.
WorkflowStageAtLeastOnePDPIsRequired Value=35021. At least one project detail page is required for the workflow stage.
WorkflowCannotStartWorkflow Value=35100. Cannot start the workflow.
WorkflowStatusCannotUpdateStatus Value=35101. Cannot update the workflow status.
WorkflowOnlyProjectsHaveWorkflow Value=35102. Only projects can have a workflow.
WorkflowNoWorkflowsDefined Value=35103. No workflows are defined.
WorkflowInvalidStageForProject Value=35104. The workflow stage for the project is not valid.
WorkflowNoWorkflowForProject Value=35105. The project does not have a workflow.
WorkflowCheckinRequiredAndProjectNotCheckedin Value=35106. The project must be checked in for the workflow to operate.
WorkflowWaitingForRequiredData Value=35107. The workflow is waiting for required data.
WorkflowFlagCustomFieldsCannotBeRequired Value=35108. A flag custom field cannot be required in a workflow.
WorkflowCannotChangeWorkflow Value=35109. Cannot change the workflow.
WorkflowWorkflowStatusPDPNotAllowed Value=35110. A project detail page for workflow status is not allowed.
WorkflowInvalidWorkflowStatusPDPUid Value=35111. The GUID for the workflow status project detail page is not valid.
WorkflowInvalidStageStatusValue Value=35112. The value of the workflow stage status is not valid. When you set the stage status within the workflow, only the values InProgressRequestSent, InProgressRunning, or InProgressWaiting in Workflow.StageStatus are allowed.
WorkflowCannotCheckinNotify Value=35113. Cannot notify the workflow that the project is checked in.
WorkflowCannotCommitNotify Value=35114. Cannot notify the workflow that the project is committed in the Planner or the Optimizer.
WorkflowExceptionStartingWorkflow Value=35115. There is an error when starting the workflow.
WorkflowStatusPDPMustBeSupplied Value=35116. A project detail page for the workflow status is required.
WorkflowWorkflowProxyAccountNotFound Value=35117. The workflow proxy account is not found.
WorkflowInvalidCurrentStage Value=35118. The current stage of the workflow is not valid.
WorkflowMultipleStagesInProgress Value=35119. There are multiple stages in progress in the workflow.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidEnterpriseProjectTypeUid Value=35200. The ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPE_UID is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotCreateEnterpriseProjectType Value=35201. Cannot create the enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotUpdateEnterpriseProjectType Value=35202. Cannot update the enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotDeleteEnterpriseProjectType Value=35203. Cannot delete the enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotCreateMultipleEnterpriseProjectTypes Value=35204. Cannot create multiple enterprise project types.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotUpdateMultipleEnterpriseProjectTypes Value=35205. Cannot update multiple enterprise project types.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidCreatePDPUid Value=35206. An EPT requires an associated PDP to create a project using the EPT. If the EPT is for a workflow, this error occurs during EPT validation when the PDP is not the Create type. Other PDP types are Normal for editing a project and Workflow Status for showing details of a project related to workflow.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidProjectPlanTemplateUid Value=35207. The ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_PLAN_TEMPLATE_UID is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidWorkspaceTemplateName Value=35208. The ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_WORKSPACE_TEMPLATE_NAME is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidWorkflowAssociationUid Value=35209. The WORKFLOW_ASSOCIATION_UID is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotReadWssSettings Value=35210. Cannot read the SharePoint settings.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotReadWssLanguagesAndTemplates Value=35211. Cannot read the SharePoint languages and site templates.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidDepartmentUid Value=35212. The DEPARTMENT_UID is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidUri Value=35213. The ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPE_UID is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectTypeUriRequiresHttp Value=35214. The enterprise project type URI requires the HTTP protocol.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotDeleteDefault Value=35215. Cannot delete the default enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCannotChangeDefault Value=35216. Cannot change the default enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeHasProjectsCannotDelete Value=35217. Cannot delete an enterprise project type that has projects.
EnterpriseProjectTypeCreatePDPIsRequired Value=35218. An enterprise project template (EPT) for a workflow requires an associated Create type project detail page (PDP) to create a project using the EPT. This error occurs when the PDP is not included in the EPT definition. Other PDP types are Normal for editing a project and Workflow Status for showing details of a project related to workflow.
EnterpriseProjectTypeOnlyOneCreatePDPAllowed Value=35219. The EPT definition allows only one Create type project detail page.
EnterpriseProjectTypeHasWorkflowOnlyCreatePDPAllowed Value=35220. An EPT for a workflow requires an associated Create type PDP to create a project using the EPT. This error occurs when the PDP in the workflow EPT definition is of another type. Other PDP types are Normal for editing a project and Workflow Status for showing details of a project related to workflow.
EnterpriseProjectTypeInvalidData Value=35221. The WorkflowDataSet for the enterprise project type has data that is not valid.
EnterpriseProjectNoDefaultEnterpriseProjectTypeDefined Value=35222. No default enterprise project type is defined.
EnterpriseProjectTypeAtLeastOnePDPIsRequired Value=35223. At least one project details page is required for the enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeWorkflowStatusPDPNotAllowed Value=35224. A project details page for the workflow status is not allowed in the enterprise project type.
EnterpriseProjectTypeProjectHasAssociation Value=35225. The project already has an enterprise project type (EPT); you cannot change the EPT for the project.
InvariantValidationPSIFailed Value=40000. Returned by PWA methods if any private methods return ValidationMethodFailed. Internal use.
ValidationMethodFailed Value=40001. Returned by private PWA methods when they detect database inconsistencies. Internal use.
GeneralExchangeSyncError Value=40500. General error in the Exchange synchronization. Internal use.
ExchangeSyncRootFolderCreationFailed Value=40501. Failed to create the root folder in Exchange synchronization.
ExchangeSyncTaskFolderCreationFailed Value=40502. Failed to create the task folder.
ExchangeSyncCouldNotGetRootFolder Value=40503. Could not get the root folder.
ExchangeSyncCouldNotLoadTaskObject Value=40504. Could not load the task object.
ExchangeSyncNewExchangeTaskCreationFailed Value=40505. Creation of a new task failed in Exchange synchronization.
ExchangeSyncFailedToUpdateCacheForUser Value=40506. Failed to update the Exchange synchronization cache for the user.
ExchangeSyncFailedToUpdateExchangeTask Value=40507. Failed to update the task in Exchange.
ExchangeSyncSubscriptionUpdateFailed Value=40508. Failed to update the Exchange synchronization subscription.
ExchangeSyncEWSUrlFailed Value=40509. The Exchange web service URL failed.
ExchangeSyncExchangeUrlRefreshFailed Value=40510. Failed to refresh the Exchange URL.
ExchangeSyncExchangeSubscriptionUpdateForUserFailed Value=40511. Failed to update the Exchange subscription for the user.
ExchangeSyncGeneralProcessingFailure Value=40512. General processing failure in Exchange synchronization.
ExchangeSyncDeletionOfTasksInExchangeFailure Value=40513. Failed to delete tasks in Exchange synchronization.
ExchangeSyncAttemptedSyncOfInvalidConfiguredResource Value=40514. Tried to synchronize a resource with a configuration that is not valid.
ExchangeSyncRetrievalOfEWSUrlCausedException Value=40515. An exception occurred during retrieval of the Exchange web service.
TimelineViewDataDoesNotExist Value=42000. Data does not exist for the timeline view in Project Web App.
UserDelegationExpired Value=43000. The user delegation has expired.
UserDelegationCannotSelfDelegate Value=43001. Users cannot delegate to themselves.
UserDelegationInvalidDelegate Value=43002. The user delegate is not valid.
UserDelegationInvalidUser Value=43003. The user is not valid for delegation.
UserDelegationInvalidDates Value=43004. The user delegation dates are not valid.
UserDelegationCannotDoubleDelegate Value=43005. Cannot create two delegates.
UserDelegationDelegateCannotLogon Value=43006. The user delegate cannot log on to Project Server.
UserDelegationDelegateIsInactive Value=43007. The user delegate is inactive.
UserDelegationInvalidFilter Value=43008. The user delegate filter is not valid.
UserDelegationUserCannotLogon Value=43010. The user cannot log on to Project Server.
UserDelegationUserIsInactive Value=43011. The user delegate is inactive.
DatabaseUndefinedError Value=50000. The database is not defined.
DatabaseCannotInsertDuplicateKeyError Value=50001. The database cannot insert a duplicate key.
ProjectDetailPagesStrategicImpactRatingRequired Value=32000. A strategic impact rating is required for the project detail page.
ProjectDetailPagesMissingPDPLinks Value=32001. Missing links to the project detail pages.


For more information about finding the causes of errors, and for examples of using the PSErrorID object in ASMX-based and WCF-based applications, see Project Server Error Codes.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library Namespace