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DriverDataSet.DriverRow Members

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Contains a row of driver information.

The DriverDataSet.DriverRow type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CREATED_BY_RES_NAME The name of the resource or user that created the specified driver information.
Public property CREATED_BY_RES_UID The unique identifier of the resource or user that created the specified driver information.
Public property CREATED_DATE The date and time that the specified driver was created.
Public property DRIVER_DESCRIPTION The description of the specified driver.
Public property DRIVER_IS_ACTIVE Indicates whether the driver is currently active.
Public property DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_ANALYSIS Indicates whether the driver is used in one or more analyses.
Public property DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_PRIORITIZATION Indicates whether the driver is currently used in one or more prioritizations.
Public property DRIVER_NAME The name of the specified driver.
Public property DRIVER_UID The unique identifier of the specified driver.
Public property HasErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property ItemArray (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_NAME The name of the resource or user that last modified the data in the specified row.
Public property LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_UID The unique identifier of the resource or user that last modified the data in the specified row.
Public property MOD_DATE The date and time that the data in the specified row was modified.
Public property RowError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property RowState (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Table (Inherited from DataRow.)



  Name Description
Public method AcceptChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method BeginEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method CancelEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method ClearErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Delete (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method EndEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChildRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnsInError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetDriverDepartmentsRows Gets the DriverDepartmentsRow objects.
Public method GetDriverImpactStatementsRows Gets the DriverImpactStatementsRow objects.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetParentRow(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasVersion (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsCREATED_BY_RES_NAMENull Determines whether the CREATED_BY_RES_NAME property is set to a null value.
Public method IsCREATED_BY_RES_UIDNull Determines whether the CREATED_BY_RES_UID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsCREATED_DATENull Determines whether the CREATED_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsDRIVER_DESCRIPTIONNull Determines whether the DRIVER_DESCRIPTION property is set to a null value.
Public method IsDRIVER_IS_ACTIVENull Determines whether the DRIVER_IS_ACTIVE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsDRIVER_IS_USED_IN_ANALYSISNull Determines whether the DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_ANALYSIS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsDRIVER_IS_USED_IN_PRIORITIZATIONNull Determines whether the DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_PRIORITIZATION property is set to a null value.
Public method IsLAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_NAMENull Determines whether the LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_NAME property is set to a null value.
Public method IsLAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_UIDNull Determines whether the LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_UID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsMOD_DATENull Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsNull(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RejectChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetAdded (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(Int32, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(String, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetCREATED_BY_RES_NAMENull Sets the CREATED_BY_RES_NAME property to a null value.
Public method SetCREATED_BY_RES_UIDNull Sets the CREATED_BY_RES_UID property to a null value.
Public method SetCREATED_DATENull Sets the CREATED_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetDRIVER_DESCRIPTIONNull Sets the DRIVER_DESCRIPTION property to a null value.
Public method SetDRIVER_IS_ACTIVENull Sets the DRIVER_IS_ACTIVE property to a null value.
Public method SetDRIVER_IS_USED_IN_ANALYSISNull Sets the DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_ANALYSIS property to a null value.
Public method SetDRIVER_IS_USED_IN_PRIORITIZATIONNull Sets the DRIVER_IS_USED_IN_PRIORITIZATION property to a null value.
Public method SetLAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_NAMENull Sets the LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_NAME property to a null value.
Public method SetLAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_UIDNull Sets the LAST_UPDATED_BY_RES_UID property to a null value.
Public method SetMOD_DATENull Sets the MOD_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetModified (Inherited from DataRow.)
Protected method SetNull (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method GetValue<T> Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)


See Also


DriverDataSet.DriverRow Class

Driver Web Service